What is the problem of evil?
Uses the existence of evil in the world to argue that an Omni God does not exist
What types of arguments can the P.O.E take form as?
What is the logical problem of evil?
A logical deductive argument. J.L Mackie: Evil and Omnipotence
He puts statement in order which logically contradict each other.
- God is omnipotent
- God is omnibenevolent
- Evil exists
Explain how the inconsistent triad works
Within the triad, only two of the statements can exist with one another. God is describes as all powerful and loving, if he was then he would have the intention and power to get rid of evil. Therefore he does not exist
Responses - Good cannot exist without evil
And Mackies response,
Without evil, good cannot exist. Mackie questions the statement, using the example of
‘a red world’. If everything was red, then we wouldn’t have a word for it, but everything would still be red, even though we don’t know it.
what is moral evil
physical and mental suffering brought about the intentional and willing actions of people.
what natural evil
physical and mental suffering brought about by natural events. One which does not originate in human action or agency.
what is the connection between god and natural evil
moral evil is from an agency
natural evil emerges from natural processes
god is an agency, who created natural processes
Plantingas criticism of the logical problem of evil
disagrees with the claim that believers think that god will eliminate evil completely. there may be a greater good for which evil is necessary
what is the evidential problem of evil
the sheer amount of evil in the world counts against the existence of god. Much of this evil does not lead to a greater good.
-there is an intense amount of suffering in the world which could have been prevented without sacrificing the greater good
- an omni god would prevent this
-therefore god does not exist
critic of of evidential
rejects p1, having consistent laws of nature is greater good than having god consistently interfere in the world
to prevent pain and suffering.
st aug the free will defence
god created a perfect world
gave ppl free will
we used it to do evil
came from the greater good.