The Amelia Six Flashcards
Adventure is worthwhile in itself.
The Amelia Six
I wouldn’t think about how late we’d be, or how weird it would look to show up in a turkey truck.
The Amelia Six
I wished I could send her a postcard to let her know.
The Amelia Six
Also they have grown accustomed to me, and cling around my unconventional nose more effectively than new ones.
The Amelia Six
Tell those kid to stop snooping, or else.
The Amelia Six
It held an older computer and a stack of papers.
The Amelia Six
Dad would say it was pride in my preparation.
The Amelia Six
There was also a small kitchenette with a mini fridge, stove, and sink.
The Amelia Six
I’m not sure we should be here. We could get caught.
The Amelia Six
Even with her layers of outwear and combat boots, I sensed she was athletic and strong.
The Amelia Six
Making friends is easier with candy.
The Amelia Six
At least two neighbors extended vacations to dodge the storm and a third is stuck in Denver.
The Amelia Six
She had quite a collection of friendship bracelets.
The Amelia Six
This house had stories, if not spooky spirits.
The Amelia Six
A holiday tree filled the corner.
The Amelia Six
She so hoped to be here tonight to greet you all but is delayed due to weather.
The Amelia Six
Please relax and make yourselves at home.
The Amelia Six
Let’s do a quick tour, as you’ll have all night to explore.
The Amelia Six
You’ll find a model replica I built in the sunroom, just past the reading room.
The Amelia Six
I could hear the others chattering down the hall, their overnight bags rolling with reverberating thumps along the floorboards.
The Amelia Six
Anyway, I needed to hurry up if I was going to claim a sleeping spot
The Amelia Six
As an aside, medical manikins are spelled one way. Department store mannequins are spelled another.
The Amelia Six
I started to close the door, but a glass display case in the center of the room caught my attention.
The Amelia Six
The leather straps looked old and cracked.
The Amelia Six
I wondered what the tape was for and if these were her favorite pair.
The Amelia Six
I told you we’d have better service on Mars than here.
The Amelia Six
I hope you don’t solve that thing in your sleep.
The Amelia Six
She had a feather duster in her hand and didn’t look too chipper about it.
The Amelia Six
But the last tattoo didn’t fit the food theme: it looked like an airplane.
The Amelia Six
The lights flipped back on.
The Amelia Six
We’d promised our subscribers we would post a video about our weekend.
The Amelia Six
Black and gold socks peered over the tops of tan boots he hadn’t bothered to lace.
The Amelia Six
She sipped her cocoa and settled happily into the wingback chair cozied up to the fireplace.
The Amelia Six
He proposed six times before she said yes.
The Amelia Six
All phones and electronics will need to be deposited in this basket, which I will lock up for safekeeping.
The Amelia Six
I wanted to study the pictures on the walls, but we had to discuss our strategy.
The Amelia Six
My heart sped up as my finder traced the length of red thread.
The Amelia Six
I made three quick turns and stuffed the puzzle back into my pocket.
The Amelia Six
We hadn’t stumbled upon another pantry or storage closet, though there were ancient cans of tomato juice stacked along the wall.
The Amelia Six
She bent down and picked up a gold fleck from the floor.
The Amelia Six
Across the room, an antique dresser held a huge mirror and porcelain pitcher for washing.
The Amelia Six
The unmistakable outline of a footprint was fairly evident in the dust on the floorboard.
The Amelia Six
Smells like sweaty socks, not death.
The Amelia Six
I’ve lived in this house for over thirty years without an ounce of trouble and now this happens.
The Amelia Six
I told you to donate them to the school.
The Amelia Six
Even the gift shop’s landline is out.
The Amelia Six
The wind whipped around the house, and a big gust howled down the chimney, snuffing our fire clean out.
The Amelia Six
If we had our phones, we would have flashlights.
The Amelia Six
To put it mildly, she snored like a freight train.
The Amelia Six
WE just need to be open to the possibility that the thief could be anyone.
The Amelia Six
Once we’d reached the landing, I found myself giving orders.
The Amelia Six
We’re wasting our time searching one another’s bags.
The Amelia Six
Find a house with a secret passage, get free scares all day long.
The Amelia Six
She wants to keep the collection under her roof.
The Amelia Six
She still wore her snazzy sweater and sparkly bird earrings.
The Amelia Six
He was still carrying his taxidermy textbook, though I hadn’t seen him read past the first few pages.
The Amelia Six
I was securing the evidence so the lab could dust for fingerprints.
The Amelia Six
I guess it’s time to flip the breaker again.
The Amelia Six
I gave them the replicas.
The Amelia Six
Don’t forget the crushed peppermint we found
The Amelia Six
The last thing we saw was the sheen of her moon boots.
The Amelia Six
Now remember, shoot all video in landscape mode, and whatever you do, hold still!
The Amelia Six
Are you ready for the presser?
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia SIX
The Amelia Six
The Amelia SIX
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six
The Amelia Six