The Pharmacy Contract Essential And Advanced Services Flashcards
What services/ commissioned services do pharmacies offer ?
- essential services
- locally commissioned services
- advanced services
- community pharmacist consultation service
- essential facts, stats and quotes
- seasonal flu vaccination service
- commissioners portal
- services database
- new medicine service (NMS)
What is a commissioned service ?
One that is payed for
Which are the different routes which locally commissioned services can be contracted ?
local authorities, Health Boards (Wales), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs - England) and local NHS England teams.
What essential services are offered by all pharmacy contractors as part of the NHS community pharmacy contractual framework (‘the pharmacy contract’) ?
- dispensing medicines
- dispensing appliances
- repeat dispensing
- clinical governance
- discharge medicines service
- public health (promotion of healthy lifestyle)
- signposting
- support for self care
- disposal of unwanted medicines
What will pharmacy teams do under the repeat dispensing service ?
- dispense repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by a GP;
- ensure that each repeat supply is required; and
- seek to ascertain that there is no reason why the patient should be referred back to their GP.
When is repeat dispensing/ electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) used ?
For chronic illness that can’t be cure, but can be managed
What us clinical governance ?
It is “a framework through which NHS organisations are accountable for continually improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish”.
What are some examples of clinical governance ?
- use of SOPs - standard operating procedures: recording, reporting and learning from adverse incidents.
- participation in continuing processional development and clinical audit.
- assessing patient satisfaction.
What are the components of the process for quality improvement ?
1) patient and public involvement
2) clinal audit
3) risk management
4) clinical effectiveness
What are the main components for the process of staff focus ?
- staffing and staff management
- education, training and CPD
What is the main component for using information ?
- use of information to support clinical governance and healthcare delivery
How will the NHS DMS (discharge medicines service) benefit the patient ?
The NHS DMS will help patients get the maximum benefits from new medicines they’ve been prescribed by giving them the opportunity to ask questions to pharmacists and ensuring any concerns are identified as early as possible.
- this referral is a digital process.
What is the benefit of the DMS (discharge medicines service) on the extended health acre system ?
It is part of the Health Secretary’s ‘Pharmacy First’ approach to ease wider pressures on A&Es and GP.
The provision of opportunistic healthy lifestyle advice and public health advice is given to patients receiving prescriptions who appear to have …
- diabetes
- be at risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), especially those with higher BP
- who smoke
- are overweight
Give an outline of the service: prescription linked intervention …
- Pharmacists and their staff will give opportunistic advice to people presenting prescriptions.
- The advice is given verbally, but may be backed up by written information.
- A record of the advice given is made on the patient’s pharmacy record.
- Pharmacy contractors have systems in place to ensure that appropriate advice is given to patients.
Outline why this service is given: campaign based service …
The pharmacy provides this service to its primary care organisations (PCO) for up to 6 campaigns per year.
Give a service outline for the disposal of unwanted medicines …
Service outline:
- Community pharmacies act as a collection point for the public’s unwanted medicines.
- Returned medication are stored in UN type containers provided by the waste disposal contractor.
- Returned solid medicines/ ampoules, liquids and aerosols are separated.
- Pharmacy contractors should ensure that their staff are made aware of the risk associated with the handling of waste medicines.
- Appropriate protective equipment, including gloves, overalls and materials to deal with spillage, must be readily available close to the storage site.
What is signposting ?
The provision of information to people visiting the pharmacy, who require further support, advice or treatment which cannot be provided by the pharmacy, on other health and social care providers or support organisations who may be able to assist the person.
What is support for self care ?
The provision of advice and support by pharmacy staff to enable people to derive maximum benefit from caring for themselves or their families.
Outline the service “support for self care” given by pharmacies …
- Pharmacy staff provide advice to people, including carers, requesting help with the treatment of minor illness and long-term conditions, including general information and advice on how to manage illness.
- Pharmacy staff advise on the appropriate use of the wide range of non-prescription medicines which can be used in the self-care of minor illness and long-term conditions.
- Pharmacy staff make healthy lifestyle interventions opportunistically when appropriate.
- Pharmacy staff receive self-care referrals from NHS Direct and HCPs.
- Pharmacy staff signpost patients to other health and social care providers.
- For patients known to the pharmacy staff, records of advice given, products purchased or referrals made are made on a patient’s pharmacy record when the pharmacist deems it to be of clinical significance.
List the advanced services carries out by pharmacies …
- appliance use review (AUR)
- flu vaccine service
- community pharmacist consultation service (CPCS)
- hepatitis C testing service
- hypertension case-finding service
- pandemic delivery service
- c-19 lateral flow device distribution service
- new medicine service (NMS)
- stoma appliance customization (SAC)
- stop smoking advances service
What is an SOP (standard operating procedure) ?
Steps to carry out a task correctly.
How do AURs (appliance use review) improve the patients knowledge and use of any appliance ?
- Establishing the way the patient uses the appliance;
- Identifying, discussing and assisting in the resolution of poor or ineffective use of the appliance by the patient;
- Advising the patient on the safe and appropriate storage of the appliance;
- Advising the patient on the safe and proper disposal of the appliances that are used or unwanted.
Why is the community pharmacist consultation service (CPCS) service important ?
The service connects patients who have a minor illness or need an urgent supply of a medicine with a CP.
What does the CPCS aim to do (community pharmacist consultation service) ?
The CPCS aims to relieve pressure on the wider NHS by connecting patients with CP, which should be their first port of call and can deliver a swift, convenient and effective service to meet their needs.
What are the 4 priority services in the community pharmacist consultation service (CPCS) ?
1-common ailments
2-emergency contraception 3-emergency medicine supply
4-seasonal flu jabs
combined in a single, national Clinical Community Pharmacy Service (CCPS).
When did community pharmacies start providing flu vaccinations under the nationally commissioned service ?
Since September 2015
If any of the following apply to you, even if you feel healthy, you are more likely to get complications from flu if you catch it, and you are advised to have a flu vaccine if:
- You are pregnant
- You are aged 50 or over
- You have a long term health condition that puts you at - increased risk from flu
- You live in a care home
What groups are advised to have the flu vaccine to both protect them and the people around them ?
- Children aged two and three years old (age on 31 August 2021)
- Children and young people in school years Reception to Year 11
- Carers
- People working directly with patients/clients in health or social care
- Those who live with someone who has a compromised immune system
What dosage form of the flu vaccine will most children and younger patients receive ?
And what age can this be given from ?
- Most children and young people will get a nasal spray vaccine as this is the best flu vaccine for them. It is a fine mist sprayed up the nose.
- can be given from the age of two.
When was the C-19 lateral flow device distribution service set up ?
What was the aim of this service ?
Does this service still exist ?
- set up at the end of march 2021
- aims to improve access to COVID-19 testingby making lateral flow device (LFD) test kits readily available at community pharmaciesfor asymptomatic people, to identify COVID-positive cases in the community and break the chain of transmission.
- this service no longer exists
When was the CP hepatitis C antibody testing service added to the CP contractual framework ?
- CPCF was added in 2020
What is the main focus of the hepatitis C testing service ?
The service is focused on provision of point of care testing (POCT) for Hepatitis C (Hep C) antibodies to people who inject drugs (PWIDs), i.e. individuals who inject illicit drugs, e.g. steroids or heroin, but who haven’t yet moved to the point of accepting treatment for their substance use. Where people test positive for Hep C antibodies, they are referred for a confirmatory test and treatment, where appropriate.
What are the two stages of the hypertension case-finding service ?
The service has two stages:
1) The first stage is identifying people at risk of hypertension and offering them blood pressure measurement (a ‘clinic check’).
2) The second stage, where clinically indicated, is offering 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The blood pressure test results are then shared with the patient’s GP to inform a potential diagnosis of hypertension.
- contractors providing this have to undertake both stages of it.
- only provided by pharmacists unless other staff are under pharmacist supervision
What conditions are eligible for the New Medicine Service (NMS) ?
The conditions eligible for the service are:
• asthma and COPD
• diabetes (Type 2)
• hypertension
• hypercholesterolaemia
• osteoporosis
• gout
• glaucoma
• epilepsy
• Parkinson’s disease
• urinary incontinence/retention
• heart failure
• acute coronary syndromes
• atrial fibrillation
• long term risks of venous thromboembolism/embolism
• stroke / transient ischemic attack
• coronary heart disease
What does the New medicine service provide ?
This service provides support to people who are newly prescribed a medicine to manage a long term condition, which will generally help them to appropriately improve their medication adherence and self-manage their condition.
What is the aim of the stoma appliance customization service (SAC) ?
- Theaim of the service is to ensure proper use and comfortable fitting of the stoma appliance and to improve the duration of usage, thereby reducing waste.
- The stoma appliances that can be customised are listed in Part IXC of the Drug Tariff.
What are essential services ?
Essential Services are services which are offered by all pharmacy contractors as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (the ‘pharmacy contract’).
What are locally commissioned services ?
Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via different commissioners.
What are advanced services ?
Advanced services (pharmacy and appliance contractors (Wales)): The Medicine Use Review and Prescription Intervention Service (MUR), New Medicine Service (NMS), Stoma Customisation and Appliance Use Review.
List the enhanced services …
- Primary Care Covid-19 Immunisation Service
- Accreditation Pathwaysfor Pharmacists starting to practice in Wales
- Accreditation process for Enhanced Services in Wales from April 2018
- Address to send Pharmacy and Pharmacist Listing forms for Enhanced Services
- Care Home Support National Enhanced Service
- Emergency Hormonal Contraception
- Enhanced Services Availability and Accreditation Requirements
- Fees for National Enhanced services
Independent Prescribing
What are enhances services offered by community pharmacies in wales ?
- National Stop Smoking Service
- Needle and Syringe Supply
- Patient Sharps Service
- Pivotell
- Respiratory Service 2019 – National Enhanced Service
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Service
- Sore Throat Test and Treat
- Substance Misuse Services
- Services and Claims Summary
- National Just In Case pack service
The what is the service aim for the enhances service “national stop smoking service” ?
Provide one to one behavioural support and advice to smokers who are motivated to give up smoking, taking advantage of the accessibility and convenience of community pharmacies
What are the service outcomes for the enhances service “national stop smoking service” ?
- Improved choice of NHS stop smoking services and increased access to appropriate pharmacotherapy to support quitting;
- Reduction in the number of people smoking, through provision of successful smoking cessation support through community pharmacies.
Define an essential service …
these are the nationally set, mandatory services that community pharmacies must provide as part of their contract with the NHS if they are to operate providing NHS services. It includes the dispensing of medicines and medical appliances, the disposal of unwanted or spare medicines, advising patients on self-care, providing advice on healthy living and providing medicines support following a hospital discharge
Define an advanced service …
these are optional services that pharmacies can choose to provide. They are nationally set and specified, and the option to provide them is open to all community pharmacies, provided they meet certain minimum requirements. The advanced services currently commissioned through the contract framework include flu vaccination, theNew Medicine Service, and the recently developedCommunity Pharmacist Consultation Service.
Define an enhanced service …
these are optional services such as anticoagulation services that used to be commissioned by primary care trusts. Since the abolition of primary care trusts, only NHS England can commissionenhanced services. At present this route is not often used as most areas use locally commissioned services to commission these types of optional services.