Airspace Flashcards
Class A
From FL180 - FL600
All ATC Services Provided
Requirements: ATC Clearance, IFR Flight Plan, IFR equipped aircraft
Communication Requirements: Two-Way Radio Communication, Mode C transponder
Altimeter set 29.92
Class B
Requirements: ATC Clearance
All Services Provided
Weather Minimums 3 S.M. and Clear of Clouds
Communication Requirements: ADS-B Out, Mode C, and Two-Way
Speed Restrictions 200kts within, underneath, or in VFR corridors
Class C
Solid Magenta Line
Communication Requirements: Two-Way communication required and Mode-C
IFR/IFR Separation, IFR/VFR Separation, and VFR traffic advisories
Speed Limit 200 kts within 4 N.M of airport
Class D
Dotted Blue Line
Two Way required
IFR/IFR Separation and VFR traffic Advisories
200kts limit within 4 N.M. of Class D
Class E
Magenta Hard Band/No Depiction 1,200’ AGL - 17,999’ MSL
Soft Shaded Magenta 700’ AGL - 1200’ AGL
Dotted Magenta SFC-1,200’ AGL or designated
No Requirements
IFR/IFR and VFR advisories
Below 10,000 (3-152)
Above 10,000 (5-111)
Class E alternatives
Federal Airway 1,200’ AGL - 17,999’ MSL
Zipper Specified - 17,999’ MSL
12NM Offshore SFC - Specified
Class G:
Weather Minimums
Airspace Defined
ATC Services
Soft Shaded Blue/No Depiction SFC - 1,200 AGL or overlying
Hard Shaded Blue SFC - 14,499 MSL
Below 10,000’ (Daytime 1 S.M. and Clear of Clouds) (Night 3-152)
Above 10,000’ (5-111)
VFR traffic Advisories
SFC - 1,200’ AGL or Overlying
All airspace rules
250kts speed limit below 10,000’
ADS-B out, Mode-C, and 1 Mach Speed limit above 10,000’
3,000 from Coast ADS-B
Refugees require separation of 2,000’ AGL
area where aircraft can receive additional radar service
blue teeth, specific air traffic rules to follow
Area of Military operation, exercise extreme caution, can enter without getting in trouble, contact controlling agency or FSS to see if active
Increased ground security, instructions defined, flight may be prohibited
Warning area
begins 3NM from coast and extend outward potentially containing hazards to aircraft
Alert Area
Area of High pilot training or unusual aerial activity
Prohibits flight for safety reasons
Controlled Firing Area
contains activities hazardous to aircraft
Prohibited Area
Flight prohibited for security or national welfare
Restricted Area
may contain hazards to aircraft, clearance to enter from controlling agency required
Airport with empty circle defined
Non-Hard surfaced runway
Airport with runway depiction in circle defined
1500’ - 8069’ long
Airport with runway depiction defined
longer then 8069’