THE PROBLEM OF EVIL: The Logical Problem Of Evil Flashcards
What is the Inconsistent Triad?
Started by Mackie
God is all loving, powerful and knowing yet allows evil to exist
What is Humes problem of evil?
God is not omnipotent or omniscient OR God is not omnibenevolent OR Evil doesn’t exist Since evil does exist, then God doesn’t
Who is Mackie?
Australian philosopher and atheist
What is Mackie’s problem of evil?
God is a) omniscient and omnipotent
b) omnibenevolent
c) evil exists so either a) or b) must be logically inconsistent
How does denying Gods omnipotence solve the problem of evil?
He’s not able to control evil and so can’t be to blame for its existence
Preferred solution of process theology (evil is a process within matter that is beyond Gods direct control)
What is wrong with the solution to the problem of evil that denies God’s omnipotence?
Wouldn’t be worthy of worship
Not the God of classical theism
How does denying Gods omnibenevolence solve the problem of evil?
Maybe God doesn’t care about our suffering/causes it
The hope that God is omnibenevolent doesn’t make it true; it’s a matter of faith
What is wrong with the solution to the problem of evil that denies God’s omnibenevolence?
The belief God is good and loving is a support to those who experience evil and is the basis of hope for life in Heaven
How does denying the existence of evil solve the problem of evil?
Proposed by St Augustine
Evil is privatio boni (Latin for privation of good)
Evil doesn’t exist in its own right but is an absence of good
Dark is clearly the absence of light so perhaps evil is just the absence of good- no logical problem to solve
Who is Augustine?
Early Christian theologian and philosopher regarded as one of the most important church fathers in Western Christianity
‘City of God’ and ‘confessions’
What is wrong with the solution to the problem of evil that denies the existence of evil?
Not acceptable
Most people have experienced the power of evil and see it being as tangible as goodness