Endlessly Ever After Flashcards
Grab your basket and your coat.
Endlessly Ever After
Put on some walking shoes.
Endlessly Ever After
Turn the page, and then begin: Which tale will you choose?
Endlessly Ever After
She says, “My darling dear, you need to run to Grandma’s quick!”
Endlessly Ever After
She’s feeling ill, I fear.
Endlessly Ever After
Now take this cake, to cheer her up, and have a lovely day.
Endlessly Ever After
But mind the path!
Endlessly Ever After
For danger tends to lurk along the way.
Endlessly Ever After
Which coat will you wear?
Endlessly Ever After
These kids have suffered trials, and tribulations too.
Endlessly Ever After
They’re somewhat singed and starving.
Endlessly Ever After
Adventure will not feed them now.
Endlessly Ever After
They’re battered, bruised, and numb.
Endlessly Ever After
What these kids want is comforting.
Endlessly Ever After
They need to meet your mum!
Endlessly Ever After
She may be miffed you lost your cake and also lost your way.
Endlessly Ever After
But she’ll be glad to bake a pie and hug their cares away.
Endlessly Ever After
The End.
Endlessly Ever After
I like your fine red cape, he says.
Endlessly Ever After
I’m off to see my grandma, you tell your toothy friend.
Endlessly Ever After
Her house is purple, with a gate, down at the very end.
Endlessly Ever After
He flicks his tail and disappears into the sunny day.
Endlessly Ever After
And standing on the path alone, you fear you’ve been unwise.
Endlessly Ever After
You can’t forget his claws or jaws, his shifty yellow eyes.
Endlessly Ever After
You wish he didn’t know exactly how you plan to walk and where you mean to go.
Endlessly Ever After
The somber drumbeat leads you to a coffin in a glen.
Endlessly Ever After
Inside you find a maiden fair.
Endlessly Ever After
Around it, seven men.
Endlessly Ever After
The drummer stops and waves hello, then reaches for your cake.
Endlessly Ever After
We’ll serve this at the wake.
Endlessly Ever After
You’e not quite certain what to do - you don’t mean to be rude, but you don’t know this pretty girl.
Endlessly Ever After
And that’s your grandma’s food!
Endlessly Ever After
It’s only cake and they’re really sad!
Endlessly Ever After
These roses are so lovely, but every single stem is covered in sharp prickle-pins.
Endlessly Ever After
It hurts to gather them!
Endlessly Ever After
When suddenly, the vines all part and make a door for you!
Endlessly Ever After
Of course you want to step inside, but is that smart to do?
Endlessly Ever After
How do you dare to enter this castle of a home?
Endlessly Ever After
And yet, how can you bear to leave where magic seems to roam?
Endlessly Ever After
Are you really so afraid of magic?
Endlessly Ever After
You knock and wait and knock, and then you knock a little more.
Endlessly Ever After
I’m just a girl inside a coat.
Endlessly Ever After
But then, of course, your zipper’s stuck.
Endlessly Ever After
And as you struggle with the zip, large objects fill the air.
Endlessly Ever After
And though you turn to run away there isn’t time for that.
Endlessly Ever After
You’re finished off in seconds, and you never hear the SPLAT.
Endlessly Ever After
You bravely dash into the woods!
Endlessly Ever After
Hello there, girl! the hunter calls.
Endlessly Ever After
If you’d come any sooner, he might have chewed you up!
Endlessly Ever After
It’s awful dead, without a head, and feathers coming loose.
Endlessly Ever After
You’re grateful to the hunter, although he robbed your friend.
Endlessly Ever After
Umm, thanks, I guess, you stammer, then turn and walk away.
Endlessly Ever After
You’re feeling so bewildered by this crazy mixed-up day.
Endlessly Ever After
You hope Mum’s baking pie…
Endlessly Ever After
What sort of girl would want to chase a somber beating drum?
Endlessly Ever After
It makes you think of marching feet.
Endlessly Ever After
It makes the woods feel glum.
Endlessly Ever After
You’d rather gather bluebells, collect some daisies too.
Endlessly Ever After
Your gran’s expecting you.
Endlessly Ever After
However, as you turn to leave, you notice, through the trees, a vine of bright red roses (and big fat bumblebees).
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve never seen such blossoms.
Endlessly Ever After
Your gran loves roses so.
Endlessly Ever After
But you’re already running late.
Endlessly Ever After
Oh my, which way to go?
Endlessly Ever After
Do you really need even more flowers?
Endlessly Ever After
You take one tiny nibble.
Endlessly Ever After
You lick…and chew… and bite.
Endlessly Ever After
It’s extra yummy, gooey-gummy.
Endlessly Ever After
Crisp and rick and light.
Endlessly Ever After
Until you hear a cackle!
Endlessly Ever After
A shout of witchy glee!
Endlessly Ever After
You find you’re caught in licorice.
Endlessly Ever After
No matter how you rage, you’re trapped forever in a magic candy-coated cage.
Endlessly Ever After
Inside your coat, as warm as toast, you skip through every glade.
Endlessly Ever After
You’ll soon be at your grandma’s house and sipping lemonade.
Endlessly Ever After
But when you get to “down the path, you find you’re somewhere new.
Endlessly Ever After
It’s brick, the door bright blue.
Endlessly Ever After
You know your gran is waiting.
Endlessly Ever After
But would it hurt to quickly knock on this fine door instead?
Endlessly Ever After
Are you going to knock on this completely unfamiliar door?
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve wasted plenty of time already, and you know it.
Endlessly Ever After
The cabin light’s so dim.
Endlessly Ever After
And suddenly you realize: You’re scared out of your wits.
Endlessly Ever After
Some awful hunter stole my pants, and boots, and that’s not all - while I was bathing in the creek, he also took my goose!
Endlessly Ever After
When Mum finds out I lost our bird, she’ll put me in the stew.
Endlessly Ever After
Go see if you can find that hunter, and retrieve my clothes?
Endlessly Ever After
Are you really going to head off on a wild goose chase?
Endlessly Ever After
You can’t imagine what might happen now to save the day.
Endlessly Ever After
Your landing isn’t terrible at all.
Endlessly Ever After
A candy-coated cottage was there to break your fall.
Endlessly Ever After
And when you search the wreckage, you find two more new friends, who - like the princess at your side- were facing grisly ends.
Endlessly Ever After
Are you going to bring strangers along with you to Gran’s house?
Endlessly Ever After
You scurry over to the path, but which way should you pick?
Endlessly Ever After
But since you’ve stopped, you think you’ll sit and take a tiny rest.
Endlessly Ever After
You really shouldn’t have taken that nap.
Endlessly Ever After
Now you’ve lost your way!
Endlessly Ever After
You’re not quite sure if this is death.
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve never died before!
Endlessly Ever After
Endlessly Ever AfterIt smells like death, like moldy socks.
Endlessly Ever After
If you’re heading for heaven, you haven’t let just yet.
Endlessly Ever After
You hear some smacks, some cracks, some whacks!
Endlessly Ever After
Are you ready to go home yet?
Endlessly Ever After
You didn’t heed your mama.
Endlessly Ever After
You wandered from the path, and so you’re dead - starting today!
Endlessly Ever After
In front of you, a tunnel - a long, dark, winding hall.
Endlessly Ever After
You see a light there at the end.
Endlessly Ever After
It’s time to head along that path, to march on toward the light.
Endlessly Ever After
You know you shouldn’t stray again.
Endlessly Ever After
Because her voice sounds different.
Endlessly Ever After
All breathy, hoarse, and low.
Endlessly Ever After
Down deep inside, you long to hide.
Endlessly Ever After
This story’s getting kind of odd.
Endlessly Ever After
You think this kiss can wait.
Endlessly Ever After
You’re much too young for kissing.
Endlessly Ever After
You only just turned eight!
Endlessly Ever After
And once beyond the castle walls, you find you’ve left your cake.
Endlessly Ever After
But with each step you take…you wonder at that girl asleep, inside her walls of stone.
Endlessly Ever After
And you will wonder all your days at what you might have done.
Endlessly Ever After
You reach and grab a skillet, and hurl with all your might..
Endlessly Ever After
He slinks away, brought low and meek, by your one angry blow.
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve rescued YOU, all on your own.
Endlessly Ever After
You’re both saved and saver.
Endlessly Ever After
The moment that you charge the queen, she gives a wicked smile and hurls her potion at your feet.
Endlessly Ever After
Strange smoke pours from the vial!
Endlessly Ever After
You feel a cloud surround you, an awful evil breeze.
Endlessly Ever After
A force descends upon your limbs, and all your muscles freeze.
Endlessly Ever After
The room now smells like roses, but something darker too.
Endlessly Ever After
Like stormy nights and lost goodbyes…as sleep envelopes you.
Endlessly Ever After
You may have choices someday and further paths to tread, but they’re not in this story.
Endlessly Ever After
You sleep as if you’re dead.
Endlessly Ever After
The End (for now).
Endlessly Ever After
You wander up a winding stair; you scamper past a throne, until you find a tiny room, where sleeping like a stone, a gentle maiden waits for you.
Endlessly Ever After
Her eyes are sweetly shut.
Endlessly Ever After
Her lips are waiting for a kiss.
Endlessly Ever After
Kissing’s for teenagers.
Endlessly Ever After
But as you near her cottage, a shadow hits the ground.
Endlessly Ever After
I bet you’re headed where I am, the deep-woods jamboree?
Endlessly Ever After
Why don’t you wander off the path?
Endlessly Ever After
It’s time to end your story.
Endlessly Ever After
You kissed the princess fair, who softly stirs and yawns at you through endless yards of hair.
Endlessly Ever After
And sure enough, a woman waits behind you.
Endlessly Ever After
You know you should be napping! the evil queen exclaims.
Endlessly Ever After
She conjures up a potion, unstoppers it, and aims.
Endlessly Ever After
That furry bully has no right to bother you this way.
Endlessly Ever After
But you’ve a care for safety, and so you shed your hood.
Endlessly Ever After
The smell of flowers fills the air, so fragrant and so sweet.
Endlessly Ever After
But then you notice there’s a sound, a somber steady beat.
Endlessly Ever After
You know your grandma’s waiting.
Endlessly Ever After
The question is…which way?
Endlessly Ever After
You run to punch him in the gut and grab him by the hair.
Endlessly Ever After
I have to leave, or Mama will be miffed.
Endlessly Ever After
But once you’re back upon the path, you hear an angry shout.
Endlessly Ever After
Somewhere a boy is bellowing.
Endlessly Ever After
But in your gut, you wonder what, and who, and how, and why?
Endlessly Ever After
You track the shouts of rage and find them coming from a kid, a boy about your age.
Endlessly Ever After
He’s also dripping wet and wears a frown and underpants.
Endlessly Ever After
You blush until your face is red.
Endlessly Ever After
Are you really going to hang around with this wet, pants less boy?
Endlessly Ever After
A girl and boy inside a cage?
Endlessly Ever After
She means to make kid stew!
Endlessly Ever After
You have to come, or else she’ll nosh you too!
Endlessly Ever After
You’ll read a book instead.
Endlessly Ever After
And after that you walk a ways; you climb a little hill.
Endlessly Ever After
You spy your grandma’s cottage.
Endlessly Ever After
It’s nice to rest a minute, to stop and think a bit.
Endlessly Ever After
To see the world around you, and slowly ponder it.
Endlessly Ever After
Until you spot a fluttering - a pale thing in the wood!
Endlessly Ever After
And somewhere else below you, a man’s voice fills the air.
Endlessly Ever After
A hunting we will go! he sings.
Endlessly Ever After
(When “snarly-snaggle-dagger” is closer to the truth.)
Endlessly Ever After
I’ve got a hunch that this will come in handy…when i eat you for lunch!!!
Endlessly Ever After
At that she leaps and howls and tears the covers from her bed.
Endlessly Ever After
This day has been too much for you, and so you turn to go.
Endlessly Ever After
You stroll along the same old path.
Endlessly Ever After
As evening falls, you notice folks all heading different ways.
Endlessly Ever After
You watch them walk and wonder…what happened in their days?
Endlessly Ever After
You know it’s nice to share your treats, and these guys seem so glum.
Endlessly Ever After
But as you offer up the cake, you trip against the casket and stub your toe and stumble - and drop your picnic basket.
Endlessly Ever After
When jostled by the cake, the girl for whom you’re mourning appears to give a shake.
Endlessly Ever After
I thought that I was dead.
Endlessly Ever After
So then the wake becomes a feast.
Endlessly Ever After
The birds and deer demand to sing and prance and celebrate.
Endlessly Ever After
How lucky that a hunter just happened by today!
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How lucky you were undigested when he passed your way.
Endlessly Ever After
It’s lovely to be lucky, but better to BEWARE.
Endlessly Ever After
From now on, when you wander - take heed.
Endlessly Ever After
Endlessly Ever AfterYou duck and dodge, and just in time!
Endlessly Ever After
But you think fast and trip her up - she stumbles on your shoe.
Endlessly Ever After
The potion tumbles from he hand, and cinders filll the room.
Endlessly Ever After
It smells like last year’s roses.
Endlessly Ever After
So you head for the window and leap into the air.
Endlessly Ever After
You’d like to pick another path, but fate awaits down there.
Endlessly Ever After
You dash after the flutter and find it is the goose!
Endlessly Ever After
But when you grasp her in your arms, she honks and wriggles loose.
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve never chased a stolen goose before!
Endlessly Ever After
Not only is it oversized - it’s also solid gold!
Endlessly Ever After
As you head home, back on the path, you think about the day, so full of strange surprises and wonderful that way.
Endlessly Ever After
With princess fingers clutched in yours, you squeeze your eyes so tight?
Endlessly Ever After
And all the choices you have left?
Endlessly Ever After
You do not get to pick your path when falling through the air.
Endlessly Ever After
When gravity’s in charge, the only option is DOWN THERE.
Endlessly Ever After
The porch is made of toffee.
Endlessly Ever After
Instead, the walls are glazed with caramel and built of gingerbread.
Endlessly Ever After
And…at last you try the knob and find it breaks off in your hand.
Endlessly Ever After
In place of cake lost long ago you bring a gumdrop gift.
Endlessly Ever After
But in that final moment, you bonk him, and - SURPRISE!
Endlessly Ever After
In fact, he looks quite sweet, made all of fudge and candy floss - a giant doggy treat!
Endlessly Ever After
She only had a goose to pluck, out back, behind the shed.
Endlessly Ever After
You’ve got to know how fierce or fun or far that more might be.
Endlessly Ever After
And as you wander off beneath a slowly sinking sun, you sense adventure down the path.
Endlessly Ever After
But whether you adventure far or sit alone or snooze, the thing you must remember is that every day…you choose.
Endlessly Ever After