The Neurology of The Visual System Flashcards
Total Visual Path?
- Eye
- Optic nerve - ganglion nerve fibres
- Optic chiasm - HALF of fibres decussate here
- Optic tract - ganglion fibres exit as optic tract
- Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) - ganglion fibres synapse in nucleus
- Optic radiation - 4th order neuron
- Primary visual cortex OR striate cortes (occipital love)
Visual pathway of the Retina? (light pathway)
- 1st order neuron - photoreceptors
o rods and cones retinal - 2nd order neuron - bipolar cells
- 3rd order neuron - ganglionic cells
o travel down length of optic nerve
o have PARTIAL decussation at optic chaism
o Fibres synapse at LGN located within the thalamus
Define Receptive Field
Retinal space within which incoming light can alter the firing pattern of a neuron
Photoreceptors have a small circular space surrounding it - receptive field
Define convergence
Number of LOWER ORDER neurons field synapsing on the SAME HIGHER ORDER neuron (RGC)
RGC receive input from neighbouring photoreceptors (convergence)
Convergence of rods vs. cones?
Cone system has a LOWER ORDER of covergence than the rod system
o cones tend to be one-to-one
o many rods tend to link to a single RGC
Cone system convergence «<
rods system convergence
Convergence of central retina vs. peripheral retina?
Central retina convergence «< peripheral retina covergence
As centra of fovea has highest [RGC] (more cones, NO rods)
o the further away, the MORE photoreceptors feed into ONE RGC
What does low convergence mean?
o SMALL receptive field
o FINE visual acuity
o LOW light sensitivity
What does high convergence mean?
o LARGE receptive field
o COURSE visual acuity
o HIGH light sensitivity
What are RGCs split into?
ON-centre & OFF-centre cells
ON-centre ganglionic cells?
Stimulated by light at the CENTRE of the receptive field
Inhibited by light on the EDGE of the receptive field
OFF-centre ganglionic cells?
Inhibited by light at the CENTRE of the receptive field
Stimulated by light on the EDGE of the receptive field
Why is the On- & Off-centre ganglion cells important?
Important for
o contrast sensitivity
o edge detection
Important of Optic Chiasma?
53% of fibres decussate here
Lesions ANTERIOR affect SINGLE eyes only
Lesions POSTERIOR affect BOTH eyes
Crossed and uncrossed fibres in the optic chiasma?
Crossed fibres
o originate from NASAL retina
o responsible for TEMPORAL visual field
Uncrossed fibres
o originate from TEMPORAL retina
o responsible for NASAL visual field
Visual defects in relation to the optic chiasm?
Lesion AT optic chiasma
o damages crossed RGC fibres from nasal retina in both eye
o SO temporal deficit in BOTH eyes
Lesion POSTERIOR to optic chiasma
o Right-sided lesion = left HOMONYMOUS HEMIANOPIA in both eyes
o Left-sided lesion = right homonymous hemianopic in both eyes
Disorders of Visual Pathway?
If doesn’t cross vertical line - neurological disorder
If doesn’t cross the horizontal line - eye problem (e.g. glaucoma)
The further the lesion is at the back, the smaller the visual defect will be UNLESS its a proper damage that affects the whole tract
Causes of Bitemporal Hemianopia?
- enlargement of PG tumour
o sits UNDER optic chiasma
o pushes against it
Causes of Homonymous Hemianopia?
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
Macular sparing?
LOSS of peripheral vision
RETAIN central acuity
Another name for Primary Visual Cortex?
Striate cortex
Where is the 1o Visual Cortex situated and how can you identify it?
Along the Calcarine Fissure
Characterised by a distinct stripe derived from the myelinated fibre of the optic radiation projection
Explain the representation of different part of the 1o visual cortex
DISPROPORTIONATELY large area representing the macula
o due to higher density of RGCs (lower convergence)
Superior visual field
o projects BELOW the Calcarine fissure
Inferior visual field
o projects ABOVE the Calcarine fissure
Left hemi-field (from BOTH eyes)
o projects to the R 1o visual cortex
Right hemi-field (from BOTH eyes)
o projects to the L 1o visual cortex
Organisation of the 1o Visual Cortex?
Organised as COLUMNS
o unique sensitivity to visual stimulus of a particular orientation
R & L dominant columns intersperse each other (ONENOTE!!)
Macular Sparing Homonymous Hemianopia?
o often due to stroke
o leads to contralateral homonymous hemianopia w. macula sparing
Area representing the Macula recieves dual-blood supply from Posterior Cerebral Arteries from both sides
o SO macula spared!
What is the Extrastriate Cortex and its function?
Area surrounding then PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX
Converts o basic visual information o orientation AND o position into complex information!
Explain the 2 pathways of the Extrastriate Cortex
DORSAL pathway
o 1o visual cortex –> posterior parietal cortex
o MOTION detection, visually-guided action
o Damage results in motion blindness
VENTRAL pathway
o 1o visual cortex –> Inferiotemporal cortex
o OBJECT representation, FACE recognition, detailed FINE CENTRAL vision & COLOUR vision
Pupillary Function?
Regulated light input into the eye
Pupillary function in LIGHT?
o decreases spherical aberrations & glare
o increases depth of field
o reduces bleaching of photopigments
Mediated by PNS nerve (within CN III)
Pupillary function in DARK?
o allows MORE light into eye
Mediated by SNS nerve!
Pupillary Reflex - Afferent PATHWAY?
- Rod & Cone photo receptors –> Bipolar cells –> RGCs
- Nerves exit at POSTERIOR 1/3 of optic tract
- Enter LGN
- Synpase at brainstem (pretectal nucleus)
- synpase on Edinger-Westphal Nuceli on both sides
ONENOTE!! (Red & Green!)
CN II (optic nerve!)
Pupillary Reflex - Efferent PATHWAY?
- Edinger-Westphal Nuclei —> CN III efferenet (oculomotor nerve)
- Synpases at ciliary ganglion
- To the short POSTERIOR ciliary nerve
- To the Pupillary Sphincter
ONENOTE!! (Blue!)
Direct vs. Consensual Reflex?
Note that the afferent pathway on either eye stimulates the efferent pathways in BOTH eyes
Direct light reflex
o constriction of pupil of the LIGHT-stimulated eye
Consensual light reflex
o constriction of pupil of OTHER eye
Right Afferent Defect?
Damage to CN II (optic nerve)
When R-eye stimulated
o NO pupil constriction in both eyes
When L-eye stimulated
o NORMAL pupil constriction in BOTH eye
Right Efferent Defect?
Damage to RIGHT CN III (oculomotor)
NO R-pupil constriction AT ALL
L-eye constricts whether L or R is stimulated
Unilateral Afferent Defect?
Difference in response pending on which eye is stimulated
Unilateral Efferent Defect?
SAME UNEQUAL response between L & R eye irrespective which eye is stimulated
How do you demonstrate the weakness of the afferent pathway?
Swinging Torch Test!
RAPD - relative afferent pupillary defect
The damage to the afferent pathway is usually incomplete of relative
o partial pupillary reponse still present when the damaged eye is stimulated
E.g. RAPD in R-eye
o BOTH eyes constrict when light swings to L-eye with intact pathway
o BOTH pupils will PARADOXICALLY DILATE when light swings to R-eye
- as a result of relatively reduced drive for pupillary constriction in both eyes
Muscle and CN associated with eye movemenbt?
Innervated by 3 CN’s
Eye Movement terminology?
o eye movement in ONE eye
o eye movement in BOTH eyes in the SAME direction
o dextro- = to the R
o levo- = to the L
o eye movement in BOTH eyes in the OPPOSITE direction
o Simultaneous adduction (inwards) movement in BOTH eyes
o when viewing a near object
Eye speed terminology?
o short, fast burst of movement (900deg/sec)
o inc. reflexive/scanning/predictive/memory-guided saccade
Smooth pursuit
o sustained slow movement (60deg/sec)
o driven by motion of moving target across the retina
Muscles of the Eye?
Extraocular muscles - 6!
o attach eyeball to orbit
o straight and rotary movement
2 classifications the muscles of the eye are split into?
STRAIGHT muscles
OBLIQUE muscles
Straight muscles of the eye?
- Superior rectus
o moves eye UP
o attached to eye at superior
o CN III (occulomotor) innervation
- Inferior rectus
o moves eye DOWN
o attached to eye at inferior
o CN III innervation
- Medial rectus (or internal rectus)
o attached on the nasal side of the eye
o moves eye TOWARDS MIDDLE of the head (toward the nose)
o CN III innervation
- Lateral rectus (or external rectus)
o attached on the temporal side of the eye
o moves eye TOWARDS OUTSIDE of the head (toward temple)
o CN VI (abducens) innervation
Oblique muscles of the eye?
- Superior oblique
o attached HIGH on the temporal side of the eye
o passes UNDER the superior rectus!
o moves eye DOWN & IN
o CN IV (trochlear) innervation
- Inferior oblique
o attached LOW on the nasal side of the eye
o passes OVER the inferior rectus
o moves eye UP & OUT
o CN III innervation
Which 3 CNs innervate the 6 extraocular muscles?
CN III - occulomotor
CN IV - trochlear
CN VI - abducens
How does CN III innervate the extraocular muscles?
- SUPERIOR branch
o Superior rectus = ELEVATES eye (abd)
o Lid Levator = RAISES eyelid
- INFERIOR branch
o Inferior rectus = DEPRESSES eye (abd)
o Medial rectus = ADDUCTS eye
o Inferior oblique = ELEVATES eye (add)
o PNS nerve = CONSTRICTS pupil
How does CN IV innervate the extraocular muscles?
Superior Oblique - DEPRESSES eye (add)
How does CN VI innervate the extraocular muscles?
Lateral rectus - ABDUCTS eye
Abduct vs. Adduct?
Abduct = AWAY from midline
Adduct = TOWARDS midline
ONENOTE (eye w. CNs!!)
How to test eye movement?
Muscles must be isolated to test nerve & muscle function
3rd nerve palsy?
Affected eye - DOWN & OUT
o eyelid DROOPS
o eye droops
As CN III affected
o unopposed lateral rectus (CN VI) takes over (abducts - out)
o unopposed superior oblique (CN IV) takes over (down)
6th nerve palsy?
Affected eye can NOT
o abduct
SO deviates to the midline (adducts)
Double-vision worsens on gazing to the side of the affected eye
Optokinetic Nystagmus Reflex?
Nystagmus = oscillatory eye movement
Optokinetic nystagmus = smooth pursuit + fast-paced reset saccade
Reflex used to test
o visual acuity in pre-verbal children by observing presence of nystagmus movement
o if reflex present means physiological & sign the child DOES HAVE visual acuity to perceive motion