The Beatryce Prophecy Flashcards
But I could, if you asked me, write it down for you, every word of it.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Because of this, the prophecy has long been ignored.
The Beatryce Prophecy
She was a goat who formed peculiar and inexplicable antipathies, taking an intense dislike to certain individuals.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Sadly, this does not distinguish it from any other time; it was always a time of war.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Tears rolled down her face as she looked into his eyes, both of them - his steady eye and his wild and wandering eye - and did not look away.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The girl did not answer him.
The Beatryce Prophecy
She offered her ear, and the girl took hold of it.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The seahorse, it seemed, would never do anything but fall.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It was both a relief and a joy to him to make the letters match the world as he so often saw it: brilliant, luminous.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The kingdom is at stake, for the prophecies say it is so.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It is possible, it could be, that the beast has had a change of heart.
The Beatryce Prophecy
And when the fever broke, when she woke at last to the real world, she brought only one thing with her - her name.
The Beatryce Prophecy
That is not a book I would care to read.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It does not sound like a happy book, a joyful book.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I want her brought to me alive.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It was against the law to teach a girl to read, a woman to write.
The Beatryce Prophecy
His heart fluttered in relief, and also in a strange sort of disappointment.
The Beatryce Prophecy
A woman and her hair are one and the same.
The Beatryce Prophecy
He smelled of maple sugar, and the room smelled of dust and straw.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I’m cutting your hair so you will be safe.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I have friends in the world.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Never before had he stood before his brethren and made such an outrageous request.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The lines of text were a mystery to her, something hidden inside of her.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I ran as fast as I have ever run, and I am a very fast runner.
The Beatryce Prophecy
In fact, it made her weary to consider it - the constant need of people to run from one thing to another, thinking that they would avoid some sorrow, when sorrow was waiting for them no matter where they went.
The Beatryce Prophecy
In addition, he had a talent for mimicry.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I will someday have that knife from between the robber’s teeth.
The Beatryce Prophecy
If it is written, then there will be a chance of forgiveness.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I mean I do not want to know a secret.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It was a sky blue enough to break your heart in two.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Providence has provided us with a solution, a way out and through.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Again and again, the world insisted upon betrayals, goodbyes.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I will write the story of your mermaid.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Write down that I have taken life after life, too many lives to count.
The Beatryce Prophecy
He heard the buzz of a bee and then, finally, the sound of hooves and the jingle of the king’s soldier’s spurs as he led the horse away.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Under the bed there is a sword.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I think we should climb this tree.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The robes were gray and the hair was gray, and altogether the creature resembled a spirit more than a human being.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The man was on his back again, rolling around on the forest floor, laughing and laughing.
The Beatryce Prophecy
But he thought it mattered that he should look for her, that he should never give up searching for her.
The Beatryce Prophecy
She dreamed beside a man with a beard that came down to his knees.
The Beatryce Prophecy
I will keep walking.
The Beatryce Prophecy
And he who rules the king rules the world.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Let her be true to what runs in her blood.
The Beatryce Prophecy
What world is this I now inhabit, and how shall I live in it?
The Beatryce Prophecy
Nothing is more terrifying to evil than joy.
The Beatryce Prophecy
They sat in the hollow of the great tree.
The Beatryce Prophecy
He transformed the whole of himself with the exception of his left paw.
The Beatryce Prophecy
She thought about the wonder of being known by others for who you were - beloved.
The Beatryce Prophecy
We shall, in the end, be led to where we belong.
The Beatryce Prophecy
We shall all, in the end, find our way home.
The Beatryce Prophecy
She was in a cell in a dungeon.
The Beatryce Prophecy
It was late morning when they came upon the black-bearded robber.
The Beatryce Prophecy
All that matters now is that we find her.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The learned man came to the castle to teach this man’s children.
The Beatryce Prophecy
In spite of the fact that I am not of noble birth, I have made my way to the halls of power.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Well, then, what you believe in is love.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The true king has at last returned.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Wherever you lead, light of my heart, river of my soul.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The only sound was that of the far-off weeping.
The Beatryce Prophecy
The counselor you rely upon is an evil liar.
The Beatryce Prophecy
Within that day, he exiled both the foolish king and his scheming counselor.
The Beatryce Prophecy