A Year Down Yonder Flashcards
Me, a city girl, in a town that didn’t even have a picture show.
A Year Down Yonder
I’d been growing like a weed.
A Year Down Yonder
She had one blue eye and one green.
A Year Down Yonder
Instead, you untied her horse and slung her boots around its neck and she has to walk home.
A Year Down Yonder
I can’t fight all your battles for you, but I can give you a level start.
A Year Down Yonder
We no sooner saw the first boy than the invisible wire caught him at the ankle.
A Year Down Yonder
She drew out of her apron pocket quite another knife, the one she’d found on the back walk by the privy.
A Year Down Yonder
A turkey shoot was bound to be outdoors, and my nose was just now thawing.
A Year Down Yonder
The tree reeled in shock, and pecans rained.
A Year Down Yonder
When the tractor hit bark, it bounced back and the engine died.
A Year Down Yonder
In short, she got more than a dime off everybody, except from those she knew couldn’t pay more.
A Year Down Yonder
We better bank all this money in coffee cans for safekeeping.
A Year Down Yonder
I went out with her many a December night when the snow was on the ground.
A Year Down Yonder
I began to want to be there with her, to make sure she’d come safely home.
A Year Down Yonder
Still, one day after school I found her poring over mail-order catalogues.
A Year Down Yonder
I shifted my crowned head to see in the spotlit manger a real live baby, red as a beet, punching the air with tiny fists.
A Year Down Yonder
Since the newspaper had announced a valentine exchange, she thought she’d better fill in with a valentine of her own on everybody’s desk.
A Year Down Yonder
In the kitchen the tarts were laid out on cookie sheets, little works of art, each and every one.
A Year Down Yonder
Some nights she’d hear that faint thumping sound from the attic, and she didn’t like it.
A Year Down Yonder
She provided a later so he could use the attic for an artist’s studio
A Year Down Yonder
I’m falling behind in math
A Year Down Yonder
And she couldn’t shake that snake for all the shimmying in the world.
A Year Down Yonder
We saw the snake drop off her just as she left our property.
A Year Down Yonder
I was too young to know how much a dangerous man interests a good woman.
A Year Down Yonder
The siren on the town water tower suddenly wailed.
A Year Down Yonder
Everybody but me knew you always shelter in the southwest corner of the cellar.
A Year Down Yonder
The barn stood but there wasn’t a leaf on his pecan tree
A Year Down Yonder
What would happen if I wrote to you from the U of I?
A Year Down Yonder
She had eyes in the back of her heart
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder
A Year Down Yonder