Calcium Homeostasis Flashcards
IC Ca vs. EC ca
IC - signal transduction, enzyme, muscle contraction, exocytosis
Plasma - Nerve and muslce excitability, low = tetany
membrane permeability, coagulation of blood, tight junction maintenanc,e synaptic trnasmission, bones and teeth
Where is calcium located?
99% in bone
50% of plasma calcium is ionic…40% protein bound and 10% not
Plasma is only fraction that is hormonlally reguoated
Metabolic state and calcium
Ca competes with H ions so at lower pH (acidosis), Ca is higher
Sites of caclium exchange
Very tightly regulated
Gut, kidney, bone
GI tract
a and PO4 absorbed in small intestine
Majority is excreted in feces
If gastric emptying too fast (partial gastrectomy), then less calcium absorbed
Major determinant of net Ca uptake is absorption…Vit D3 increases Ca absorption in GI
Usually 99% reabsorbed, 60% in proximal tubule
Fine regulation in the distal nephron - major site of regulation in normal calcium balance
PTH in creases reabsorption
Stable pool
Slow exchangei due to remodeling
Uses osteoclasts and osteoblasts
Release both Ca and PO4
Labile pool
Repid exchange from bone fluid
Osteocytes have cnaaliculi that contain bone fluid and Ca
Osteocytic osteolysis where transfer Ca but NOT PO4 from bone fluid to plasma
Mechanical stress will increase flow of bone fluid and increase osteocytic activiation
Absence of stress inhibits osteblasts
Phosphate exchange
Levels vary widley
Most ingested phosphate is absorbed
Renal phopshate reabsorption is primary site of regulation
PTH Target Function Regulation Other
From chief cells of PT glands
Bone (osteoblasts) and kidney
Increase plasma Ca and decrease PO4
Decreased plasma increases PTH synthesis
Incrase plasma free Ca is negative feedback
Max response needs Vit D3
Vit D3 synthesis
In skin, liver, kidney
Final in kdiney
Known as calcitrol
Actions of PTH
Increase bone resoprtion and osteocytic osteolysis which increases serum Ca (and PO4)…needs Vit D3
In kdiney, increase Ca reabsorption and D3 synthesis, decrease PO4 reabsorption
Intestine - nothgin
Vit D3 actions
Intestine- increase of Ca absorption totally by D3
Bone - permissive to PTH
Estradiol and Testosterone
Pubertal grwoth spurt
Increase E2 in females
Increased T in males increases bone E3…mediated by estrogen in both sexes
High levels of E2 causesd epiphyseal closure
E2 protects bone throughout life
T will increas bone srength
Ca Secretion Regulation Action Uses
Secretion by thyroid C cells
Increased plasma Ca increases calcitonin
Decreases Ca by decreasing resorption..inhibits osteoclasts
Paget’s dz, severe osteoporosis, marker for medullary thyroid cancer
Thyroid - increase bone turnover…too hgih - osteoporosis
GC - at hhigh levels cause hypocalcemia via decreased INtenstinal and renal Ca reabsorptiojn and inhibit bone formation…can cause osteoporosis
GH - increased levels at puberty
Age and bone loss
Due to decreased sex steroids
2 phases in women
1) rapid at menopause…2) slower (also in men)
Estrogen loss contributes to both men and wome n
Type 1 diabetes, other endocrine abnormalities, drugs causing bone loss
Type 1 - high glucose activate osteoclasts
inadequate metab of Vit D can occur in liver or kidney dzz
GC or anticonvulstants can increase rate of conversion of D3 to inactive
Osteomalacia or rickets (if Vit D problem)
Increase NM activitiy
Kidney stones Decrease NM Anorexia, sontip, nausea Neurpsych disorders Bone weakness, pain, fractures Ulcers (increase gastric secretion) Calcifcation of soft tissue