Hair and Nail Disorders Flashcards
Scarring Alopecia
Permanent destrustion of the hair follicular stem cell structe…loss of follicular openings…need to refer to dermatology
Nonscarring alopecia
Hair growht in areas of alopeica will resume
Preservation of follicular openingns
Anagen - determined by location…activity at lower follicle…grwoth and onset of mitoctic activiti yin theis region
Catagen - hair productivitiy stops…cells stop dividign via apoptosis, melanocytes stop produceing pigment,…loses length
Telogen - dermal papillae are fully destroyed
Exogen - Shedding
90% in anagen and only 1-2 in catagen
Inferior is bulge…cantains distinctive ketatinocytes that have characteristics of epithelial stem cells
Loss of these cells is in scarring alopecia
Matrix keratinocytes repidly proliferate during anagen…terminally differentiate while being infused with melanin
Pattenr alopeica in men pathology
Androgen hyperactivity
Anagen duration duration decreases, producing shorter and thinner hairs…amount of time between exogen and new cycle increases
Testosterone role in pattern
Adrenal glands release DHEAS and androsteroine…goes to gonads to produce testosterone…5alpha reudctase converts to DHT
Balding scalpes have more levels of 5alpha reducatase and DHT
Hormone receptor complex alters gene expression…angrogens may induce apoptosis of dermal pipilla cells
Females normal scalp
Females have enzyme aromatase that converts tesoteronse and androstenedione to estradiol and estrone…concentration of enzyme is 5 times higher in female scalp…this lower androgen susceptibility
Female pattern loss
Hyoperandrogen state may contribute…consider lab tests
Increased mitogenic activity of epidermal cells of hair follciles…induces hair groth…topical solution for both
5alpha reductase inhibitor for males
Renal competitive aldosterone antagonist with mild antiandrogen effect…blocks receptor from interacting with DHT…females
Meds and pattern
Use for one year…if not working then low-level light therapy and hair restoration surgery
Telogen effluvium
Increase in shedding of terminal hairs
Premature conversion of anagen to telogen hairs
Hair is shed with white bulb attached as opposed to seeing borken hair
Check iron and thyroid and remove precipitating cause
Alopecia aretae
Men and women at young ages
CD8 cells attakc hair follicles
Demarcated oval bald spot
Black dots on the scalp from fracture hairs that have proken off
Exclamation point hairs at periphery
Nail pitting
Tx with steroids
Traction alopecia
Due to traction due to hair stules and cultural…begins as nonscarring but can be turn into scarring
SHort and bristly hair
Surface of scalp is not smooth
Fungal infection of nail
Dermatophytes (T. rubrum and interdigitale)
White ot brown yellow opacification of the distal nail bed that spreads promixally
KOH examination
Terbinafine for 12 weeks - inhibits enzymes needed to synthesize cell wall component
Inflammation of lateral and proximal nail folds
S.aureus, strep pyo, eikenlla coorodens
Give amoxicillin with clavulanic acid if oral flora exposrue
Cephalexin is first if without oral flora nad not MRSA
Purulent infection/ascess of fleshy mass of fingertip
S. aureus and HSV
Warm soaks, elevation, oral ABs
If HSV, then acyclovir