Benign Skin Growths Flashcards
Population, where, tx
Birhgt red, small lesions
Face, neck, just beneath skin surface
Grwoth and involution phases
Most don’t need tx
Children/infants - early in life
Molluscum contagiosum
Shape Cause Tx Population Distribution
Multiple, dome shaped, flesh color with central umbilication
Pox virus
Benign and asymptomatic
Young patients and young adults
Anywhere but can be genital
Most regess in 18 mos but you can remove
Types of hemangiomas
Capillary is superficial
Cavernous is deeper
Compound is combination
Acquired nevomeanocytic nevus
Small (less than 1cm) well circumscribed colleciton of melanocytes
Benign..can remove if melanoma concern
Often in childhood but disppear later
Junctinal - no penetration in the dermis…at the junction
Compound - down into the dermis barely…invades
Dermal - down into the dermis…intradermal
Halo nevomelanocytic nevus
NEvus surrounded by area of skin withotu melanocytes
Immune mediated removal of melanocytes
Usually childre nand young adult…mostly on the trunk
Blue nevus
Blue due to depth of melanin in the epidermis
Usually in second decade or later
Most are benign but slight melanoma concern
Spitz neuvs
Dome shaped, red pigmented caused by hperplasia of the epidermis/melanocytes and dilation of capillaries
Mostly in childhood
Rapid grwoth for 6 mos then static
Excise these
Verruca vulgaris (common wart0
Hyperkeratotic papules with rought surface
Hands and knees in shildren
Caused by HPV
Hyperplasia of epithelium from viral infection
Regress in 2yrs
Genital warts
Compared to other warts, these are not as hard and more symptimatic
Caused by HPV
Tx with topcial or surgery if desired
Seborrheic keratosis
Sharp margins and variably pigmented “stuck on” caused by proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes
Very common in older adults…often have multiple
Benign and can be removed
Abnormal wound healing leading to overgrowth of scar tissue from excess collagen
Fibroblast proliferatioin and increase collagen synthesis
Extends beyond orginla scar site
More in AA on the upper trunk
Difficult to tx…maybe intralesional corticosteroid injections
Acrochordons (skin tags)
2-5 mm skin colored that appear in skin folds and areas of friction
Pedunculated - has a stalk
genetics, obesity, friction, pregn, insulin
Snipping, nitrogen, elcetordessication
Way to diff seborrheic keratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, actinic keratosis
SK - oily, flaky, skin growth
SD - overactive in the hair…inflammatory skin conditions
AK - due to solar induced
Slow, growing benign fatty tunors
Soft, lobulated masses in subq and not fixed to underlying fascia
Trunk and prox extremities
Surgical tx to remove
Need to remove fibrous capsule to prevent recurrence
Nothing holding it in place
Inflammation of subq adipose tissue
Usually on lower extrememites
Diagnose with skin biopsy
Polyarteritis nodosa
Panniculitis with vasculitis
Gummy or ruberry consistency granuloma associated with 3 syphilis…seen in liver or other tissue but also in skin