augustine's teachings on human nature (1) Flashcards
Genesis 1:2
God created the perfect world and made humans in his “image and likeness” (genesis 1:26). adam and eve were harmonious and were stewards of creation, they lived in complete obedience to God
genesis harmony
between human body, human will and reason
Genesis 3 (the Fall)
Eve eats the fruit and gives some to Adam, they become aware of being naked and hide. God asks them what they did and punishes women by childbirth pains and ruled over by husband and men have to work hard. banished.
augustine and the fall
thought it was a turning point for humanity where harmony in the garden and body was lost. augustine sees their naked awarness as the start of lust- selfish love that overtake generous.
augustine’s teachings on the historical fall is WRONG
- doesnt make sense to say adam and eve were tempted because they should be prfect
- textual analysis suggests genesis has different authors
- evidence from evolution discredits genesis account in its entirety
augustine’s teachings on the historical fall is RIGHT
- Christians find it useful because explain show things are and the emergence of lust
- the fall, if understood literally, challenges God’s nature
- the influence on christianity is so far reaching that must have some weight
original sin
idea that with the first sin all humans have been tainted and deserve the same punishment as adam and eve.
humans inclination to sin and lust, augustine believes this now rules human reason and choose our own selfish reason.
protestants and the fall
believe it has completely corrupted nature and cannot be dealt with by people alone, believe concupsience is a sin itself- catholics believe it causes sin.
paul and augustine concupisence
he is driven to make the wrong choices because of it. augustine himself was effected by sexual freedom.
‘double death’
augustine’s idea : first death seen in relationships that were destroyed in the fall and second death is the one we go on by being mortal
augustine’s teachings on original sin WRONG
- even if the fall true, unfair for humans today to be effected by our actions from so long ago
- it is rooted in his personal struggle with sex and relationships
- demonstrates how humans have merged from many ancestors so cannot come from sin
augustine’s teachings on original sin right
- idea of concupisnce links well with our experience of temptation
- physical desires being in control of us chared by some pyschologists
- original sin explains why God allows humans to commit atrocities but still remains a God of love
rejected the idea that christians are free, ended up with predestination. this leaves people powerless and hope God has expressed his grace
God’s grace
a free gift of love to underserving humanity. God’s grace is shown in the death of Jesus the ‘second tree’ that caused forgiveness.