the plural of medium.It is the material the srtist uses to make/ create/ communciate their idea
how the artist creates their art
the range of ways an artist uses and explores their chosen media
what is a curator
a professional who manages the artwork or artfacts in a muesumn or art gallerys collection
name three functions of a curator in a public art gallery or muesum
put together public exhibitions
acqiring new items, applying for funding for exhibitions.
selecting worls for exhibitions
what is the perminant collection in a gallery or muesum
it consists of the objects or pieces of art that are collected and owed by a muesum
name on artwork in the perment collection in NGI
the taking of christ - caravaggio
what is a commercial gallery
a privately owned commercial gallery, where people go to buy artworks by contempoary artists and the gallery takes a percentage comission from the artist
what period preceded the baroque
name the period that bridged the reaissance and the baroque
when was ther baroque
1600- 1700
what was the orgin of the term baroque
orginally used as a insult, meaning, irregular, barocco - to describe pearls of odd shapes
why was baroque given its name and by who?
art produced during this period was considered too lively and exuberant by Neo-Classicists of the 18/19th cent and was looked at with distaste
what does the twrm, context mean in relation to visual art
the circumstances arounf which the work was created
what is meant by the term patronage in art?
the support that the monarcy, the catholic church and the wealthy have provided to artists.
who was the main patron during the baroque period
catholic church
what was the reformation
major movement within western christianity in the 16th century europq and posed a religious and political threat to the catholic church
who lead the reformation?
martin luther
what did the catholic church establlish in response to the reformation?
conter reformation established the council of trent
what impact did the council of trent have on the impact of the art required by the church?
they wanted to ensure that art communciated the stories of the bible effectively and clearly
what city became central of the development of the baroque style? Why?
rome, catholic churches mulitplied and were decorated in a new and confident style, particularly in rome.
was the baroque limited to this particular country?
no, the baroque is an international style
what kind of subject matter became popular with baroque artists in Italy?
dramatic and highly emotional, artists oftem choose to potray the most dramatoc moments from bible stories.
the requirments of art was that they wanted images that would evoke emotion in the ordinary people and draw them back to the catholic church.
decribe the innovations and inventorions in the following AEDP that were introduced by baroque artists in italy
complex and energetic composotions (less calm and symetrical) Figures arranged close to the picture plane to compell viewers to actively partake in a baroque work