The nature and role of shared values and understanding within belief systems and ideologies and how this creates meaning, purpose, and identity for individuals and groups Flashcards

The nature of belief systems and ideologies


Why are shared values crucial in a belief system and ideology?


Values work as a form of glue and keep groups together – the stronger our values the better we hold together as individuals and groups.

Shared values and ideologies create cohesion and a sense of belonging, which reinforces personal and group identity. The symbols, rituals, myths and stories unite people in a society.
Rituals reinforce meaning, give purpose, express beliefs and values, and create a shared understanding by:
Communicating an underlying value
Expressing and reinforcing a shared value

Utilising stories and symbols to express and reinforce beliefs and values
Utilising stories and symbols to express philosophy

Create values from actions
Customs like rituals strengthen personal and group identities, and create a worldview.

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How does shared values create meaning?


higher power in control provides comfort and relieves feelings of isolation, bringing a sense of reason for being and hope for the future - Marx labels this as ‘opium of the people’

The nature of the belief system incorporates the values of a society- built upon the idea of protecting or maintaining the integrity/harmony of the society

To live in a globalised world, it is essential that we respect each others traditions

“there are many lamps but the light is the same” → religions should focus on embracing harmony between one another

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How does shared values create purpose?


‘Being in the water with millions and millions of people, all of us yearning for the same thing at the same time, believing that we are all in this together.’ - belonging + togetherness.

improves mental + physical health –>
religious people tend to live longer. Suggests that there is a healthier lifestyle, positive mentality and social support in religious communities

Creates purpose for persons lives as they have a role in the place of worship and a moral compass to base their values around

View of the ‘then’ - idealistic version of the world, ‘now’ - the present world that needs to be changed. This understanding provides a sense of purpose.

Roles: Source of hope + optimism, promotes belongingness (social activity like church), boosts self-esteem (God’s love is continued - unconditional love)

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How does shared values create identity?


personal virtues: reliability, honesty, commitment, consistency, loyalty

Displaying loyalty publicly is very important as it instilled the belief or ideology as an identity within individuals and the society.

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What are Christian beliefs?


Trinity - one God, 3 persons → Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit

Divinity and Humanity - Incarnation, came down from heaven
The belief in the divine ~ belief that there is a higher power or force with or without logical, physical and/or tangible evidence

The divine Christ became human so that humans would become more divine

Christians are called to live in accordance with the gospel (the teaching or revelation of Christ) of their own lives, acting justly and compassionately in the world
Mary followed God’s will

Love God and thy neighbour (the one who shows mercy to their fellow man)
God created the world, so everything in it is inherently good

God is ever present (either as the Father/Creator, Son or Holy Spirit) and God’s Spirit and power makes followers new people

Death, Descent into Hell, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ - Jesus died on the cross for humanity and rose into heaven

Christians believed in the resurrection of the body - after suffering and dying - raised to new life and entered a transformed, glorified, victorious state

Salvation - a Messiah will bring about an era of peace and prosperity and God will deliver them from the darkness of sin. The church is also essential to salvation and is the body of Christ

Christian lives are to be based on God’s love and forgiveness

God will save people but not without their own cooperation

The whole of humanity is destined for eternal happiness, yet some may totally and deliberately reject God’s gift of love and salvation.

Revelation - “to take away the veil” - disclosure of something that could not have been revealed without the will of God

The Ten Commandments - the laws revealed by God to Moses which refer to the worship of God and one’s obligations to their neighbour and society as a whole

New and Old Testaments (scriptures of beliefs)
Old - how the world began and how the people of Israel came to be
New - how the world is saved through what Jesus did for his people

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What are christian ethical teaching?


Trinity - one God, 3 persons → Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit
Divinity and Humanity - Incarnation, came down from heaven
The belief in the divine ~ belief that there is a higher power or force with or without logical, physical and/or tangible evidence
The divine Christ became human so that humans would become more divine
Christians are called to live in accordance with the gospel (the teaching or revelation of Christ) of their own lives, acting justly and compassionately in the world
Mary followed God’s will

Love God and thy neighbour (the one who shows mercy to their fellow man)
God created the world, so everything in it is inherently good
God is ever present (either as the Father/Creator, Son or Holy Spirit) and God’s Spirit and power makes followers new people

Death, Descent into Hell, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ - Jesus died on the cross for humanity and rose into heaven
Christians believed in the resurrection of the body - after suffering and dying - raised to new life and entered a transformed, glorified, victorious state

Salvation - a Messiah will bring about an era of peace and prosperity and God will deliver them from the darkness of sin. The church is also essential to salvation and is the body of Christ
Christian lives are to be based on God’s love and forgiveness
God will save people but not without their own cooperation
The whole of humanity is destined for eternal happiness, yet some may totally and deliberately reject God’s gift of love and salvation.

Revelation - “to take away the veil” - disclosure of something that could not have been revealed without the will of God

The Ten Commandments - the laws revealed by God to Moses which refer to the worship of God and one’s obligations to their neighbour and society as a whole

New and Old Testaments (scriptures of beliefs)
Old - how the world began and how the people of Israel came to be
New - how the world is saved through what Jesus did for his people

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What are the christian ethical teachings?


Ethics can be understood as the explicit, philosophical and/or religious reflection on moral beliefs within a tradition.

Ethical teachings of Christianity are based on a … of sources including the Christian bible

Jesus’ ethical teachings fit into the tradition of prophetic and early rabbinical teachings, especially his emphasis on justice and mercy over ritualistic ethics of purity and cult offerings.

His teachings are especially linked to love of God and love of neighbours.
The prophets of the Old Testament show God as rejecting all unrighteousness and injustice and commending those who live moral lives.

In this regard, it functions at least to preserve society against the worst ravages of sin until the preaching of the gospel attains its full range and final goal.

Christian ethical teachings raise questions for believers -

what is a good life?
How do I distinguish between good and evil and right and wrong?

The Christian moral code is based primarily on the teachings of Jesus and the two moral principles that it is based on are to love God and to love people.

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What are the ten commandments?


You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make idols
You shall not take the name of the lord, your God in vain
Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy
Honour your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
You shall not covet

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List and explain Christian rituals and practises?


Sacraments (sacred ceremonies when christians experience the holy spirit) e.g. baptism → intro to christianity, communion → breaking of bread and sharing of wine before jesus’ death

Significant practices → praising in god in music and speech, readings from the bible, prayers of various sorts and various holy ceremonies

Christian liturgy or worship is a key reference point for prayer, reflecting the life, death and resurrection of christ for believers

Church service on a sunday (hyms, readings and prayers) → practice
Vocal, mental and contemplative prayer as well as practices such as praying grace at meal time

The rights of baptism, marriage and the other sacraments are also significant practises in the tradition and find their inspiration in jesus’ preaching and in the sacred rituals of the early church

Among the most important Christian prayers are the community ritual celebrations known as the sacraments

Ritual purposes is to build up the Christian community, and each individual Christian within it, in a way that will make the Church as a whole and all Christians more and more powerful and effective witnesses of God’s love to all human beings

Each of the sacraments is fundamentally an action of worship and prayer

Christians believe in practising the old and new testaments of the bible
Most Christians believe in not being cremated as your body is not being sent to heaven → ritual

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