ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD: The Ontological Argument Flashcards
What does deductive mean?
An argument based on premises that make towards a logically necessary conclusion
A priori meaning
Something knowable without reference to sense experience
Analytical meaning
An argument which is true or false based on the definition of its premises
Who is Anselm?
Italian Philosopher and theologian
First devised the ontological argument in parts two and three of ‘the proslogian’
Characteristics of the OA
A priori
What does Anselm say about the definition of god?
‘That than which nothing greater can be conceived’
God is perfect and the greatest being imaginable
Why according to Anselm must god exist in reality?
If he existed only in the mind we could imagine a more perfect god- one that existed in the mind and in reality
Existence alone isn’t enough as that would make god like us. Gods existence is necessary because his existence imposes itself on our thoughts when we think of the word god
What does Anselm say about the fool?
Even the ‘fool’ has the concept of god in their mind in order to reject him
Quote from Psalm 14
Only the fool hath said in his heart that there is no god
What is the reductio ad absurdum argument for the OA?
It’s absurd to say god doesn’t exist
If you say he doesn’t exist you are changing the definition of god for existence is part of his definition as a perfect being
Who is Gaunilo?
Benedictine monk known for his response to Anselm in ‘on behalf of the fool’
Gaunilo quote from on behalf of the fool
An object can hardly or never be conceived according to the word alone
What is Gaulino’s criticism about the fool?
The fool could have loads of made up things in his head
Gossip for instance is unreliable- how should he be able to discern from what is true and false?
What is Gaunilos criticism about not being able to define things into existence?
The lost island can be said to exist in the same format as Anselms argument for god: TTWNGCBC, greater to exist in reality than in the mind. Therefore the LI must exist
The lost island doesn’t exist despite the logical argument claiming it does so how can we trust Anselms version?
What would be Anselms response to Gaunilos lost island?
Islands can only exist contingently (their non existence is always a possibility). But god exists necessarily because only the greatest conceivable being can exist necessarily
An island can’t possess maximal qualities whereas gods supposed properties are Maximal (can’t be more than all powerful)
How does Kant respond to the lost island?
It’s always possible to imagine a greater island
There’s no maximum amount of riches it could have
So the concept of a perfect island is incoherent as you could always make it more perfect
Who is Descartes?
French philosopher
How does Descartes show the necessity for existence to be part of gods essence?
Existence can no more be separated from gods essence than the fact that a triangles 3 angles equal 2 right angles
What is a predicate?
Something that adds to the property of a subject
What is a defining predicate?
A description that is necessary to the concept
Does Rene Descartes describe god as existing?
Yes as existence is a defining predicate of god; it’s inconceivable for Him to not exist
To deny his existence is as absurd as saying ‘the existing such and such does not exist’ (Mackie)
God’s essence includes existence and what belongs to the essence of something can’t be denied of it
Can Descartes’ argument about existence apply to objects affected by time and space?
No, only god can have necessary existence- there can’t be two absolutes
Russell (unicorns) and Maltby (hobbits) try and establish the necessary existence of contingent, fictional objects
How does Kant object to Descartes and predicates?
Existence is assumed and not a predicate; doesn’t tell us anything additional/add to our understanding
Existence doesn’t add to the essence of god as it’s not a property that you can ascribe an item alongside other properties
A god that exists may be more useful but knowing he exists doesn’t add to his essence
How does Kant argue for existence as a synthetic proposition?
Existence has to be proven
Saying god doesn’t exist isn’t a contradiction as unless we assume he exists in the first place we can’t make contradictory statements about it
What are objections to Kant?
Anselm isn’t saying that a denial of god is a contradiction
Instead he is suggesting that the greatest conceivable being can’t exist merely in the mind
Existence is a meaningful predicate when applied to an object which can be conceived of as existing or not existing
What is Alvin Plantinga’s Modal OA?
There’s a possible world in which there exists a being of maximal greatness. A being has maximal greatness only if it exists in every possible world, has omnipotence, omniscience and moral perfection
Therefore there’s a being with such qualities in our world
What is a syllogism?
Deductive argument moving from the general to the specific
What does Russell say about if existence were a predicate?
Then you’d get the syllogism that: men exist, Santa is a man, so Santa exists. Santa is fictional and belongs to a separate category to the men of the first proposition so we’ve misused the word ‘exist’
Existence isn’t a property but an idea e.g. dragons don’t exist. We have an idea of what a dragon means and we know it doesn’t exist- a dRaGonS non existence is an extension of ‘dragon’, not part of the description provided.
What are Gottlob Frege’s predicates?
First order predicates provide info about specific objects
Second order predicates don’t apply to a specific object but a concept
Existence isn’t a first or second order predicate and so can’t be used as a predicate to prove gods existence
Strengths of the OA
Deductive and a priori so if it works it provides absolute proof for God’s existence
Doesn’t rely on human experience- protected from unreliable evidence
Anselms definition of God matches the traditional thoughts about God
Weaknesses of OA
Arguments for existence are empirically based; they need evidence
Humans can’t know or attempt to define God. If we do, we limit him
Positive value of OA for religious faith
Works for those who believe in God as it is rational
Reasoned belief that reinforces belief in
Negative value of OA for religious faith
Fideists think use of rational arguments to find evidence devalues faith
Christian philosopher Barth rejects attempts to prove God through reason- He can only be known through revelation and Anselm never intended for the Proslogian to be used as an argument to prove gods existence through logic. Anselm tries to understand the God he believed in