ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD: The Design Argument Flashcards
What does inductive mean?
An argument based on premises that move towards a probable but not logically necessary conclusion. Referred to as ‘personal proofs’
What does synthetic mean?
An argument which isn’t true or false by the definition of its premises; it has to be tested
What does a posteriori mean?
An argument based on the evidence from our observations and experiences of the world
What are the characteristics of the design argument?
A posteriori Analogical Synthetic Inductive Empirical
What is the design argument also referred to as?
The teleological argument
What is the meaning of teleological?
Comes from the Greek ‘telos’ meaning goal or purpose
At best a teleological argument can only show that Gods existence is probable
Looks to end purpose of things
What does empirical mean?
Using evidence of gods existence from the senses
Where can versions of the design argument be traced back to?
As far as the Greek philosopher Plato
The DA is an argument of cause and effect. What does this mean?
It claims that certain phenomena in the world appears to have been caused (designed) in so far as they’re perfectly adapted to fulfil their function (effect)
What does the DA suggest about adaptation?
Such perfect adaptation couldn’t have come into existence by chance
This is the work of an intelligent personal designer
What do supporters of the DA maintain about scientific explanations for the creation and order of the world?
They aren’t complete explanations
They simply point us towards the truth without being the whole story
Only God offers a complete explanation
Richard Swinburne quote from ‘the existence of God’
The universe is characterised by … the conformity of nature to formula
Who is William paley?
An English philosopher
What did William paley put forward in 1802?
An analogy of a watch discovered on a Heath
Paley quote from ‘natural theology’
The watch must have had a maker … who comprehended its construction and designed its use
What are the features of paleys watch?
Has order
Has purpose
Couldn’t have come about by accident unlike a rock
The existence of the watch is proof of a watchmaker
What is the parallel between the watch and the universe?
The universe is intricate in its design such as the molecular structure of ice
The universe couldn’t have come about by accident
The universe is proof of an intelligent designer
What type of creator does paley argue for?
A designing creator
Everything has been designed to fulfil a function
Design qua purpose
The universe appears to have been designed to fulfil a purpose
Bees pollinating flowers
Only creator able to do this is the god of classical theism
Design qua regularity
The universe appears to behave according to some order or rule
Newton’s laws of motion
Only creator able to do this is the god of classical theism
Strengths of the DA
Swinburne says the existence of one omnipotent god is the simplest explanation
Evolution is compatible with it as evolution requires explanation
Evidence of order and purpose in the world
Positive value of the DA for religious faith
Based on empiricism
Consistent with bible teachings
Provides a strong argument for theists as it’s likely
Negative value of the DA for religious faith
The claims go beyond experience (leap of faith)
Sola fide. Fideists believe rational arguments have no role in faith
Problem of evil; why would god design a world like this?
David Hume quote from ‘dialogues concerning natural religion’
Humans being compared to God implies that His creation is ‘only the first rude essay of some infant deity’
According to David Hume what is the problem with anthropomorphising god?
Removes his divine distinctiveness that the believe surely wants to preserve
Emphasises gods limitedness, changeability and fallibility
Doesn’t support the view that a single deity of infinite capacity creates the universe with a benevolent interest in His creatures
What does David Humes epicurean hypothesis state?
The world is more like a self regulating organism
Chaotic matter can fall into order if its own accord without the need for design
According to David Hume why is there a tenuous connection between nature and human works?
Humans can’t produce anything like the marvels of nature
Better analogy would be with a vegetable or animal which is compatible with sciences findings that the universe is in a permanent state of development and decay not unchangeable order
What were F. R. Tennant’s arguments developed in response to?
The challenge that evolutionary theory posed to Christian ideas about creation
Tennant quote
‘Nature is saturated with beauty’
What is tennants aesthetic argument?
Humans have an ability to appreciate beauty
This aesthetic sense isn’t necessary for survival so can’t be a result of natural selection
What is tenants anthropic argument?
Evolution can be seen as he means by which the designer has employed to develop the universe
The odds on the universe coming about by chance are so high to render it virtually impossible
Quote from Polkinghorne
‘Rational order and beauty is an expression of a divine mind’
What features of the world for tennant suggest the existence of a designer god?
The world can be analysed in a rational way; intelligent beings can detect the workings of an intelligent mind
The inorganic world has provided the basic necessities required to sustain life
The progress of evolution towards the emergence of intelligent human life- human life is the culmination of gods plan
What does Richard Swinburne argue in support of the DA?
The universe fitting perfectly for the development of human life is what would be expected from a loving creator
God is the best explanation for this creator because the universe is providential
Features of design: miracles, regularity of copresence and succession, perspective of probability
Is it possible to argue that god created the laws which govern natural selection?
Through them humans and animals would evolve