The Mongols Flashcards
Who did the Mongols show loyalty to before Chinggis Khan?
Originally Mongols displayed loyalty to their tribes and clans.
Who got special treatment when conquered? When was this special treatment not given?
The Mongols gave special treatment to the artisans they conquered, unless they resisted.
What religion did the Mongol leaders adopt?
Mongol leaders adopted Lamaist
Did the Mongols force conquered people to convert to a specific religion?
No, they allowed conquered people to practice whatever religion they wanted.
What system did Temujin institute
He instituted a new system called steppe democracy.
What did Steppe democracy center around?
It centered around courage and battle rather than kinship.
What did Temujin bring the Mongols into
He brought the Mongols into a single confederacy
What was Temujin proclaimed, and when was he proclaimed this?
In 1206 was proclaimed Chinggis Khan, supreme ruler
What did Chinggis Khan enforce?
he enforced a fighting age for men
What did Chinggis Khan value rather than one’s bloodline?
He valued skill rather than blood.
What is it called when your skill is valued rather than your social standing?
A meritocracy
What opportunity did the Mongols give to their enemies? What happened if their offer wasn’t accepted?
They gave an opportunity to surrender to their enemies before slaughtering everyone.
What did the Mongols do in 1220?
In 1220 they took over northern China
What did the Mongols live in?
They lived in tents called Yurts
What was the environment where the Mongols came from like?
Dry, barren, and arid
What term describes the Mongols in the context of their animals? What animals did they keep?
pastoralists. They kept herds of animals including horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and camels.
What did the Mongols live on (sustenance wise)
They lived on the meat, milk, and hides of their animals
Because they were nomads, what did the Mongols not produce?
As nomads they did not produce pottery, leather goods, and agricultural tools.
What did the Mongols use to traverse central Asia?
They used caravans to go all over central Asia
What did Mongol men create?
Men created war weapons such as bows and arrows
What is Kummis
An alcoholic drink made from milk
What allowed the Mongols to conquer major cities.
Siege engines allowed them to conquer major cities
What did the Mongols eventually come to produce?
They produced pottery, leather goods, iron weapons, and tools.
In what capacity did the Mongols trade?
They traded with settled people, and participated in long term trade networks
What did the Mongols seek out, especially because they couldn’t make them themselves.
They sought out agricultural products and manufactured goods.
What did the Mongols lead through Asia?
What two places did the Mongols connect?
China and Western Europe
Whose safety did the Mongols ensure, and what did this contribute to?
They made merchants safe which boosted trade
What is a caravan serai
A rest stop for caravans
Mongol capitol
How did Mongol organization change under Temujin?
Mongol organization changed because he forged various tribes into a powerful alliance and forced men of fighting age to join military units with no tribal affiliations.
How did Mongol organization stay the same under Temujin?
Mongol organization stayed the same because Temujin relied on the Mongols nomadic way of life for military success.
What does Chinggis Khan mean?
Universal ruler
Where was the Khanate of the Great Khan
Where was the Khanate of Chagatai
Central Asia
Where was the Ilkhanate of Persia
Where was the Khanate of the Golden Horde
Who ruled the Khanate of Chagatai
Descendants of Chaghatai ruled the Khanate of Chagatai
Which Khanate was the wealthiest
the Khanate of the Great Khan
What 3 religions did the Mongols convert to?
Islam, Christianity, Buddhism
What negative thing did the Mongols bring to Eurasia?
Tremendous destruction
What did the Mongols sponsor?
They sponsored interaction among peoples of different societies
What did the safety of Mongol roads encourage?
Trade and missionary travel.
What did the Mongols bring to their court?
Skilled workers.
What spread because of the way the Mongols connected distant lands?
Many technologies, like gunpowder
Why did Mongol rule in Persia end?
When the last Mongol ruler died without an heir in 1335, the Ilkhanate collapsed.
Why did Mongol rule in Persia weaken?
- Excessive spending strained the treasury
- Overexploitation of peasants led to reduced revenues
- Forcing merchants to accept paper money led to shops closing. During this time commerce stopped.
Why did Mongol rule in China weaken?
- Money wasn’t backed up, so the public lost confidence in it.
- Factions, infighting, and civil war destabilized stuff
- Bubonic plague ravaged Asia
- Rebellious populations in China
How did Mongol rule in China end?
Mongol rule in China ended when rebels captured Khanbaliq, and the Mongols departed China and returned to the steppes.