the person of jesus (4) Flashcards
4th/5th century councils
Jesus had been identified as fully human and fully God which would give him authority far beyond radical preacher
examples of jesus not being divine
he wept, he didnt know who touched him in a crowd, tempted by the Devil and prayed not to undergo death. but he must have been aware of his ability to perform miracles.
magicians in the Old Testament
Jesus was a known miracle worker, but there were other magicians. They likely performed ‘wonders’ people could not understand. However, Jesus’ miracles were not to draw attention to himself.
key points about miracles
- Jesus healed outcasts and foreigners as well as Jews
- the Gospels are the only place the miracles are documented- 35 years post death
- Jesus’ miracles included forgiveness of sins
impacts all of the religion: calvin wanted the Bible to be read this way. The Gospels make it clear it is the same person, but in a heavenly body.
promises of the resurrection
proves Jesus was divine, promises to people the kingdom of God, some theologians think of it as symbolic as Paul’s letters do not refer to an empty tomb
Jesus thought he was divine
- Luke 2, ‘Didn’t you know I had to be in my father’s house’
- Paul’s letters, earliest part if NT, Jesus was divine
- Jesus didnt want to overwhelm his followers and kept it a secret. ‘Messanic secret’ Mark 1:43
Jesus DIDNT think he was divine
- we cannot use the Bible to say jesus is divine as it was written by humans
- clearest claim of Jesus’ divinity come from John Gospel, which were written as late 100 AD
- Jesus clearly understood himself as a prophet. The OT makes no suggestion that the prophet would be divine so why would JC think that
‘teacher of wisdom’
at the time a spiritual obligation. wisdom was about restoring balance to society. John claims Jesus brings wisdom and creation into the world.
characteristics of wisdom teachers
- offer a completely new way into life, JC gave an account on how to live
- teaches about morals, JC put morality first
- wisdom put people first
Jesus’ teachings
- repentence. JC was concerned w societal relationships. Mark 5:23, JC taught reconcilliation must come before worship and we mist forgive 70 X 7 times in Matthew 18:21
- inner purity and moral motivation, JC criticised the authorities who were more concerned with appearence. Luke 18:9 tax collector and Pharisee.
Jesus was only a teacher of wisdom
- Jesus may have been a rabbi who came to shake up Jewish practises.
- some reject all aspects of the Gospels that have supernatural elements, left is a teacher
- miracles can be rejected as can resurrection
Jesus was NOT only a teacher of wisdom
- some might argue that it is wrong to say JC was a teacher because it loses sight of central function of salvation
- cant box an individual into one category. JC had far more authority.
- he taught about too many things to narrow it down into one category
main religious groups with Jesus
Romans- conquering nation
Pharisees- majority of Jews but too into Old Testament
Zealots- small group that wanted to overthrow Romans.
Jesus being anti authority
Luke 11:37, critised the Pharisees for getting their priorities wrong as well as scribes for getting his word wrong
Kingdom of God
a future where God will rule, a political statement as it suggested power will be taken away from the authority.
Tax collectors
Jesus welcomed them as followers, at the time they were a symbol of the gov and corruption
Jesus was no more than a political leader
- ‘politics’ used to refer to both political ad religous freedom
- Jesus liberated people because of society and politics
- Jesus relationship with the authorities what ended up killing him
quotes about Jesus as the messiah
“a saviour has been born to you”
“he is the messiah”
Christians see JC as the moment God became human and decided to start a relationship between the two
Jesus was more than a political leader
- Jesus the liberator was not all about politics- more badly interpreted religious politics
- JC liberated humans first, freeing outcasts and sin
- not classified as simply a liberator
Jesus prayer
Matthew 14:23 he took himself off to communicate
Matthew 26:39 he prayed not to have to undergo crucifixition
John’s gospel
includes 7 miracles and 7 great narratives, not like other gospels and wanted to teach tehologians. begins with prologue which echos genesis and shows christians will shine thru.
‘I am’
in John’s gospel. They link back to the same phrase being used in OT to mean God, they reveal thing about him.
Jesus relationship with God very special
- the early Gospels downplay Jesus’ divinity, if it was true more would be said
- taught people to call God ‘Abba’ meaning Dad, rather than father
- If Jesus had anything more then he would have taught his followers to not follow him as impossible
Jesus’ relationship with God truly unique
- By the end of the century Jesus’ divinity assumed, early christian idea
- Jesus’ miracles demonstrate power of God coming over Jesus
- Jesus forgave sins in a way only God could
Mark 6:47-52 (Son of God)
account of JC walking on water explained by the fact it was dark and sea is foggy and disciples may have been confused. When Jesus got in the boat the wind died down, two miracles. “It is I” (verse 50), not the same way John does but still divine. Also references the previous passage where JC fed 5000, didnt recognise it.
John 9:1-41 (Son of God)
JC gave sight to a blind man and spoke about how he brought light into world. Pharisees wanted to explain this away, as Jesus worked on Sabbath. verse 22, people who acknowledged JC as messiah kicked out of synagogue. Jesu tries to back up his actions with teaching, Jesus accuses Pharisees of being blind to this.
Matthew 5:17-48 (teacher of wisdom)
5:17-20, JC said he didnt come to ‘do away’ tradition but to make his followers more holy
5:27-32, JC tightens up divorce parameters
5:38-48, JC taught to be the bigger person and love your enemies
Luke 15:11-32 (teacher of wisdom)
The prodigal son begins with son’s demand for a share of the estate (wishing his father dead). The son wastes the money to a point of shame and realises he has done wrong and decides to seek forgiveness as a servant. The father is v forgiving and older brother jealousy out aside. Message is obvious, absoloute forgiveness also dont be jealous of those returning to God.
Mark 24-34 (liberator)
bleeding woman unable to take part in public worship. she knows to be ehaled she needs to touch Jesus’ cloak. Jesus’ knew his power had been used and consoled the woman and sends her off in peace. God will always welcome those who come to him.
Luke 10:25-37 (Liberator)
Parable of the good Samaritan. JC interpretation of law different from typical. Samaritans seen as worse than Gentiles as betrayed Jew ancestors. The story having honourable Samaritans crazy. people didnt want to touch bleeding man as make unclean (priest) but the Samaritan did and cared. challenges people to get their priorities right.