imperialism Flashcards
Battle of Adwa
In 1815 Ethiopians defeated the invading Italians and remained an independent African state.
Indian National Congress
Founded in 1885 with British approval, was a form for educated Indians to say their views on public affairs
Places in Africa and European countries that colonized
British - Egypt
French - Senegal
Portuguese - Angola
Indentured Labor Migration
Began in 1820s, French and British colonial officials started this to send workers to plantations
Social Darwinism
used Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” to allow racism
European Migration
most of them migrated to America
Views of Moshweshewe I
he disliked the British monarchy. Thought that they were there to destroy and take advantage.
Maji Maji Rebellion
organized to try to expel German colonial authorities from German East Africa
Ram Mohan Roy
an influential Bengali elite sometimes referred to as the “father of modern India”. Argued for both Modern European Science and the Indian tradition of devotional hinduism in structure in society should be implemented
Define imperialism in contemporary usage
Industrilization; the domination of European powers and later the U.S and Japan over subject lands in the world
List three settler colonies
Chile, Australia, and Argentina
Offer two distinct economic explanations for imperialism
1) Available raw materials overseas
2) Colonies being able to consume manufactured products
How are France and Germany linked to imperialism
They both had a desire to make colonies. Especially after the Franco-Prussian War. France lost land and wanted more and Prussia (Germany) wanted more land due to the win.
Define mission civilisatrice
a justification for the missionaries expansion into Africa and Asia
How is Rudyard Kipling significant to the reading
a poet and writer who believed European and Euro-American people had to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands
How is quinine significant to the reading
it was an effective treatment to malaria
How was religion linked to imperialism?
missionaries searched for converts in foreign lands
Name two major canals in important in the Imperialism era and today
Panama and Suez Canals
Which two parties fought in the Battle of Omdurman?
Britain and Sudan.
Describe the importance of the East India Company and where it operated.
It had a monopoly on English trade with India. Located in India.
In what ways were sepoys significant in the reading? Offer two:
1) They were Indian soldiers who worked for the East India Company
2) They were the ones unhappy with their weapons because it was offensive to their religion.
Which European empires were involved in the Great game (at least two), and where did it take place (at least two specific places)?
Russia and Britain were involved, took place in Central Asia and India
How is the Irrawaddy river significant in the reading?
river in Burma where British were seeking to extend their influence
Which three modern-day countries made up French Indochina?
Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
How is Siam significant to the reading?
The only southeast Asian kingdom who remained independent because it served as a buffer state between British Burma and French Indochina
List the three African locations that were already colonized by European empires (and which matched with which) prior to the 1875-1900 period:
Portuguese - Angola
Dutch - South Africa
French - Algeria
Significance of the Khoikhoi and Xhosa peoples in the chapter:
They were the Indigenous African population of South Africa destroyed by European settlers through disease.
What institution defined rural Afrikaner society?
The institution of slavery.
Which European power took over and how did it effect Afrikaner society?
The British. They eliminated the Afrikaners source of labor by abolishing slavery. This dealt a crippling blow to their society.
Who are the “Voortrekkers”?
meaning “pioneers” in Afrikaans.
South African War details:
British vs Afrikaners, British won after the Afrikaners conceded defeat
What other name was the South African war called?
the Boer War
Who are the Afrikaners?
Dutch settlers
What is the Berlin West Africa Conference?
Was a meeting for European powers, the U.S, and Ottoman empire to set ground rules for the colonization of Africa. No African state present.
What were “concessionary companies”?
The earliest apporach to colonial rule.
What replaced the “concessionary companies”?
Direct rule (for the French colonies) and indirect rule (for the British colonies)
What is direct rule?
Featured administrative districts ruled by European personnel. Was intended to weaken potentially powerful indigenous groups.
What is indirect rule?
A form of rule using existing tribal authorities and laws as the foundation for colonial rule.
Who was the driving force behind the doctrine of indrect rule?
Frederick D. Lugard in his book “The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa”.
How did the indigenous population of the Maori decrease significantly?
Disease, like small pox and measles.
Who were the indigenous population in New Zealand?
The Maori.
Meaning of terra nullius and it is relevant to the chapter:
“land belonging to no one” and the British settlers considered Australia this so they could take it for themselves.
Maori King Movement:
Also known as Kingitanga, was a means of forwarding Maori unity and sovereignty
Was Imperialism in the 19th century mostly a European Affair
What two imperial powers appeared on the world in the end of the century. What did they do for this to happen?
The United States and Japan, both lands, they experienced rapid industrialization and the building of a powerful military
What did the U.S. do after its independance
It pursued manifest destiny, pushing out indigenous peoples onto marginal lands and reservations just like the British migrants in Australia and New Zealand did.
The Monroe Doctrine’s say in Europe
It said that Europe should not impose imperialistic designs in the western hemisphere claiming the Americas as the U.S. protectorate
After the late 19th century, the United States mostly exercised informal influence in the Americas and sought to guarantee free trade in the region. What did that policy bring?
That policy benefited U.S. entrepreneurs and their European counterparts who worked to bring natural resources and agricultural products of the Americas to the world market.
What year and who did the USA buy Alaska from?
Bought Alaska in 1897 from Russia
What happened to Hawai’i in 1893 and 1898
In 1893 the Hawaiian kingdom fell having President Cleveland oppose annexation but in 1898, President McKinley annexed them.
What did the USA do with Hawai’i right after 1875
In 1875 it claimed a protectorate over the islands where U.S. entrepreneurs had businesses like Sugar plantations.
Years of the Spanish-Cuban-American War
Cuba and Puerto Rico were the last remnants of Spain’s …
American empire where USA’s business had made large investments
What was the cause of the Spanish-Cuban-American war?
In 1898 the U.S. battleship Main exploded and sank in Havana harbor, making the justification for the U.S. to go to war against the Spaniards. USA took Puerto Rico and Cuba
What did the US do to the Phillipines
After destroying a fleet of ships in Manila, the US occupied Guam and the Philippines, the last colonies of Spain’s pacific region. The US established colonial governments, the US promised independence to the Filipinos but decided to take control of it for 50 years.
Filipino Rebellion in response to USA’s colonization
A violent rebellion led by Emilio Aguinaldo was held, it was a bitter insurrection
What did the USA do in other American lands
Went to lands like Honduras, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua for disputes.
Purpose of Pananama Canal
To facilitate communication and transportation between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, wanting to build a canal across some narrow stretch of land in Central America
What did the USA do in response of Colombia’s unwillingness to cede Panama.
The US funded rebels in 1903 to have the state of Panama as a breakaway state in exchange for the US to build a canal across Panama and to control the adjacent territory known as the Panama Canal Zone
Aftermath of the Panama Canal, what did Theodore Roosevelt make?
He added a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904 called the Roosevelt Corollary
What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?
Stated that the US has the right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations within the hemisphere if they demonstrate inability to maintain the security deemed necessary to protect US investments
Effect of Roosevelt Corollary and the Panama Canal
When the Panama Canal opened in 1914, it gave strength to the US military and economy
How did Japan join the ranks of imperial powers in the late 19th century?
Strengthened by rapid industrialization during the Meji Era
True or False Imperialism and Colonialism profoundly influenced the development of world history?
What did the exploitation of resources of subject lands and recruitment of labor in the colonies bring?
It brought trade and migration
Imperialism and Colonialism brought peoples into …
conflict and the heightened senses of difference between people
What were the jobs of majority of the European visitors?
Whalers, merchants, and missionaries.
Which lands did France impose direct colonial rule over in 1880?
Tahiti, the Society Islands, the Marquesas and New Caledonia.
What did the Pacific islands offer to European powers?
Economic benefits such as productive sugarcane plantations, sources of crops and goods like nickel, vegetable oil, and guano.
What is guano?
bird poop that made excellent fertilizer
What is copra?
Dried coconut which produced high-quality vegetable oil.
One of the principle motives of imperialism:
The desire to gain access to natural resources and agricultural products.
When did cultivation of cotton start in India?
Before 5000 B.C.E
Which Imperial state was in control of the Congo
Moshweshewe I’s thoughts on his interactions with Boers and the British were
Confusing and disappointing
Was Turkey Involved in the textbook definition of imperialism
The Suez Canals construction when
Panama Canal Structure When
Were weapons were essential in the Battle of Omdurman in modern-day Sudan
Captain James Cook first arrived in modern-day Australia in
Migration during this time period (Including for AP Purposes) could best be thought as
Massive and Multifaceted
Cecil Rhodes first made his fortune in
mining (diamonds and silver)
Telegaph made imperialism in this era
Ceylon is modern-day
Sri Lanka
Henry Morton Stanley is associated with
Exploration of Central and Southern Africa
Liberia was closely associated with which nation during this time period?
United States
Describe the Congo Free state and role of KIng Leopold II
The Congo Free state was established by King Leopold II and it was this colony which was created to help develop commercial ventures
Describe interactions in modern-day south africa, including roles of multiple local and European peoples
The Dutch East India Company had established Cape Town as a supply station for ships en route to Asia. European settlers would start moving into Africa. Some would believe that God had predestined them to claim the people and resources of the Cape. European settlers would exterminate the khoikhoi and the Xhosa peoples.
Describe briefly the Berlin West Africa Conference
A group made up of the delegeates of twelve European states as well as the U.S. and Ottoman Empire
Describe the explorations of Captain James Cook
He would anchor his fleet for a week at Botany Bay and report that the region would be suitable for settlement
Describe the Maori population and treaty of waitangi
The maori population would originally have 200,000 and would climb to 750,000. The treaty would be made between by the Maori and British to presumably place New Zealand under British protection
List two European colonizations of two Pacific Island places
France - Tahiti
Britain - Fiji
Define the Monroe Doctrine
A proclamation in which Monroe would claim the Americas as a U.S. protectorate
Who is Emilio Aguinaldo
He would lead the rebels to turning their arms against American intruders. “George Washington of his country”
Define the Roosevelt Corollary
a corollary which exerted the U.S. right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations within the hemisphere if they demonstrated an inability to maintain the security deemed necessary to protect its investments
Which four territories were gained by the U.S. in the Spanish-Cuban American War
Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Phillipines
Describe interactions between Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S.
She was the last queen of Hawaii until after she was overthrown and the U.S. would be invited to annex the islands
How would Cecil John Rhodes make his fortune
mining diamonds and gold
Useful materials which were produced by overseas colonies
rubber, tin, and copper
What is one campaign which promoted nationalism
The abyssinian campaign
Who won the Franco-Prussian War? maybe on the test idk
How would imperialism be useful in domestic politics
Politicians and national leaders would use it to defuse any social tensions in the community
Why would missionaries flock to African and Asian lands
In search of converts to Christianity
What was one of the worst diseases in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world
Two french chemists who discovered quinoine
Pierre Pelletier and Joseph Caventou
Most important innovations in transportation
steamships and railroads
why would railroad transportation be useful
it would enable colonial officials and armies to travel quickly through the colonies and also facilitated trade in raw materials and the distribution of European manufactured goods in the colonies
Most advanced firearms of the early nineteenth century
smoothbore, muzzle loading muskets.
What did the invention of the telgraph do
made it possible to exchange messages even faster.
From what emperor’s death would the Mughal state enter a period of decline
The emperor Aurangzeb
From whose permission would the East India Company get to build fortified posts on the coastlines
The Mughal Emperors of India
What would the East India company do once the Mughal empire started to weaken?
They would start to conquer autonomous Indian kingdoms and reduce Mughal rule to only a small area around Delhi
What was the British policy of expansion
“The doctrine of lapse”
What had the East India Company accomplished by the mid-nineteenth century
they had annexed huge areas of India and had established control over present-day Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, and Sri Lanka
What are sepoys
a large number of Indian troops under the East India Company’s rule
Why would sepoys start to get angry and discomfort
There were rumors spread that the troops that cartridges for newly issued rifles were lubricated with a mixture of pig and cow fat
What is the “Great Game”
A time period where military officers and imperialist adventurers engaged in a risky pursuit of influence and intelligence that British agents referred to as
Why would the British crown abolish the East India Company in favor of the direct rule of India by the British government
To stabliize affairs and forestall problems
How would British rule transform India
British officials cleared forests, restructured landholdings, and encouraged the cultivation of crops, such as tea, coffee, and opium.
Which two groups of explorers would venture into parts of central Asia never visited by Europeans
Russian and British explorers
What would the Russian and British explorers do
they would map terrain , scout mountain passes, and sought alliances with local rulers from Afghanistan to the Aral Sea to prepare for the war for India
What was Burma an abundant source of?
teak, ivory, rubies, and jade
What would the port of Singapore become
The busiest center of trade in the Strait of Melaka
What would the largest southeast Asian colony of French Indochina consist of?
Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
Which kingdom would not be under European imperial rule
the kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand)
What was the “scramble for Africa”?
It was the time period where europe would colonize almost the entire African continent
Who was Henry Morton Stanley and what was the name of his gun bearer
He was an American journalist and his gun bearer’s name was Kalulu
Who is Dr. David Livingstone
A scotish minister, who traveled through much of central and southern Africa in the mid-nineteenth century in search of suitable locations of mission posts