The Neolitic period Flashcards
4000 BC -2000 BC
What period preceded the neolithic period?
Mesolithic period (10,000 - 4000BC)
Why was there no artwork in the period that preceded the neolithic period?
hunter gathers would have moved with the seasons in search of food.Their daily struggle to stay alive would have left little time to be creative and produce works od art.
When was the neolithic period?
4000BC- 2000 BC
what is the orgin of the word neolithic
neolithic / new stone age. Neo-New, Lith- stone
In what way did the neolithic people differ from their predecessors?
it was the start of gradual introduction of farming techniques. They lived in settled communities and became settled enough to think beyond survival. By building monuments to their dead
name the 4 types of neolithic tombs and give an example and the location of each
portal dolmen- the burre in Co clare
wedge tombs - gleninsheen, the burren Co clare
court cairnes - creevykeel Co.sligo
Passage tombs- newgrange-the boyne valley,meath
What is a portal dolmen
simplest forms 3-7 legs supporting one or two capstones.Two large upright stoes acted as portals or door supports.May have been covered by a cairn.
What is a wedge tomb
large stone box with a sloping roof slab.
What is a court cairns
u shaped courtyard without a roof.Large upright stones,orthostats formed the entrance. perhaps used for religious ceremonies and cremation
What is a passage tomb
a corridor formed of two rows of massive,vertical stone slabs called ‘orthostats’ With other slabs resting on the top to form a rood-buried underneath a artifical hill or stones (cairn)
name and give the location of irelands best preserved passage tomb and when it was dated
Newgrange, the boyne valley in co meath 3200BC
What does UNESCO stand for
united national edcuational scientinfic edcuational and cultural organisation
Where is bru na boinne
50Km north of Dublin. A bend on the boyne- concentration of megalithic tombs
Are there other types of tomb surrounding the area?
no,only passage tombs
Name the river near newgrange
river boyne
why would have the neolithic people settled here
the river would have been an essential resource for this emerging farming society.The boyne functioned as transporting trade + communciation.Freshwater source and food source.
Why do you think the neothlic people had plenty of food?
The river land was fertile,used for farming,Migration of salmon,they could think about more than just survival.
What was the function of newgrange
act as a place to saftly put the remains of their creamated dead into stone basins within the recesses of the inner chamber
name other possible functions of newgrange
ritualistic purposes,celebration and worship to pagan gods.Calender,newgrange had a dinstinct solar aliment
What was the function of the roof box?
The box is situated high above the entrance.Four minutes after sunrise during the winter solstice.The sun rays shine hrough the gap in the roof box and light up the decoration on the sides and ends of the chambers
why do you think the roofbox exists
many believed the sun was worshipped by the pagan people as it revives the earth and bring life in spring
on what days does the phenomenon take place
18-23 december
how long does the illumation last for
17 mins
when was the function if the roof box discovered in the modern times