Quality Of Life Flashcards
WHOQOL-BREF (world health organization quality if life brief )
- Physical
- Psychological
- Social
- Environment
Impacts on physical health …
- Activites of daily living
- dependence on medical substances and medical aids
- energy and fatigue
- mobility
- pain and discomfort
- sleep and rest
- work capacity
Impacts on Psychological side …
-Bodily image and appearance
-Negative feelings
-Positive feelings
-Spirituality / Religion / Personal beliefs
-Thinking, learning, memory and concentration
Impacts on social relationships …
-Personal relationships
-Social support
-Sexual activity
Impacts on the environment …
- Financial resources
- Freedom, physical safety and security
- Health and social care: accessibility and quality
- Home environment
- Opportunities for acquiring new information and - skills
- Participation in and opportunities for recreation / - - - leisure activities
- Physical environment (pollution / noise / traffic / climate)
- Transport
Dijkers’s model of quality of life :
- social standards and priorities
- achievements
- individual expectations and priorities
Objective evaluations …
Societal standards and priorities e.g standards and values
Subjective evaluations and reactions …
Achievements and individual expectations and priorities, benefit the individual.
Generic measures :
E.g. EQ-5D, Short Form 36 (SF-36) ,Nottingham Health Profile, The Sickness Impact Profile (SIP)
Wide variety of populations
+ Usually a single instrument
+ Established reliability and validity
+ Allow comparison between conditions or interventions
- Do not focus on area of interest
- May not be responsive
Disease specific measures;
E.g. The Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire
Focus on problems associated with specific diseases, patient groups or areas of function
+ Clinically sensible
+ May be more responsive than generic instruments
- Do not allow comparison between conditions
- Limited in terms of populations and conditions
-Most widely used generic PRO questionnaire internationally
-It is the instrument recommended by NICE
-Asks patients to indicate whether they have no, some, or extreme problems on each of five dimensions of health:
-Usual activities
What are we doing as pharmacists?
1) Monitoring the health system and identification of health problems
2) Diagnosing and exploring health problems and health hazards in the community
3) Notify and educate people about health problems
4) Mobilise partnerships, identify, and solve health problems in the community
5)Develop policies and plans that support individual and social health efforts
6) Implementing laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
7) To provide basic health-care services and to provide health care when it is inaccessible
8) Evaluate relevant public health and own health-care strengths
9) Assess the efficiency, availability, and quality of health services
10) Research new insights and innovative solutions to health problems.
Some potential patient concerns …
- Should I really take the medicine?
- My doctor said the medicine would be good for me, but how can he be so sure?
- How are the benefits and risk of a medicine researched?
Some personal things to consider …
- Personal situation
- How to take the medicine
- Preferences for treatment and expectations
- Coping with side effects
- Benefits
- Age
- Sexual activity
Some professional things to consider …
- Life expectancy
- Frailty
- Time to benefit
- Net benefit
- Magnitude of benefit
- Risk vs. benefit
Consideration of alternative approaches;
- Lifestyle change(s)
- Self care (OTC medicines)
- Non-pharmacological options
May have to agree to treatment target with patient and/ or their carer …
Examples include:
- Primary prevention
- Symptom control for acute problems
- Outcome expected
- Stopping criteria
- Required tests
Pros of EQ-5D …
- Are short and easy to complete
- Has been used in a wide range of conditions and populations
- Available in over 200 languages
- Valid, reliable and responsive