LIFE AFTER DEATH: Dual Aspect Monism Flashcards
What is dual aspect monism?
There is only one entity
This entity has 2 aspects- the mind and the brain
What is qualia?
A quality as perceived by a person. Without qualia, we wouldn’t be able to know a person’s subjective feelings as we can’t know them by observing atoms or neutrons in the brain
What is the mind in DAM?
The person’s subjective awareness that has qualia. Makes up one part of the self
What is the brain in DAM?
Objective experience. You can put someone in a brain scanner to see its physical state. Makes up one part of the self
What is a quark?
A type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter
Positives of Dual Aspect Monism
- One substance with two aspects avoids the problem with how separate mental and physical substances can interact
- Physics doesn’t make sense without quarks. So, the idea that mind and matter are underpinned by a single, unknown entity isn’t unlikely
What is panpsychism?
The belief that everything material has an element of individual consciousness
How does panpsychism support DAM?
Even the smallest entities have a dual aspect. So, a dual aspect in humans is a development through increasing complexity of self
What is the ‘self’ in DAM?
Has 1st person subjective (mind with self awareness)
Has 3rd person characteristics (controlled by the brain’s states)
Where does DAM leave the soul?
It is redundant because all mental life can be explained as one aspect of one substance