The Penderwicks Flashcards
I went to the zoo and I saw an anteater, a buffalo, and a cangaroo.
The Penderwicks
This trip should have taken an hour and a half, and already they’d been on the road for three.
The Penderwicks
Your tomatoes look delicious, but what I really need is directions.
The Penderwicks
It was all a cottage is supposed to be, small and snug, with a front porch, pink climbing roses, and lots of trees for shade.
The Penderwicks
It was a tunnel, carefully hidden behind a clump of tall wildflowers and just the right size for going through on all fours.
The Penderwicks
Excuse me, said the boy with great dignity. My mother’s calling me and you’re in my way.
The Penderwicks
Then one of us has to apologize for you, for the family honor.
The Penderwicks
And practical people, she thought, shouldn’t go all silly and forgetful around handsome teenage boys.
The Penderwicks
And then I’d ask you to have pity on motherless girls brought up without a woman’s gentle influence, which doesn’t really count, because our father is gentle, but I thought it sounded good.
The Penderwicks
This gave her a chance to do some research for her book.
The Penderwicks
Well, you won’t be lonely for the next three weeks, because we’ll be here.
The Penderwicks
So she went upstairs to her neat white bedroom, pulled her math book out of her suitcase, and forgot all about the cookies.
The Penderwicks
One of his favorite sayings was, Take a walk, clear your head.
The Penderwicks
She crept out from behind the bush and over to the gate and put her eye to a knothole.
The Penderwicks
The king of the field, the bull, sauntered out into the sunshine and proudly surveyed his realm.
The Penderwicks
Their hearts laid bare by the near loss of a loved one, the two enemies declared a truce.
The Penderwicks
Something in her tiny rabbit brain had recognized the presence of a kindred spirit in the room.
The Penderwicks
Music is what I really want to do.
The Penderwicks
By taking in seams and adding tucks, I can make these dresses look like they were designed for you three.
The Penderwicks
Walking down that long room behind her back was nothing to doing it under her gaze.
The Penderwicks
She hated it when untrustworthy people made promises they wouldn’t keep.
The Penderwicks
They had escaped as soon as they could, which meant not until they had finished dinner and birthday cake.
The Penderwicks
A country club fit for kings
The Penderwicks
Whenever I try, she starts talking about how wonderful my grandfather was and how much I remind her of him.
The Penderwicks
She knew hearing bad things about yourself is one of the punishments for eavesdropping.
The Penderwicks
Do you know they allow boys to start as young as eleven?
The Penderwicks
In the meantime, she would work hard and write the best book she could.
The Penderwicks
All of that about the yard stretching to where the rabbits lived and maybe she could go by herself - wrong, wrong, wrong.
The Penderwicks
That’s right, you shouldn’t have, like you shouldn’t be here in my gardens.
The Penderwicks
But this was his something-is-not-right-in-my-world bark.
The Penderwicks
He leapt right into them, and the two tumbled to the ground and rolled over and over in a frenzy of joyful reunion.
The Penderwicks
Satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum.
The Penderwicks
As I was saying, in some cultures it’s believed that when a person saves someone from death, he or she forever owns a part of that someone’s soul.
The Penderwicks
They shot lots of rubber-tipped arrows, they practiced soccer, they even played hide-and-seek when desperate, until finally the competition day itself arrived.
The Penderwicks
A pair of navy blue high heels and, a little higher up, a white pleated linen skirt with a bit of crushed pink jasmine clinging to the hem.
The Penderwicks
Her face was dreadful to see - the fury, humiliation, and frustration, it was all there - but she was silent
The Penderwicks
How’s the competition going?
The Penderwicks
An urn now full of glorious, lush, blooming pink jasmine.
The Penderwicks
This twine is keeping the ladder rolled up in the tree.
The Penderwicks
The family - her mother’s! - honor was at stake, and she had to defend the people she loved the best.
The Penderwicks
She ran along the hedge, plunged through the tunnel, raced around the marble thunderbolt man, and came to a sudden halt, struck by the beauty of the place.
The Penderwicks
I needed some air, so I took a walk, fell into the lily pond, and hit my head on a rock.
The Penderwicks
I showed him my new book, and he told me the truth.
The Penderwicks
He was wearing his camouflage hat and a backpack and was carrying a bow.
The Penderwicks
Where are your wings?
The Penderwicks
It was even more horrible than I’d thought it would be
The Penderwicks
Her hair was sticking up in strange places, and she was wearing bedroom slippers and an old raincoat over her nightgown.
The Penderwicks
There was only a golf bag in his bed and this note
The Penderwicks
I’ll tell her that all I know so far is that he’s safe and that I’ll cal her after I’ve tortured the whole truth out of my children.
The Penderwicks
It’s between him and his mother now.
The Penderwicks
The sisters took turns watching out the window for him, but he never came, and he never called.
The Penderwicks
Four heads turned to watch the yellow cottage disappear slowly into the trees.
The Penderwicks
Good-bye, secret passage in the closet.
The Penderwicks
And there he was at her window, in his Red Sox cap, friendly and cheerful and just the same as always.
The Penderwicks
Thanks for all the plant talks
The Penderwicks
He cut through the hedge to the cottage in case you hadn’t left and sent me this way in case you had - and here he comes.
The Penderwicks
So we talked and then she cried, and we talked and she cried and that went on forever.
The Penderwicks
She said I’m allowed to take a music class at the conservatory!
The Penderwicks
Yes, he said good-bye for now.
The Penderwicks