The Neck Flashcards
posterior triangle boundaries
contents of posterior triangle
Spinal Accessory N Cervical Plexus (C1-4) Brachial Plexus (C5-T1) Phrenic N Intrinsic N's to muscles of the neck superficial cervical A&V Suprascapular A&V External Jugular V
Nerves of the cervical plexus
Lesser Occipital (C2) Great Auricular (C2-3) Transverse Cervical (cutaneous N) (C2-3) Supraclavicular N (C3-4) Ansa Cervicalis (C1-3) Phrenic N (C3-5)
what 2 veins unite to form external jugular vein
posterior division of retromandibular vein
posterior auricular vein
what vein does external jugular vein drain into?
subclavian vein
what muscle is external jugular vein superficial to
which nerve lies on the anterior part of levator scapulae muscle belly
spinal accessory nerve
which nerve rests on the muscle belly of anterior scalene
what muscles do the roots of the brachial plexus emerge between
anterior and middle scalene
muscles of the posterior triangle
levator scapulae scalenus anterior scalenus medius scalenus posterior inferior belly of omohyoid
innervation of scalene muscles
segmental innervation from ventral rami
innervation of omohyoid
ansa cervicalis
innervation of levator scapulae
segmental innervation from ventral rami
innervation of sternocleidomastoid
spinal accessory N
what nerve lies on the muscle belly of scalenus medius
long thoracic
what nerve emerges between scalenus medius and scalenus posterior
dorsal scapular nerve
anterior triangle boundaries
median line of the neck (imaginary)
inferior border of the mandible
subtriangles of anterior triangle
boundaries of digastric triangle
anterior belly of digastric
posterior belly of digastric (with stylomastoid)
base of mandible and line drawn from angle of mandible to mastoid process
arteries found in digastric triangle
lingual artery
facial artery
submental artery
veins found in digastric triangle
anterior division of retromandibular vein
facial vein
common facial vein
nerves found in digastric triangle
nerve to mylohyoid lingual nerve submandibular ganglion hypoglossal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve
muscles found in digastric triangle
glands found in digastric triangle
submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
innervation of anterior belly of digastric
nerve to mylohyoid
innervation of posterior belly of digastric
facial N
innervation of stylohyoid
facial N
innervation of mylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid
what nerve lies on the surface of hyoglossus and genioglossus
hypoglossal N
boundaries of carotid triangle
posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid
superior belly of omohyoid
contents of carotid triangle
carotid sheath external carotid artery common facial vein lingual vein superior laryngeal nerve hypoglossal nerve cervical sympathetic trunk
contents of the carotid sheath
common carotid artery internal carotid artery internal jugular vein ansa cervicalis vagus nerve
innervation of carotid sinus
glossopharyngeal N
function of carotid body
monitors CO2 and O2 in blood
stimulates respiration
innervation of carotid body
glossopharyngeal N
vagus N
what drains into internal jugular vein
sigmoid sinus inferior petrosal sinus common facial vein superior and middle thyroid veins thoracic duct (on L side)
internal jugular vein joins with
subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic vein
nerves of carotid triangle
ansa cervicalis vagus hypoglossal spinal accessory glossopharyngeal
what structure does ansa cervicalis form a loop over
carotid sheath
ansa cervicalis formed by
upper root from C1 ventral ramus
lower root from C2-3 ventral rami
vagus nerve found between which 2 structures
internal jugular vein and common carotid artery in carotid sheath
major branches of vagus N
pharyngeal N
superior laryngeal N
recurrent laryngeal N
where does recurrent laryngeal nerve enter larynx
between inferior pharyngeal constrictor and esophagus
where is cervical sympathetic chain located
behind carotid sheath
muscular triangle boundaries
superior belly of omohyoid
median line of the neck (imaginary)
contents of muscular triangle
sternohyoid sternothyroid thyrohyoid superior belly of omohyoid anterior jugular vein
innervation of sternohyoid
ansa cervicalis
innervation of sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
innervation of thyrohyoid
hypoglossal N (C1)
innervation of omohyoid
ansa cervicalis
approximately what spinal level does common carotid artery split into internal and external
upper border of thyroid cartilage
prevertebral muscles
longus coli
longus capitus
rectus capitus anterior
rectus capitus lateralis
prevertebral muscles innervated by
ventral rami
Branches of 1st part of subclavian artery
Internal thoracic
Branches of subclavian artery in second part
Costs cervical trunk (2)
Branches off subclavian artery on 3rd part
Dorsal scapular artery
Where is 1st part of subclavian artery located
Medial to anterior scalene
Where is 2nd part of subclavian artery
Deep to anterior scalene
Where is 3rd part of subclavian artery
Lateral to anterior scalene