The Ear and Auditory System Flashcards
Pitch vs. Timbre?
Pitch - perception of frequency
Timbre - what distinguishes between two sounds at the same frequency & intensity
Anatomy of Outer-ear?
o Focuses on the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE
- it boosts sounds
- and creates pressure waves
What is the sensory receptor of the internal ear?
Found of the COCHLEA
Hair bundle is a cluster of modified microvilli
3 - stapes, incus & malleus
Transmits vibration from the tympanic membrane to the cochlea (snail-shaped filled w. liquid)
What is the function of the ossicle?
Match the IMPEDANCE and reduce loss of energy as the vibration goes from the air to the cochlea
Anatomy of Middle-ear?
o focusing vibrations from the larger tympanic membrane to the smaller oval windows
o Incus has a flexible joint w. the stapes, so the ossicles can use leverage to increase force on the small oval windows
Oval window = (or fenestra vestibuli) is a membrane-covered opening that leads from the middle ear to the vestibule of the inner ear.
Protective mechanism of the ear to loud noises?
o stapedius muscles
o tensor tympani muscles
can CONTRACT when noise is loud to RESTRICT the movements of the ossicles (malleus & incus)
- protects inner ear from excessive volumes
Impedance and resonant frequency?
Impedance - measures the reluctance of a system in recieving energy from a source
Resonant frequency - frequency at which the impedance of the system is minimal
Anatomy of inner-ear?
Cochlea - transduce vibration into nervous impulses
3 compartments of the inner ear:
o Scala vestibuli - contains perilymph fluid
o Scala tympani - contains perilymph fluid
o Scala media - contains ENDOLYMPH fluid
- (stria vascularis secrets this - high K+, low Na+)
Basilar membrane - sensitive to different frequencies at different points along its length (high proximal, low distal)
Transduce vibrations into nervous impulse
By doing this, cochlea produces a frequency/pitch and intensity analysis of the sound
What causes the vibration of the basilar membrane?
Montion of the stapes generates a difference in pressure between the two liquid-filled chambers of the cochlea causing the vibration of the basilar membrane
Organ of Corti?
Includes the o basilar membrane o tectorial membrane - gelatinous and does NOT vibrate w. sound o hair cells o supporting cells
What is needed for basilar membrane to function?
Breaks down complex sounds by distributing the energy of each frequency along its length
It therefore needs sensory receptors along the whole length
2 types of hair cells?
Hair cell - have many stercocilia per cell
o Inner hair cell
- 3500 cells arranged in a single row
- densely innervated by ~10 sensory axons
o Outer hair cells
- 20,000 cells arranged in 3 rows
- sparsely innervated by 1 axon
Both types response to sound BUT its the INNER CELLS that transmit signals to BRAIN
Mechanism of transduction in the ear?
- Basilar membrane vibrated to sound
- UPWARD movement displaces stercocilia away from modiolus
o K+ channels open
o K+ enters from endolymph
o hair cell DEPOLARISES - Depolarisation opens Ca2+ channels in body of hair cell
- Glutamate released from base depolarises axon of SPIRAL GANGLION CELL
o causes an AP - DOWNWARD movement displaces stercocilia towards modiolus
o K+ channel close
Conditions required for the mechanism of transduction in the inner ear?
- threshold sound requires 0.3nm deflection
System depends upon the maintenance of the EDOLYMPH
- being at +80mv by the stria vascularis
Protective mechanism for the inner-ear?
Auditory tube allows equilibrium of air pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane
Central auditory pathway?
from each cochlea project via.
CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve)
to the IPSILATERAL COCHLEAR NUCLEI (monoaural neurons)
After that, all connections are BILATERAL!
Deafness in ONE ear?
MUST be caused by problems in the
o Cochlear nucleus
o CN VIII (rare)
AS all connection are BILATERAL after the ipsilateral cochlear nuclei
Ventral and dorsal cochlear nucleus?
Nerve fibres convey info. to the COCHLEAR NUCLEUS!
Different kinds of neurons arranged TONOTOPICALLY
low frequencies = ventral ; high frequencies = dorsal
Central auditory pathway?
- Cochlear nerve travels to the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus
- Cochlear nucleus goes to the SUPERIOR OLIVARY NUCLEI BILATERALLY
Types of hearing loss?
- Conductive
o an outer OR middle ear problem
o i.e. cannot transmit vibrations of sound waves onto the cochlea - Sensorineural
o and inner ear problem - Mixed hearing problem
Causes of OUTER-EAR conductive hearing loss?
- Congenital malformation
o e.g. congenital atresia - collapse/closure of the ear canal - Impacted wax
- Foreign bodies
- External otitis - inflammation of outer-ear passage
o Otorrhea - abnormal fluid
o Pain on mobilisation of the ear and tragua can lead to systemic symptoms - Exostosis - benign bony growths in the ear canal due to repeated exposure to cold water
o usually multiple & bilateral - leads to accumulation of ear wax and external repeat ear infections
Causes of MIDDLE-EAR conductive hearing loss?
- Acute otitis media - inflammation of the middle-ear
- Otitis media w. effusion - inflammation of the middle-ear with fluid accumulation
- Chronic otitis media - can be 2 forms:
o NO cholesteatomatous
o Cholesteatoma
(ONENOTE!!) - Otosclerosis - soft, spongy growth of new bone mostly near the oval window
o normally no symptoms
o can reduce mobility of stapes = hearing loss so can preform a stapedectomy
Sensorinueral hearing loss?
Interests the COCHLEAR & NERVE
i.e. the sensory apparatus of the inner ear
the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Causes of Sensorineural hearing loss?
- Prebyacusis - age-related hearing loss
- Sudden hearing loss
- unexplained rapid loss of hearing usually in one ear - Ototoxic drugs e.g. diuretics, B-Bs, TCAs, Antibiotics
- Infections e.g. MM, chicken pox, influenza
- Noise-induced hearing loss - 2 forms
o Acoustic trauma
o Long-term noise exposure
Cochlear Implants?
Primary cause of hearing loss is due to the LOSS OF HAIR CELLS
(do NOT regenerate in mammals)
Can put an elongated coil into cochlea which bypasses the dead cells and stimulates the nerve fibres