Petechiae/Purpura Flashcards
Purpura definition
Non-blanchable red to purple lesions due to extravasaion of blood into skin/mucous membranes
Key is that these are NON-blanchable because the tissue cannot move…because extravasated red blood cells cannot move
Nonpalpable vs. petechiae vs ecchymoses
Non-palpdable purpure is flat or macular
Petechiae are <3mm…ecchymoses are >5mm
Source of nonpalpable purpura, petechia, eccynoses and necrotic ecchymoses
Bleeding into the skin without blood vessle inflammation due to a bleeding diorser or blood vessel fragility
Petechiae - thrombocytopenia
Ecchymoses - fragile blood vessels
Necrotic - DIC
Palpable purpura source
Due to inflammatory damage to the blood vessel (vasculitis)
Lesions elevated due ot inflamation
Appraoch to purpura
Sick or not sick…if not sick …then look at palable vs non
Nonpalpable sick and palpable sick
Non - RMSF, spesis/DIC, minigococemia
Palp - vasculitis
Not sick, nonpalb
Scurvye or senile purpura
Scurvey etiology/epi
Vitmane C required for collagen synthesis…without it, fragiligty of skin
Loss of Vit C, dialysis, use of meds, smoking
MUst absorb Vitamin C…water soluble
Scurvy pathology,
Needed to hydroxylation of proline on procollagen, allowing formation of HH bnding in triple helix of mature collagen…without Vit C, unable to form stbale helices…causes decreased collagen secretion from fibroblast and unstable collagen
Scurvey signs and sx
Perifollicular purpura, large eccyhmoses on lower legs, IM and periosteal hemorrhage, heratotic plugging of hair follicles, hemorrhage gingivitis
Senile purpura etiology, epidemiology, sings and sx, appearance and distribution
With age and sun damage, dermal tissue thins and increases fragility of BVs…epidermis thinned and dermis has reduced amounts of collagen replaced by abnormal fibers…vessels of dermis normal but supporting ittuse damaged
Over 50, steroid use, chronic sun exposure
Benign recuurent ecchymoses on extenosrs of forearms following minor trauam
Irregular macule shas 1-4 cm with well defined margins…no color change over time
Extensors of forearms
RMSF Eiology
Asociated sx
NC, oklahoma, ark, tenn, mz…tick borne from rickettsia rickettsia…gram - intracellular coccobacillus…spring and early summer
Blanching erythematous rash with macules that becmes petechial
Begins on ankels and wrists and spreads to trunk…palsma and soles later
Fever, headache, nausea, and malaise…myalgia and arthralgia
Sepsis etiology
Inflammatory response spills over to systemic symptoms
Endotoxin LPS of gram negative binds to LPS bdining protein..monos and macros recognize and activated…release inflam mediators that induce inflmaation, enodthelial damage, hypotension and organ dysfunction
Activate leukocysts and promote adhesion and damage…endothelial damage can leads to expression of tissue factor and trigger clotting cascade…this can trigger DIC
Coagulation and fibrionlysis dysregulated with widesrpead clotting and resultant bleeding
Reelease of TF is key
Excess thrombin cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin which leaves fibrin clots…clots trap platelets…leads to ischemia
Clotting factors consumed and excess thrombin converts plasminogen to plasmin…results in fibrinolysis…brekadown results in fibrinogen split products which have anitcoagulatn properties and contribute to hemorrhage
Signs and sx and appearance of spesis/DIC
Systemically ill…fever and schock
Stellate non-palpable purpura
Dark gray areas that will eventually slough
Central area nevrotic
Stellate shape classic for BV thrombosis and infarction
Meningococcemia epi/etio
Neusseria meningitidies…gram - diploccoi…leading cause in children and young adults
Meningoccoal septicemia is a blood strwam infection resulting in damage to blood vessel
If occuring with DIC, then purpura fulminans
Meningococcemia signs and sx, appearance, diagnosis, tx
Fever, headache, stiff neck, N/V, photophobia…if progression, then hypotension and schok
Early on there may be nonspecific rash…petechiae often develo…purpuric lesions with jagged edges progress to necrosis
Culture of blood and CSF
Empiric antibiotics…normally IV ceftriaxojone…may give usportive therapy with fluids
Vasculitis etio/epui
Inflammation of BV by immune system
SMall vessels present with palpable purpura and medium sized with nodules and ulcers
Veell inflammation results in damage to vessel walls causing extravasation of RBCs into tissue
Lesions are elevation due to inflammation…purpiic because of leakage
Vasculitis signs and sx, appearance, diagnosis
Constitutional sx, pain, other organs
Palpbale purpura with predileciton for lower extremities
Skin biopsy