LIFE AFTER DEATH: Personal existence after death Flashcards
Personal identity as physical: A physicalist would argue that you can’t be a person without your brain
No brain= no memory, personality, no thoughts. The brain retains identity as the neutrons in the cerebral cortex are never replaced/none are added
Personal identity as physical: Physicalists believe to be the same person depends on the spatio temporal continuity of a functioning body and brain
Continuity between the body’s various states over a life time
Personal identity as metaphysical, involving continuity of consciousness
What is real about a person is their unchanged conscious awareness: Campbell illustrates that Big Ben strikes twice- separate events in space-time. The observer is conscious during both strikes so they know the clock has struck 2 and is consciously aware of being the same self as heard the clock strike 1 as now hears it strike 2. Therefore memory is dependent on the ‘I’ being self aware
Personal identity as psychological continuity of personality and memory: The Bundle Theory of identity
Parfit argues against identity depending on some core self that remains the same throughout life. What matters is what Parfit calls ‘Relation R’- psychological connectedness, including memory and personality. You don’t survive death as the same person; you have continuity through ancestors
Physical existence after death: There is no continuing personal existence after death
The body and brain decay after death. Russell: the self is bound up with the brain so it can’t exist after death
Physical existence after death: The Christian concept of resurrection
Resurrection in a bodily form. But, if a body is necessary to be recognised as a person, how would it be possible to establish identity in the re-embodied existence or a rotted body?
Physical existence after death: Hick’s replica theory
The body decays and its atoms become part of other living things so it is not possible for the individual to be resurrected with bodily identity. What is resurrected is a perfect replica which retains the individual’s identity as a mind-body unit in a post-mortem world e.g. Mr X who has a complete set of memories and looks the same
Physical existence after death: Hick’s replica theory does not demonstrate the logical possibility of bodily resurrection
By definition, a replica can’t be the original
God could create more than one replica of a unique individual and each one would have a different consciousness
Physical existence after death: Hick’s replica theory does demonstrate the logical possibility of bodily resurrection
Mr X is a unique mind-body (psychosomatic) unity, so there can only ever be one version of Mr X in existence
Physical existence after death: Problems with Hick’s replica theory
Does the resurrected Mr X get the same body as that which died?
An omnipotent God wouldn’t resurrect humans post-mortem
Unlikely that there could not be more than one replica
Existence of a conscious self after death: Plato’s argument from opposites for the immortality of the soul
In the Phaedo: Everything comes to be from its opposite. Life and death are opposites so in the same way living bodies die, the dead must become living. BUT, Plato uses the example of being awake and asleep but sleep is not the same as death
Existence of a conscious self after death: Plato’s argument from recollection for the immortality of the soul
In the Phaedo: Knowledge is recollection from the WOF. We recollect beacuse our souls were in the WOF. BUT, WOF can’t be proven
Existence of a conscious self after death: Plato’s argument from simplicity for the immortality of the soul
In the Phaedo: The soul is simple, immaterial, unextended. BUT, how can the soul be complex as well?
Existence of a conscious self after death: Swinburne’s light bulb argument
All we need is something to replace the body for the conscious self to continue after death: there exists a material body (electric socket) and a non-material soul (light bulb)
When socket is damaged or switched off, the bulb doesn’t shine. If we destroy the brain, we stop working
We can fix or move the light bulb or socket. Only God can do this though. God would either allow the soul to survive in a disembodied state OR reattach the soul to a new/old body
Existence of a conscious self after death: H. H. Price and disembodied souls
Price’s argument is backed up by parapsychological phenomena
Price believes that the after life is mind based- like a dream where we perform bodily actions
We can survive outside the body
The after life would match the soul’s desires and memories
BUT how will stillborn babies/blind people manipulate images? Are we the same without our body/brains/sense experience?
Existence of a conscious self after death: Reincarnation of the soul
Hinduism: soul enters another body after this life determined by karma. The soul passes from body to body
The self is necessarily embodied but is independent of any one particular embodiment
Support comes from past-life regression (therapist locates the causes of a patient’s present mental stress in a past life) and direct past-life recall (young children remember a different set of parents e.g. Ian Stevenson amassed 1000+ cases of reincarnation)
Existence of a conscious self after death: Objections to reincarnation
Weak research procedures
Cryptomnesia shows that people can remember events when they are actually just forgotten memories that have resurfaced
How could it be established that any individual now living is the same person as a previous incarnation?= belief in the reincarnation of a soul is unverifiable
Existence of a conscious self after death: The structure of Near Death Experiences
Boring Snails Might Feel Insecure Near Elephants
Begins with an out of body experience Seeing a light Moving along a long dark tunnel with the light in the distance Feelings of peace and serenity Instantaneous past life review Need to return to the body Effects how one lives thereafter
Evidence of continuing personal existence after death: Negative interpretations of near death experiences
The experience is understood as a product of the dying brain
NDE is culture and religion specific: Christians won’t see Buddhist figures. The NDE reflects what the person expects to see
By definition, those who remember a NDE didn’t actually die- not evidence for what happens after death
Evidence of continuing personal existence after death: Positive interpretations of near death experiences
We might expect the NDE to be culturally and religiously specific because there would be no point giving a Christian a Buddhist NDE
There are examples of people giving detailed sighted experiences despite having been blind from birth
How does the Bundle Theory prove psychological continuity after death?
On the surface, the theory seems to suggest that there is no deeper level of self that remains the same aside from a psychological connectedness with children and friends
The self is a bundle-a person is an ever changing combination of mental and physical energies. This continuous process of change continues through death
Possibility of psychological continuity: Who is Dennett?
American philosopher
Possibility of psychological continuity: What is Dennett’s functionalist approach to survival?
The information presently stored in the brain could be uploaded onto a different platform, such as a computer:
Your experiences, memories, personality are the ‘program that runs on your brain’s computer’. What can survive is the ‘persistence of the narrative’- the narrative of your experience, memory and personality if it is stored
Possibility of psychological continuity: Quote from Dennett
In ‘a suitably programmed robot … there would be a conscious self whose body was the robot and whose brain was the computer’
Possibility of psychological continuity: Objective immortality
In process theology, God is di-polar- God is in the universe and the universe is in God
This dual aspect must be true of everything in the universe
Therefore all persons are in God
When persons die they are objectively immortal because persons stay forever in the mind of God. They no longer have their own self-conscious states; only God has subjective immortality
This, for some, isn’t worth having because you are not self aware
Possibility of psychological continuity: Subjective immortality
Some process thinkers argue that God can give persons subjective immortality
If this is right, God has the power to to bring it about that the ‘same person’ survives
This does away with a human centred universe