The Oks Flashcards
What are the left turning tendencies and how do they work
P-Factor is caused by the descending blade having a higher angle of attack then the ascending blade
Spiral Slipstream caused by the propeller wash spins around the aircraft and applies force pushing the rudder to the right making the aircraft go left
Torque newtons third law every action has a equal and opposite reaction force from the crankshaft causes the aircraft to rotate in the opposite direction
Gyroscopic Precession a force applied to gyro (propeller) applies 90 degrees later
What are the Privileges and Limitations of a PPL
Privileges: pay pro rata share on operating expenses, May act as glider tower, Production Flight tester, May demonstrate aircraft to a buyer (200 hours required), May fly for business not under compensation, and May be reimbursed for search and rescue operating expenses
Limitations: Can’t fly for hire, can’t pay less then pro rata share
Does a PPL ever expire
No they never expire, but they must remain current by getting biannual flight reviews
What is required to be carried on person when acting as PIC
Private Pilot Certificate
Medical Certificate
Gov. Issued photo ID
What flight time is required to be logged in the aircraft log books
Flight time done for a certificate, type rating, currency, or flight review
When do each medical certificates expire
First Class under 40 expires 12 calendar months, over 40 expires 6 calendar months
Second Class expires 12 calendar months all ages
Third Class under 40 expires 60 calendar months, over 40 expires 24 calendar months
What are the privileges and limitations of each medical certificate
First Class required to exercise ATP privileges
Second Class required to exercise Commercial Privileges
Third Class required to exercise Private Privileges
What Documents, Inspections, and Equipment are each aircraft required to have
What to do when INOP equipment is found
Follow INOP equipment checklist in 91.213 or AC 91-67
If the equipment is required A&P maintenance required
If equipment is optional Remove/Deactivate and Placard and log it in aircraft maintenance logs A&P must approve return to service
What Preventive maintenance can you do as a private pilot
Preventive Maintenance you can do as a Private Pilot is in Appendix A, Part 43
Are wind directions true or magnetic
True over long ranges, and Magnetic at airports
What is wind shear
Rapid change in wind direction and velocity
How do you avoid wake turbulence on takeoff and landing
During takeoff, takeoff ahead of wake turbulence and and fly a higher flight path then wake
During Landing Fly a higher flight path then wake, and touchdown ahead of wake turbulence
How do thunderstorms form
Instability in atmosphere, Uplifting Force, and High Humidity
What are AIRMETs and what are there types
Weather that could be hazardous to aircraft
Tango is Turbulence
Sierra is Visibility
Zulu is Icing
What are SIGMETs
Significant weather that is not convective:
Wind Shear, Icing, Turbulence, Dust Storms, Sand Storms, and Volcanic Ash
What are Convective SIGMETs
Significant Weather that is Convective:
Heavy Thunderstorms, Embedded Thunderstorms, lines of thunderstorms, hail 3/4 inch in diameter, tornadoes, surface winds 50kts or greater
What are NOTAMs
Notices to Airmen
What would you do when the information forecasted and the current weather are completely different
Report to FBO or controlling agency
What are characteristics of AFT and Forward CG
Decreases lateral stability (less leverage)
Increased cruise speed (More forward pressure)
Decreases Stall speed (Forward pressure Applied)
Difficulty recovering from stall (poor lateral stability)
Forward CG:
Increased Lateral Stability (More leverage)
Decreased Cruise Speed (More back pressure)
Increased Stall Speed
(Higher AOA to remain level altitude)
What is density altitude
Pressure altitude corrected for non-standard temperature
How does humidity effect density altitude
Humidity is less dense then air, humidity increases density altitude
What are the effects of aircraft performance with increased density altitude
Decreased engine performance and aerodynamic performance
What are Special use Airspaces
Airspaces that have special rules for flight under that airspace
How do you turn on pilot controlled lighting
7 times for bright, 5 times for moderate, 3 times for dim
What are VFR cruising altitudes
360-179 odd thousands plus 500’
180-359 even thousands plus 500’
What are common transponder codes
1200 VFR
7500 Hijack
7600 Radios Out
7700 Emergency
What is the emergency frequency
How do you activate a flight plan
Contact FSS through radio or Ground
How do you get a VFR flight following
Contact Approach or Departure Frequencies and request flight following
What is happening when runway lights are blocked on final approach
That defines there is an obstacle on the runway and a go-around should be made
What are the right of way procedures
The right of way rules for category of aircraft are: Balloons, Gliders, Airships, Aircraft
Converging, the aircraft on the right has the right of way
Aircraft in Distress have the right of way over all
Approaching Head on, both aircraft divert right
Overtaking, aircraft being overtaken has right of way
Two aircraft on Final, the lowest has right of way
Aircraft Landing, has right of way
What are the symptoms and corrective action of hypoxia
Symptoms: Headache, Poor Reaction, Poor Judgement, Euphoria, visual impairment, drowsiness, lightheaded, tingling, numbness, blue skin coloration, limp muscles
Prevention would be supplemental oxygen (hypoxic hypoxia), remain good health (histoxic hypoxia), don’t overload G’s (stagnant hypoxia), keep clear of chemicals that affect hemoglobin (hypemic hypoxia)
What are the symptoms and corrective action of hyperventillation
Symptoms: Increased Breathing Rate, Headache, Poor Reaction, Poor Judgement, Euphoria, visual impairment, drowsiness, lightheaded, tingling, numbness, clamminess, spasms
Corrective Action: breathe slowly, breathe into a bag, or talk aloud
What are the symptoms and corrective action of carbon monoxide poisoning
Symptoms: Headache, Poor Reaction, Poor Judgement, Euphoria, visual impairment, drowsiness, lightheaded, tingling, numbness, blue skin coloration, limp muscles
Close Cabin Heat, Increase Airflow throughout cabin, and land as soon as possible
What are the symptoms and corrective action of spatial disorientation
Symptoms: Motion Sickness, Body’s analysis of visual vs. vestibular senses incorrect
Corrective Action would be to calm the Vestibular Senses, Correct Visual senses with Vestibular senses, increase air flow, and decrease discomfort of vestibular senses
What to do in situations of ear and sinus blockage
Return to safe altitude pressure level, slow descent rate with ear canal being constantly opened and closed
What are the oxygen requirements
12,500 - 14,000
Oxygen if operating at altitudes for 30 minutes or more
14,000 - 15,000
Oxygen for all aircrew members
15,000 +
Oxygen for all aircrew and passengers
What are the regulations on substance use
Can’t use alcohol within 8 hours of a flight
Can’t fly with a BAC over 0.04
Can’t operate an aircraft while under the influence (hangovers include)
Can’t use any drug or alcohol that’ll affect safety
Will the aircraft keep running if the alternator and battery are both dead
Yes, the aircraft will continue to run by mechanical means
Why are there two magnetos
To increase reliability
To have a more even fuel/air burn
What flight instruments would stop working if electrical system failed
Turn Coordinator, OBS, Oil Temperature Gauge, Ammeter, Tachometer, Flight Hour Recorder, Fuel Gauge
What would be indications of an alternator belt overheating
smell of burning rubber, (if it breaks electrical units fail, battery ammeter in negatives due to no charge received)
What is the fuel system of the aircraft and how does it work
Gravity Fuel System, uses gravity to send fuel from the fuel tank to the aircraft
What causes engine roughness and what are corrective actions
Carburetor Icing causes engine roughness and corrective action carburetor heat
Damaged Components causes engine roughness and corrective action would be to land as soon as possible
Improper Mixture Control causes engine roughness and corrective action would be to adjust to density altitude
Detonation causes wear/damage to engine, overheating, engine failure, preignition, engine roughness. Corrective Action Climb at slower rate, decrease throttle, and increase cooling
Preignition causes engine roughness and high engine temperatures corrective action enrichen fuel to air mixture, lower throttle, and increase cooling
Using Improper fuel can cause engine to overheat or cause preignition, Corrective Action use proper grades of fuel allowed by manufacturers
what causes carburetor icing happen and what are corrective actions
Carburetor icing is caused by induction icing this could be fuel icing, throttle icing, or ram air icing. Corrective Action would be to add carburetor heat and leave area of visible moisture
What should you do in the event of an alternator failure
Try resetting the alternator if this doesn’t work, Turn alternator off and only use necessity electrical systems and land as soon as possible
What happens when pitot tube or static port is blocked
Pitot Tube blocked ASI reads zero
Pitot Tube and Drainhole blocked ASI reads high in climb and low in descent
Blocked Static ASI reads low in climb and high in descent
Alternate Static makes ASI and Altimeter read high
Broken VSI glass makes everything read high and VSI reverse readings
What indicates stall or spins
High Angle of attack, Aircraft Shaking, Stall warning Horn/Light, and loss of control
What would you do if you entered a flat spin
Change center of gravity due to axis of spin being near the CG, and perform spin/stall recovery procedures
Who must you contact to enter a airspace
the controlling air traffic tower of that airspace