Europe Exploration Flashcards
Christopher Columbus’ other name
Christoforo Colombo
What did Christopher Columbus believe in on the basis of geography?
He believed that the Eurasian landmass covered 270 degrees of lonngitude and that the earth was a relatively small sphere with a circumference of about 17,000 nautical miles
Why did Portugese mariners not immediately follow up Dias’ voyage
Domestic and foreign problems distracted royal attention from voyages to Asia
What voyage did Vasco da Gama depart to in 1497?
He departed Lisbon with a fleet of four armed merchants ships bound for India
What would happen in Vasco’s voyage?
His fleet went more than 3 months without spotting land, his cargoes excited little interest in Indian markets, and less than half his fleet survived
Which of Vasco’s cargoes was hugely profitable?
His cargo of pepper and cinnamon
Which group of profession financed Christopher’s voyage
Although Fernando and Isabel of Spain approved his voyage, the Italian bankers financed the voyage
Which time period was Christopher Columbus in?
1451 - 1506
Which area of landmass did Christopher Columbus discover on the 12 October 1492
He made landfall at an island in the Bahamas which was called Gaunahani by the natives
What group of natives inhabited the Guanahani?
The Taino
What name would Christopher change the island into?
San Salvador
What would Christopher call the Taino and why?
Christopher would call the Taino as Indians due to the fact that he thought that he had arrived in the spice Islands also known as the Indies
Why would Columbus sail around the Caribbean for almost three months?
In search of gold
What did Columbus do when he returned to Spain
Columbus would report to his royal sponsers that he had reached islands just off the coast of Asia
What were the consequences of Columbus’ voyages?
They established links between the eastern and western hemispheres and paved the way for the conquest, settlement, and exploitation of the Americas by Europe
What did the Spanish military commander Vasco Nunez de Balboa search for in Panama?
Who started the reconnaissance of the Pacific Ocean basin
Ferdinand Magellan
What did Magellan do while sailing in the service of Portugal?
Magellan had visited ports throughout the Indian Ocean basin and had traveled east as far as the spice islands of Maluku
What did Magellan believe in?
He believed that the spice islands and Asian markets lay fairly close to the western coast of the Americas
What and whose goal would Magellan follow in?
He decided to pursue Christopher Columbus’ goal of establishing a western route to Asian waters
Why would Magellan sail in the service of Spain on his Pacific expedition?
Portuguese mariners had already reached Asian markets through the Indian Ocean
What two thoughts would be in the minds of Columbus and other European mariners while exploring?
Both Christianity and commerce while exploring distant lands
What was Columbus’ calculations of where Japan was located?
By Columbus’ calculations, Japan should be less than 2,500 nautical miles west of the Canary Islands
What would Columbus’ geography suggest about sailing west
His geography suggested that sailing west from Europe to Asian markets would be profitable resulting in his search for a royal sponsorship for a voyage to prove his ideas
What two reasons would the Portuguese decline Columbus’s proposal?
Partly out of skepticism about his geography and partly because Dias’s voyage of 1488 already pointed the way toward India
Who was Vasco de Gama and what did he do in relation to India?
A Portugese mariner who sailed to India in 1497. He traded many goods like gold, pearls and wool textiles for pepper and spices in India.
What did the sea route to the Indian Ocean offer European merchants?
The opportunity to purchase silk, spices, and pepper at the source and to take part in the flourishing trade of Asia described by Marco Polo
What happened between the years 1400-1800?
European mariners launched a series of voyages throughout the oceans.
What was another option merchants have used to buy silk, spices, and pepper?
Through Muslim intermediaries
What structure was built in Calicut by 1500?
A trading post was built
What action did Portuguese merchants take after finding out the cargoes which were hugely profitable in Indian markets?
They immediately began to organize further expeditions toward India
Were the voyages the Europeans went on very expensive?
Yes. Still, private investors and government authorities still funded these voyages in hopes of profit.
What knowledge did the Europeans gain from the voyages?
Knowledge of the world’s oceans and its basins, an understanding of world geography, AND global networks of communication, transportation, and trade.
What did Portuguese merchants do after building a trading post?
They soon called at ports throughout Indian and the Indian Ocean basin
What was the most important motive of the explorations?
Basic resources and lands, cash crops, more trade routes to Asian markets, and spreading Christianity.
What happened by the late sixteenth century?
English and Dutch mariners had followed the Portuguese into the Indian Ocean Basin
Which peoples were most likely to venture into the ocean?
Mariners from the poor and hardscrabble kingdom of Portugal.
What time period was Columbus’ voyage?
What time period was Vasco de Gama’s/Vasco Nunez’s voyage around the Cape of Good Hope?
What time period was Bartolomeu Dias’ voyage around the Cape of Good Hope?
What was San Salvador also known as?
Watling Island
What did Portugese seamen originally search for in their voyages?
Fish, seals, whales, timber, and lands where they could grow wheat to supply their kingdom.
What islands did the Portugese discover in the early 14th century?
Azores, Madeiras, and the Canary Islands.
Which peoples inhabited the Canary Islands?
The indigenous Guanche people.
What was increasing in demand during the early 14th century?
What happened because of the increasing demand of sugar?
The prospect of establishing sugar plantations on the Atlantic islands was very tempting.
Which peoples did the Portugese mariners work with to establish sugar plantations on the Atlantic islands?
Italian entrepreneurs.
Name the islands the Portugese established plantations on:
Cape Verde Islands, São Tomé, Principe, and Fernando Po.
What was the most alluring motive of the voyages?
Establishment of maritime trade routes.
During the Mongol empire, what did the European merchants get from China through trade?
Porcelain, silk, spices, and other Asian goods.
What led to the decrease in safety on the Silk Roads?
The collapse of the Mongol empires and the spread of the plague.
How did the Italian merchants and the Muslim mariners trade with each other?
Muslim mariners brought Asian goods through the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea to Cairo, where the Italian merchants bought them.
Why did the Europeans want to seek the Asian goods by themselves instead of buying them in Cairo?
They were sold at super expensive prices.
What item was extremely prized as an expensive necessity?
Spices like cloves, ginger, pepper and nutmeg.
What other place did the Europeans heavily trade with?
Africa, for goods like gold, ivory and slaves.
How did the Europeans trade with the Africans?
The trans-Saharan trade route using camel caravans.
Why was the gold from Africa important for the Europeans?
It was the principal form of payment for Asian luxury goods.
What does the journal of Columbus’s first voyage present
It clearly communicates Columbus’s first impressions of the peoples he met in the Caribbean Islands
What year did Magellan leave Spain?
After sailing out of the tricky and treacherous strait how long would Magellan’s fleet sail before taking on fresh provisions at Guam?
4 months
What kind of diet did Magellan’s fleet have during the time period in which his crew sailed to Guam?
They survived on worm-ridden biscuits, leather, water that had gone foul, rats, ox hides
Why would many of Magellan’s crew die on the journey to Guam?
Lacking fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet, most of the crew fell victim to the dread disease of scurvy.
How many of Magellan’s crew would die on the journey to Guam?
Scurvy would kill 29 members during the voyage
Which area would Magellan travel after arriving to Guam?
He would proceed to the Philippine Islands
What did Magellan do in the Philippine Islands and what consequences would occur?
Magellan became involved in a political dispute on the Philippine Islands which would take the lives of Magellan himself and 40 members of his crew
Where would the rest of Magellan’s crew go after Magellan’s death?
They would continue on to the spice islands of Maluku, where they took on a cargo of cloves
how long would it take for the remaining crew of Magellan to return to Spain
It would take about 3 years until they returned to Spain
Compared to the original amount, how much of Magellan’s crew remained?
Of Magellan’s five ships and 280 men, a single-spice laden ship with 18 of the original crew returned
How long would it take European explorers to chart the Pacific Ocean?
Almost 3 centuries
Based off of the information from Magellan’s expedition what did Spanish merchants do?
They established a trade route between the Philippines and Mexico, but they did not continue to explore the ocean basin itself
What did Sir Francis Drake do in the sixteenth century?
He scouted the west coast of North America as far north as Vancouver Island
What did the French mariners do by the mid-eighteenth century?
They had joined English seafarers in exploring the Pacific Ocean in search of a north-west passage
Who was Vitus Bering?
Vitus Bering was a Danish navigator who was commissioned by Russian officials to undertake two maritime expeditions in search of a northeast passage to Asian ports
What did Vitus Bering do to complete his task?
He sailed through the icy Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait, and reconnoitered north Asia as far as the Kamchatka peninsula
What did Russian mariners do by 1800?
They were scouting the Pacific Ocean as far south as the Hawaiian Islands.
What did Russian Mariners do for a few years in the early nineteenth century?
They had built a small fort on the island of Kaua’i and engaged in trade there
Who was Captain James Cook?
He was one of the most important Pacific Explorers who led 3 expeditions to the Pacific and lived from (1728-1779)
What did Captain James do for the evolution of geography?
He added New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Hawai’i to European maps of the Pacific
What were the two desires of Chinese fleets as they reconnected the Indian Ocean
1- To expand boundaries of Roman Catholic Christianity
2- Profit from commercial opportunities
Which country emerged as early leaders in both Atlantic exploration and markets in the Indian Ocean?
The Portuguese.
What did the Portuguese search for?
Searched for a sea rout in Asia
Who was Prince Henry the navigator?
15th century prince
spread christianity and increased Portuguese influence.
What Moroccan city did the Portuguese seize and in what year?
In 1415 they seized Ceuta
What did Prince Henry view the seize of Ceuta as?
A blow against islam and a way for Christian vessels to move freely between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic oceans.
After the capture of Ceuta, what did mariners do?
They ventured into the Atlantic
What lands did they find on the voyages in the Atlantic?
Madeiras and Azores Islands (all where uninhabeted)
What islands were the Portugese unsuccessful at colonizing and why?
The Canary Islands because of the indigenous population and the 15th century claiming by the kingdom of Castile.
What islands were discovered off the west African coast?
Cape Verde Islands, Fernando Po, São Tomé, and Principe
What was the soil like in the Atlantic islands?
They had very fertile soil and a Mediterranean climate.
What did Portuguese entrepreneurs cultivate?
Who did Portuguese entrepreneurs collaborate with?
Italian Investors
Why did they collaborate with Italian investors?
Italians had been financing sugar plantations since the 12th century and they had ways to spread sugarcane all over Europe.
When did Portuguese exploration of the African coast begin?
middle decades of the 15th century
What did the Portuguese originally trade?
guns, textiles, and other manufactured items.
What did Portuguese receive in the trade with Africa?
African gold and slaves.
How did the “slave trade” come to be?
Portuguese traders took full advantage of the trade and started increasing its volume by sending them to new destinations.
Where did the Portuguese ship their slaves from?
From their forts off of the African coasts.
Where did most of the slaves end up?
On islands in the Atlantic on plantations
What did slaves work as?
laborers and in Europe as domestic servants
How many slaves were traded across the Atlantic during this time?
12 million Africans
What were the locations of the slave trade?
North America, South America, and the Caribbean Region
What other trade opportunities were there other than slaves from Africa?
Trade in Asia with silk and spices.
Who did the Portuguese not have to pay by taking a sea route to Asia.
Muslim and Italian mediators
What route where the Portuguese searching for towards the end of the 15th century?
They were looking for a rout from Africa to Europe into the Indian Ocean basin.
Who was Bartolomeu Dias?
From Portugal.
By 1488 he sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and entered the Indian ocean. His journey proved it was possible to sail from Europe to the Indian Ocean.
Who was Vasco da Gama?
In 1497 he left Portugal and wanted to sail to India.
Who did Vasco da Gama meet after sailing around the Cape of Good Hope and what did he teach him?
He met a Muslim pilot who taught him how to take advantage of the monsoon winds to sail across the Arabian sea.
Where did Vasco da Gama arrive to in 1498?
He arrived in Calicut
Where did Vasco da Gama arrive to in 1499 and with what?
He arrived in Lisbon with highly profitable cargo of peppers and spices.
Where did the Portuguese dominate trade?
Between Europe and Asia
What did the Portuguese attempt to do?
They wanted to control all the shipping in the Indian ocean.
What was special about the Portuguese ships?
They were armed with Cannons.
Did the Portuguese have enough ships to police the entire Indian Ocean?
No they did not causing merchants to easily invade their efforts to control the area.
What idea did Christopher Columbus have?
sailing west to reach asian markets.
Did the Portuguese king agree to sponsor Columbus’s trip?
No he did not agree to his trip
Who sponsored Columbus’s trip?
The catholic kings, Fernando and Isabel of Spain.
In what year did Columbus set sail and where was his first stop.
In 1492
His first stop was the Canary islands
Why did Columbus stop in the Canary Islands?
To make repairs to his fleet and get more supplies
Where did Columbus arrive to after the canary islands?
San Salvador (Watling Islands) in the Bahamas.
How many voyages did Columbus make?
What happened towards the end of the 15th century?
Other mariners had explored the Caribbean and American continents and realized that the western hemisphere was “a world apart” from Europe, Asia, and Africa.
What happened during the beginning of the 11th century regarding the expansion of Christianity?
Western Europeans had launched a series of crusades and holy wars against Muslims in Palestine, the Mediterranean islands, and Iberia.
Relevance of Iberia in terms of Christianity:
Crusading zeal remained especially strong there. The reconquista ended in 1492.
Relevance of the Muslim kingdom of Granada in this chapter:
It fell to Spanish Christian forces just weeks before C.C’s first voyage. (C.C is Christopher Colombus)
What did Prince Henry the Navigator do for exploration?
Promoted voyages of exploration in west Africa to enter the gold trade, discover new trade routes, win converts to Christianity, and make alliances against the Muslims.
What Indian port did Vasco de Gama reach in 1498?
Where did the European mariners get much of their nautical technology from?
The Mediterranean, northern Europe, Chinese, and the Arabs.
What does the rudder do in a ship?
It increases the maneuverability of the ship. It is a Chinese invention.
How did the idea of a rudder reach Europe?
It diffused across the Indian Ocean through Arab ships in the Mediterranean.
What two sails did the Europeans use in their ships?
Square sails and triangular lateen sails.
What was the use of square sails?
Gave them more speed.
What was the use of the triangular lateen sails?
Were very maneuverable allowing for steering.
what was the most important navigational equipment on ships and what were they later replaced by?
Magnetic compasses and astrolabes
Soon replaced by cross staffs and black staffs
Who invented the magnetic compass and where did it spread?
The compass was a Chinese invention of the Tang or Song dynasty that diffused throughout the Indian Ocean basin in the eleventh century.
What was the astrolabes?
It was a simplified version of an instrument used by Greek and Persian astronomers to determine latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or the pole star above the horizon.
what is volta do mar?
It a strategy that enable Portuguese mariners to sail from the Canaries to Portugal. They would sail north west into the open ocean until they found westerly winds and they turned east for the last leg of their journey home(Portugal).
Name 8 Portuguese trading posts
Calicut, São Jorge da Mina, Mozambique, Hormuz, Goa, Melaka, Ternate, Macau and Nagasaki
Who established Calicut, what country.
Vasco de Gama established this trading post. India.
What did São Jorge da Mina trade in. What country.
Traded in W. African slaves. Ghana.
What did the trading post of Mozambique attempt to control. What country?
Attempted to control the S. African gold trade. Mozambique.
What did Hormuz control? What country?
Controlled access to the Persian gulf. Iran.
What did Goa organize trade in. What country
Organized trade in Indian pepper. India.
What did Melaka oversee. What country
oversaw shipping between S. China sea and Indian ocean. Malasia.
What was channeled through Ternate.What country
Channeled trade in cloves and nutmeg through here. Indonesia.
What did Macau and Nagasaki offer. What country
Offered access to the markets of China and Japan. Macau is in China. Nagasaki is in Japan.
What is Bombay
English trading post in modern day India
What is cape town
Dutch trading post in modern day S. Africa
What is Manila
Spanish trading post in modern day Philippines
What is Pondicherry
French trading post in modern day India
What does a Joint-Stock company do
It enables investors to profit while limiting the risk to their investments
What is the capitol of The Philippines and who conquered it.
Capital is Manila and was conquered by the Spanish
What is
Java and who conquered it.
Island that was conquered by the Dutch
Which direction did Russia expand during this time period
What place is relevant to Russian expansion during this time period
What resource did Russia get from Siberia
What religion became more prominent in Siberia during this time period
Orthodox Christianity.
What were 2 major goals that motivated European exploration during this time period?
The desire to profit from commercial opportunities and the desire to expand the boundaries of Roman Catholic Christianity.
Why were Portuguese Mariners significant during this time
Portuguese mariners were significant during this time because they were the early leaders in Atlantic exploration and the search for a sea route to Asian markets through the Indian Ocean.
Who is identified on page 468
Prince Henry the Navigator.
What two things did the Portuguese do while sailing around the Atlantic ocean
Explore and conquer
What did the Portuguese do on the Atlantic islands.
They colonized them and grew sugarcane there.
What did the Portuguese take full advantage of?
The long established African slave trade.
How did the Portuguese change the Slave trade?
They increased the volume of slaves and sent slaves to new locations.
What economically important route did the Portuguese figure out how to sail.
They figured out how to sail from Europe to Asia.
What did the Portuguese figuring out how to sail from Europe to Asia lead to?
It led them to participate in the commercial world of the Indian Ocean Basin, and dominating the trade between Europe and Asia.
Who had been exploring the Indian Ocean prior to the Portuguese? Who was this person?
Zheng He, an admiral from China
Where was Christopher Columbus from? What modern day country is this in?
Christopher Columbus was from Genoa, in modern day Italy.
Who are the 2 key Portuguese explorers who led to the Portuguese navigating around the cape of good hope.
Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama
How are the Canary Islands relevant to Columbus’s first journey?
The Canary Islands are relevant to his first journey because he stopped there for supplies.
Who sponsored Columbus’s voyages?
King Fernando and Queen Isabel of Spain sponsored his voyages.
How are the Bahamas relevant to Columbus’s first journey?
The Bahamas are relevant because he first reached land in the Bahamas.
Where did Vasco Da Gamma leave from for his journey?
Vasco da Gama left from Lisbon, Portugal for his journey.
What 3 lands did the Europeans link?
The eastern hemisphere, the western hemisphere, and Oceania
How was the world different before and after 1500?
Before 1500, the world’s most powerful societies were organized by imperial states. After, Europeans became much more prominent, and established empires that spanned most of the world.
What is one place that Vasco Da Gamma Stopped, and 3 places that he passed?
He stopped at the Cape Verde islands and he passed the cape of good hope, Mozambique and Mombasa.
What were some products that Portuguese traders were looking for?
Fish, seals, whales and timber.
The search for what types of places economically motivated the Portuguese to explore? Give 3 examples.
They looked for lands where they could grow wheat, like the Azores, Madeiras, and Canary Islands.
Why did European peoples benefit from unparalleled opportunities to increase their power, wealth, and influence
They traveled regularly between the world’s major geographic regions.
How was Christianity spread peacefully?
Through missionaries that traveled as far as India, central Asia, and China.
How was Christianity spread militarily?
Christianity was spread Militarily through the Crusades and the Reconquista.
Were the inventions used by European explorers exclusively imagined or invented in Europe.
What does a sternpost rudder do and who invented it?
Increases the maneuverability of a craft by building a rudder on the stern. Chinese invention.
What do square sails do and who invented them?
They enable sailors to take full advantage of a following wind (wind blowing from behind). Mediterranean invention.
What are triangular lateen sails and who invented them?
Maneuverable sails that could catch the wind from the side and from behind. Mediterranean invention.
What does an astrolabe do and who invented it?
Determines the latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or the pole star. Greek and Persian invention.
What ability did the European ships have that was crucial for the exploration of regions with uncooperative winds?
The ability to tack, meaning to advance against the wind by sailing across it.
Which two brothers went on an exploratory voyage in 1291?
The Vivaldi brothers.
Did the Vivaldi brothers succeed in their voyage?
No, but it persisted the idea of exploring the Atlantic
Which kingdom conquered the Canary Islands and made them an outpost for further exploration?
Kingdom of Castile.
What is Ceuta?
A Morrocan port that Prince Henry of Portugal conquered in 1415. It quickened the pace of European exploration.
Define Sao Jorge de Mina:
A trading post in modern Ghana where Portuguese merchants established a fortified trading post.
What did they trade in the port of Sao Jorge de Mina?
Europeans exchanged horses, leather, textiles, and metal wares for gold and slaves.
Who rounded the Cape of Good Hope and entered the Indian Ocean in 1488?
Bartolomeu Dias.
Describe how monsoon winds played a major role in the exploration?
Who were the Guanches, and where did they live?
Settled in canaries, from Morocco
In which modern-day country was Sao Jorge da Mina, and what was traded there?
In Modern Ghana
They traded European horses, leather, textiles, metalware for gold and slaves
How are Taino and Guanahani relevant to the reading?
I was the first island that Cristopher Columbus went to in the americas.
In what years, by whom, and to where were each of the voyages taken on the map of pages 486-487?
Bartholomeu Dias - from Portugal to west Africa and reached modern day south Africa
Chrisopher Columbus - from Portugal to find a shorter way to India but instead got to Americas.
Vasco da Gama - from Portugal to west Africa and east Africa and reached India
Ferdinand Magellan (487-488)
When sailing for Portugal he visited ports throughout Indian ocean basin and traveled east as far as spice island of Maluku.
Vitus Bering (489)
Was Commissioned by the Russian to undertake 2 maritime expeditions (1725-1730) (1733-1742) in search of a northeast passage to Asian ports.
James Cook (489)
Led 3 expeditions to the pacific and died in a scuffle with the indigenous people of Hawai’i. He charted eastern Australia and New Zealand, and added New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Hawai’i to European maps of the pacific.
Describe the 2 developments in the final section, “Trade and Conflict in Early Modern Asia”, at the bottom of page 489
Wealth - from spices, trade, slaves
Landmass - Russia got a lot of land in central Asia. Spanish and Dutch had small island empires in Philippines.
Religion - Christianity spread to the Americas and Asia