The Lungs and the Pleura Flashcards
What is the mediastinum?
- cavity surrounded by loose connective tissue
What components make up the mediastinal cavity?
- lymph nodes and vessels - nerves - heart - trachea - thymus gland - great vessels
What does pleura mean?
- greek for sides of the body
What is the visceral pleura?
- visceral = organ
- loose areolar connective tissue
- on outside of the lungs
What is the pleural space? (some refer to this as pleural cavity)
- space between the lungs (visceral pleura) and parietal space
- connected to the parietal pleura
What is inside the pleural space?
- pleural fluid
- secreted by mesothelial cells
- lubricates and allows movement of lungs
What is the parietal pleura?
- parietal means wall of the body
- covers the inside of the thoracic wall
What are the 2 large pleural cavities either side of the mediastinum called?
- pleural cavities
- contain left and right lungs
What is a lung root?
- structures that emerge from the lungs, called the hilum
- include principle bronchus, pulmonary arteries and veins
What is the lung apex?
- the top of the lung
What is the base of the lung?
- where the lungs meet the diaphragm - dome like appearance is due to domes of diaphragm - called the diaphragmatic
What is the costal surface of the lung?
- the outside of the lung facing the ribs (costal)
What are the fissures of the lung?
- fold of visceral pleura - separates the lobes of the lungs
How many lobes are in the left and right lungs?
- right = 3 - upper, lower and medial lobes - left = 2 - upper and lower lobes
What is the hilum of the lungs?
- interior/medial aspects of lungs
- site of entry/exit of structures from an organ
Where is the best place to listen to the lung sounds of the apex of the lungs?
- 2 fingers to the left/right of the sternal/jugular notch
- above the clavicle
Can the middle lobe be listened to on the anterior aspect of the chest wall?
- yes
- ribs 4-6
in addition to the lung root, what other central component of the thoracic cavity can cause an impression on the inside of the lungs?
- mediastinum
What fissures are present in the right lung?
- oblique - horizontal
What do the oblique and horizontal fissures separate in the right lung?
- oblique = separates upper and lower lobes - horizontal = separates upper and middle lobe
What does the oblique fissure separate in the left lung?
- upper and lower lobes
When trying to identify which is left and right lung on the mediastinal surface of the lungs, what can you use to help you?
- indents on the mediastinal surface - aortic arch - other blood vessels - lobes (3 in right and 2 left)
What is the name where the trachea bifurcates into left and right lungs located at the sternal angle/angle of louis?
- carina
The primary bronchi bifurcates to provide the 3 main parts of the right lung. What are the 3 names of these?
1 - upper lobal bronchi 2 - middle lobar bronchi 3 - lower lobar bronchi
The primary bronchi bifurcates into 2 in the left lung, what are the names of these?
1 - upper lobal bronchi 2 - lower lobar bronchi
What is the basic organisation of the bronchial tree?
- principle bronchi - lobar bronchi - primary - secondary - tertiary - terminal bronchioles - respiratory bronchioles (BP segments) - alveoli
What are the bronchopulmonary segments?
- a specific segment of the lungs from the tertiary bronchi - receive their own blood supply - receive their own bronchi branch
Why are the bronchopulmonary segments important?
- able to act independently - reduces risk each segment can impair another - in cancer for example
How many bronchopulmonary segments are there in the left and right lungs?
- right lung = 10 - left lung = 8
What do the bronchopulmonary segments divide into?
- lobules - divisions of the lungs
What are the 3 bronchopulmonary segments in the superior/upper lobe of the right and left lung?
1 - apical (meaning anex so top) 2 - posterior 3 - anterior
What are the 2 bronchopulmonary segments in the medial lobe of the right lung?
1 - lateral 2 - medial
What are the 5 bronchopulmonary segments in the inferior/lower lobe of the right and left lung?
1 - Superior 2 - Posterior Basal 3 - Anterior Basal 4 - Medial Basal 5 - Lateral Basal
What is the arrangement following the terminal bronchi?
- respiratory bronchioles (BP segments) - alveolar ducts - alveolus - alveolar sacs - pores of kohn
Alveoli are made up of a single layer of epithelial cells, what are those cells?
- simple squamous epithelial cells (Type I cells) - simple cuboidal epithelial cells (Type II cells)
Roughly how many alveoli are there in each lung?
- 300-400