The Microbiology of Skin Infections Flashcards
Resistance of skin to infection
Keratizined layer
Inhibitory surface lipids and free FAs
Innate immune system and complement
Adaptive immune system
Folliculitis…what is it caused by and what it looks like
Infection of hair follicles
Base of follicle becomes red, swollen, pus filled
S. aureus
Cellulitis vs. erysipelas
Both has erythema, edema, and warmth
Erysipelas involves upper dermis and superficial ;ymphatics
Cellulitis involves deeper dermis and subq fat
Erysipelas has more distinctive features, raised above level of skin, and clear demaraction
Cellulitis..organizms, CM, Rx
S. aureus and Strep. pyo
Any part of skin…fever, redness, swelling, pain and tenderness, may get lymphagnatic stewaking…margins not distinct
Clindamycin/dicloxacillin for non-purulent
Erysipelas…pathogenesis, CM, Tx
S. pyogenes spreading into lymph nodes triggering pain
Reddening of face, arm, or legs, and has distinct margens
Caused by toxins that stimulate macrophages and T lymphocytes to release cytokines…fever shokc and rash …warm to tocuh
Clindamycin/dicloxacillin for non-purulent
Skin anatomy of cellulits, erysipelas, skin absecess
All the wya to subQ
Only to dermis
Only to dermis
Skin abscess cause, CM, Rx
S. aureus collection of pus within dermis and deeper…assumed MRSA until proven
Painful, tender, fluctuant and erythematous nodules
Drain, clindamycin/bactrim if sent home…vanc if hospitalized
Nonbullous impetigo Cause, CM, Rx
Normally Strep pyo but some S aureus
Small, flat, honeycombed red pathces that develop into oozing and pus-filled vesicles on a red base…vesicles bust and form honey-colored crust and can causes itching
Mupirocin for single…dicloxacillin for multiple
Necrotizing fascitis, cause, CM, pathophys, Tx
Strep pyo
On surface, hot and very painful…may get fever, nausea, and low BP as it goes lower
Strep enters through wound and spreads rapidly and secretes enzymes that destory
May get moderate gas if mixed
Debridement** then clindamycin/bactrim
Clostridium perfirnges morphology, what is causes
Gram positive, encapsulated, spore forming aneraobe
Myonecrosis - spores into tissue…toxins destory cells…fermentation of tissue….gas accumulates insubq space (crepitus)
Clostridium perfringes grwoth and toxin
Requires additional factors…need necrosis OR nutritional excess
Alpha toxin - lecithinase that degrades lecitihin in mammla cell membranes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa morphology, when to see it and CM
Gram neg, motile, aerobic rod
Opportunistic (burns, wounds, CF)
Can form biolfils of alginate of green and fruity smell
P aeruginosa virulence
Exotoxin A - inactivates EF-2 via ADP-ribosylation
Ecthyma gangrenosum cause, CM, pathophys
Skin lesion following spetic infection with pseudo aeruginosa
Beghin as red macules…slightly elevated papuler…hemorrhage and centrally necrotic with puple to black ocloriton…lesions can occur all over
Breakdown of skin allows dissemination…perivascular bact invasion or arteries and veins deep produce necortizing vasculitis…impredes blood supply…leads to necrosis of epidermis and dermis…nodular lesions develop
Bartonella henselae morphology, CM in healthy
Gram-neg bacillus, aerobe
Cat scratch
Papule or lesion at site and for 1-3…2-3 weeks after infeciton get fever, headache, lymphadenopay…Lipid A endotoxin triggers inflam
Bartonalla in HIV patients
Bacillary angiomatosis…unique vascular lesions that most frequently involve skin…may have other sx
Cutaneous lesions most common are papular, nodular, pedunculated or verrucous forms…lesions due to VASCULAR PROLIF of Bartonella
Pasteruella multicoda morphology, CM
Gram-neg bipolar staingins rods, facultative
Same presentation as cat sratch
Human bites
Eikenlla….gram neg, facultative rod
Scabies tramssion, CM, Dx, Rx
Direct or indirect contact with mite (sarcoptes scabei)
Generalized and intense itching…usually spares head nad face…worse at night…finger webs, flexors of wrists
Dx - need to ID mites or eggs from lesions…initialy dx with light microscopy
Permethrin inhibits sodium ion influx through nerve cell membrane channels resultiing in paralysis
Head lice cause Transmission CM Dx Rx
Pediculus humanus capitis
Direct contact iwth head of infected
Female lays eggs..adults can suck blood and grasp to heairs and feed on scalp
Pruritis occurs as a result of allergic reaction to lice saliva
Suspicion on patient iwth scalp pruritis…then visualize live lice or nits
Sprotorix schneckii morphology, route, Cm, Rx
Dimorphic soil saprophyte
Direct inoculation through skin
Initially painless pink, purple, black papule…enlarge and ulcerate…severeal painless red-to-violet ulcerated nodeules develop along channels that drain intial lesion