death and the afterlife (2) Flashcards
Matthew 25:31-46 (Sheep and goats)
“All the nations will be gathered before him”
people will be divided based on whether they deserve to go to heaven ‘sheep’ and ‘goats’ who dont.
they are blessed because they looked after the hungry, the poor.
what can we know from matthew 25:31
The parable teaches that it is what people do and not their faith that gets them into heaven.
In the parable it is clear that the time of judgement is unknown and it could be any time.
final/particular judgement
final: some christians believe that death is sleeping whilst we wait for final judgement
particular: Catholics teach this. we are judged at the moment of death
Augustine and Calvin
Calvin thought dead were consious whilst they waited for judgement
Augustine thought souls were judged immediatley and they are glorified in same flesh
God’s judgement takes place immediatley after death
- Biblical evidence for God welcoming people immediately into heaven, Lazarus Luke 16:19
- it doesnt make sense for judgement to be delayed
- if heaven and hell arent literal places then it makes no sense for there to be a wait
God’s judgement takes place at the end of time
-majority of biblical evidence seems to delay judgement until after death, book of revelation says trumpet on last day
- we need our bodies for reward and they decay, there must be a moment when all resurrect
- time means something different after death, sleep until existence
quotes on hell
eternal fire (Mark 9:43), weeping (Matthew 22:13)
modern church and hell
most christians still believe in this idea of torture, some believe this is pyschological
CS Lewis
considers Hell an eternal seperation from God, he said this would be punishment enough. Catholics say Hell is a place that people go to for actively rejecting God
inifinite punishment
many christians struggle with the idea that a finite God would cause infinite punishment. some believe this should be proportionate.
spiritual state
some say Hell is a place for the soul. langauge of the bible is symbolic and Hell is too. by focusing too much on literal you lose track of real message.
Hell as a symbol
symbol of a person’s life on earth. if that person has a guilty consious that will be faced with Jesus on judgement day. approaching it this way ephasises the pyschological power that punishment has on peoples decisions.
Hell is eternal
- both Bible and Church speak of Hell as eternal
- makes sense that people who are aware of Jesus’ way should be held account if live badly
- people cannot be given an ultimate number of chances to improve
Hell is NOT eternal
- some argue that those who dont get into heaven are just extinugished after punishment
- as you cannot experience punishment outside of time
- many reject hell as God wouldnt punish, especially babies who may die and go to Hell
new testament heaven
It is where we will be see God face-to-face (Corinthians 13:12), place of eternal reward (Luke 16)