Arterial Blood Gases and Control of Respiration Flashcards
Where is the medulla oblongata located in the brain?
- brainstem

Where are the pons located in the brain?
- above the medulla oblongata

What are the 3 main parts of the brainstem?
- midbrain
- pons
- medulla oblongata

What is the order of the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata from top to bottom?
- midbrain - pons - medulla oblongata
Where is the dorsal respiratory group located?
- dorsal = back
- back of medulla oblongata

Where is the ventral respiratory group located?
- ventral = front
- front of medulla oblongata
- below the pre-botzinger complex

What is the main role of the dorsal respiratory group of the medulla oblongata?
- controls inspiration
- receives receptor info due to close proximity to central chemoreceptors
- transmits central chemoreceptors info to Ventral respiratory group

What is the main role of the ventral respiratory group of the medulla oblongata?
- initiate inspiration and expiration
- during exercise and active exhalation
- controls diaphragm and external intercostals
What are the 2 main roles of the Pontine Respiratory Centres, which consists of the pneumotaxic and apneuistic centres?
1 - inhibit inspiration = pneumotaxic centre
2 - initiate inspiration = apneuistic centre

Where are the pneumotaxic and apneustic centres located in the brainstem?
- pons
Out of the pneumotaxic and apneustic centres located in the pons, which is higher?
- upper pons = pneumotaxic centre - lower pons = apneustic centre
What is the role of the pneumotaxic centre in the upper pons?
- control pattern and rate of breathing
- inhibit inspiration
- linked to stretch receptors, important so lungs cannot over inflate
What is the role of the apneustic centre in the lower pons?
- promote inspiration - controls intensity of breathing
Where does the apneustic centre in the lower pons signal in the medulla oblongata?
- dorsal respiratory group to intitate inspiration
- ventral respiratory group to initiate inspiration and expiration
What part of the brain stem is the equivalent of the pace maker in the heart for breathing?
- pre-Botzinger complex

Where is the pre-Botzinger complex located?
- in the brainstem - part of the ventral respiratory group
What are interneurons?
- neurons able to communicate between the CNS and sensory/somatic motor neurons
What is the pre-Botzinger complex?
- cluster of interneurons
Which part of the pons would activate the respiratory system if someone were to begin hyperventilating, with the aim of slowing down breathing?
- hyperventilating = fast breathing - pneumotaxic centre inhibits breathing - allows expiration
What is involuntary respiration?
- breathing subconsciously - when we are asleep
If we need to increase or decrease CO2 or O2 the dorsal respiratory group will innervate which muscles of the thoracic cavity?
- diaphragm - external intercostal muscles - mainly during rest
If we need to increase or decrease CO2 or O2 during exercise the ventral respiratory group will innervate which muscles of the thoracic cavity?
- internal intercostal muscles - activated during active exhalation - exercise for example
If CO2 increases what happens to pH in the blood?
- blood ph will ⬇️
How does breathing change in an attempt to reduce CO2?
- apneustic centre signals DRG to increase inspiration
- central chemoreceptors signal increased activity from DRG
- ⬆️ respiratory rate
- ⬆️ breather depth
- removes more CO2
Does emotional input affect breathing?
- yes
How is Yoga an example of voluntary control of breathing?
- yoga encourages slow deep breathes
How does pain affect breathing?
- pain can ⬆️ respiratory rate and depth - pain management encourages ⬇️ respiratory rate
How does emotion affect breathing?
- irregular breathing - poor ventilation
How does an increase in temperature affect breathing?
- ⬆️ temperature = ⬆️ respiratory rate
- increased O2 demand (exercise)
- we breath out hot air/moisture
- enzymes may not be as effective
How does an decrease in temperature affect breathing?
- ⬇️ temperature = ⬇️ respiratory rate
- cold air enters lungs
- compliance is ⬇️ and elasticity ⬆️
- enzymes may not be as effective
In emotional input on breathing, is it the pons or the medulla oblongata that innervate first?
- pons stimulate medulla oblongata
- both penumotaxic and apneustic centres are stimulated
What are mechanoreceptors?
- sensors in the body - able to detect changes in CO2, O2 and pH
Where are the central chemoreceptor located?
- ventrolateral surface of medulla oblongata
- behind the dorsal respiratory group
What fluid does the central chemoreceptor monitor, and what changes does it generally monitor?
- senses changes in cerebrospinal fluid - generally changes in pH
What are the names of the 2 peripheral chemoreceptors
1 - aortic bodies
2 - carotid bodies

Where is the carotid body peripheral mechanoreceptors located?
- carotid sinus - where pulse is felt
Where is the aortic body peripheral mechanoreceptors located?
- aortic arch
What is the role of the carotid and aortic chemoreceptors?
- detect changes in PCO2 and PO2
- carotid also detects pH
- initiate ⬆️ or ⬇️ respiratory rate
Do the carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors work in isolation?
- No - they are back up for each other
Are H+ and HCO3- able to cross the blood brain barrier?
- no
If PCO2 increases in the brain what does this do to the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid?
- ⬇️ pH
If there is an ⬆️ in PCO2 and a ⬇️ in pH in the cerebrospinal fluid, what is the bodies response?
- central chemoreceptors signal increased DRG activity
- ⬆️ DRG activity = ⬆️ respiratory rate
- DRG signals VRG = ⬆️ respiratory rate
- aim is to ⬆️ O2 and ⬇️ CO2
When we exercise, what is the initial response to the respiratory system and where do the receptors in the active muscles signal?
- Skeletal muscles signal to pons and medulla oblongata
- apneustic centre signals VRG and DRG to increase inspiration
- ⬆️ respiratory rate allows ⬆️ ventilation
Following the initial ⬆️ in respiratory rate to increase ventilation as we exercise, what happens to breathing depth and frequency if exercise continues?
- skeletal muscles signal to pons and medulla oblongata
- respiratory rate ⬇️, but still more than normal
- ⬆️ ventilation = ⬆️ O2 inspire and ⬆️ CO2 expired (like hyperventialtion)
During exercise, is it more efficient to ⬆️ tidal volume or respiratory rate to ⬆️ ventialtion?
- ⬆️ tidal volume
- provides increased time for gas exchange
What are irritant receptors in the lungs?
- receptors located between epithelial cell
- cold air, dust or dangerous gases can trigger these
- trigger a cough to remove irritants
- initiate hyperresponsiveness (type I hypersensitivity)
What are some responses if the irritant receptors in the lungs are activated?
- hyperpnea (rapid and deep breathes)
- coughing, sneezing and mucus production
- vasoconstriction of bronchi
What are lung mechanoreceptors, also referred to as stretch receptors?
- receptors in lungs that respond to excessive stretching
- protective mechanism to stop over stretching
- when stretched to capacity they send a signal to pneumotaxic centre

When lung mechanoreceptors are stimulated following excessive a stretching where in the brain do they signal?
- signal sent via the vagus nerve to penumotaxic centre (PC)
- PC signals dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
- DRG switches off inspiration drive
- ⬆️ respiratory rate and decrease inspiration
What is the Hering-Breur reflex?
- a protective mechanism in lungs
- activated when tidal volume >3x rest
- stops lungs over stretching
What are opioids?
- a substance prescribed to treat pain - also used in anesthesia
How do opioids affect the brainstem?
- reduce sensitivity to breathing stimulus - ⬇️ sensitivity of the pons - ⬇️ sensitivity of ventral and dorsal regulatory systems - ⬇️ sensitivity of the pre-Botzinger complex
How do opioids affect the peripheral mechanoreceptors??
- ⬇️ sensitivity to CO2 in aortic and carotid bodies
- increased risk of acidosis and alkalosis
What do opioids do to ventilation?
- inhibit pons (pneumotaxic and apneuistic centres) which ultimatley inhibits DRG (inspiration) and VRG (inspiration and expiration)
- inability to monitor breathing depth and frequency due to pre botzinger complex
- ⬇️ respiratory rate
- ⬇️ tidal volume
- ⬇️ ventilation
What do opioids to to irritant receptors in the lungs?
- inhibit the cough response
- increased risk of chocking
- increased risk of irritants damaging respiratory tissue
What can Naloxone be used to treat that is addicitve?
- use of opioids
What is respiratory depression?
- depression of all respiratory functions
- caused by opioids use
What is the Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) testing?
- blood sample taken from artery to measure:
- ventilation
- gas exchange
- acid base shift (BEcef)
What is the acid base shift (BEcef)?
- movement in pH out of the optimal range - normal pH range 7.35 to 7.45
Does the acid base shift (BEcef) link more with respiratory or metabolic buffering?
- metabolic buffering - includes haemoglobin, phosphates and proteins - HCO3- is most important
What information does the Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) provide?
- PaO2
- PaCO2
- pH
- HCO3-
- acid base shift (BEcef)
- SaO2
What will an increase in CO2 and H+ do to pH?
- ⬇️ pH
What is normal arterial partial pressure (Pa) for O2 and CO2?
- PaO2 = >10.5 - 13.3kPA or >79 - 100mmHg
- CaO2 = >4.5 - 6.0kPA or 33.8 - 45mmHg
What is respiratory failure?
- low gas exchange
- means low O2 and could be high CO2
What PaO2 identifies respiratory failure?
- <8.0kPA or 60mmHg
Can Arterial Blood Gas testing diagnose respiratory disease?
- yes
What is hypoxaemia?
- ⬇️ partial pressure of O2 in the blood
What is hypoxia?
- ⬇️ tissue oxygenation
What is ventilation (V) / perfusion (Q) mismatch, also referred to as V-Q)?
- imbalance between O2 taken into respiratory tract (ventilation) and O2 that is perfused from alveolar to capillaries
What generally happens to O2 levels when ventilation (V) / perfusion (Q) mismatch, also referred to as V-Q) is present?
- O2 levels ⬇️
Can ventilation (V) / perfusion (Q) mismatch, also referred to as V-Q) occur due to a pulmonary embolism?
- yes
- embolism = blood clot
- blood clot blocks pulmonary blood flow
- ⬇️ blood flow = ⬇️ blood perfusion
Can ventilation (V) / perfusion (Q) mismatch, also referred to as V-Q) occur due to a emphysema?
- yes
- emphysema = damage to alveolar = ⬇️ alveolar surface area
- ⬇️ surface area = ⬇️ perfusion
What is type 1 respiratory failure?
- lungs unable to maintain normal O2 levels
- Pa02 = <8kPa or 100mmHg
- lung tissue may be damaged
- ⬇️ perfusion and oxygenation of the blood
In type 1 respiratory failure what is the only measure that is abnormal on arterial blood gas?
- PaO2 - < 8kPA or 60mmHg
What is type 2 respiratory failure?
- PaCO2 >6kPa or 50mmHg
- PaO2 <8kPA or 100mmHg
- ⬇️ alveolar ventilation
- CO2 cannot be removed and
- can cause hypercapneia and hypoxaemia
In type 2 respiratory failure what measures are abnormal on arterial blood gas?
- ⬇️ PaCO2 >6.5kPA or 48.7mmHg - ⬇️ PaO2 < 8kPA or 60mmHg - ⬇️ pH due to CO2 build up
In type 2 respiratory failure, will patients oxygen saturation be low?
- yes - ⬇️ perfusion = ⬇️ O2 saturation
In acute type 2 respiratory failure, how long can it take to develop normally?
- minutes to hours
In acute type 2 respiratory failure, is the renal system able to compensate for build up in CO2 by retaining HCO3-?
- no - renal system takes days to change pH effectively - ⬇️ in pH
In chronic type 2 respiratory failure, how long can it take to develop normally?
- days to weeks
In chronic type 2 respiratory failure, is the renal system able to compensate for build up in CO2 by retaining HCO3-?
- renal system excretes H2CO3 (carbonic acid) - renal system retains HCO3- - small change in pH, but likely to still be low
Can chronic diseases be made worse by chronic type 2 respiratory failure?
- yes
What is normal PaO2?
- normal PaO2 = 10.5 - 13.3kPA or 80 - 100mmHg
What are some examples of type 1 respiratory failure?
- pneumonia, asthma, COPD, fibrosis
- pulmonary disease (embolism or hypertension)
- reduced perfusion and ⬇️ O2
What is a common treatment for type 1 respiratory failure?
- first option = nasal cannula
- second option = optiflow (similar to nasal cannula)
- third option = O2 face max
- accounts for lung failing to perfuse
What are a few diseases that cause type 2 respiratory failure?
- asthma - COPD
When examining arterial blood gas (ABG), generally what is the firs step?
- examine pH - normal pH = 7.35-7.45
Once you have checked the pH, what is the second step of analysing the arterial blood gas (ABG) data?
- determine if abnormal pH is respiratory or metabolic - look at PaO2 and PaCO2 - look at HCO3-
What is the normal HCO3- level in the blood?
- 24mmol/L
What is the Henderson-Hasslebalch equation?
- CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3- and H+
- ⬆️ CO2 = ⬆️ H2CO3 - ⬆️ H2CO3 = ⬆️ BHCO3- and H+
What does an increase in H+ do to blood pH?
- ⬇️ pH
If H+ ⬆️ and pH subsequently ⬇️, what does this to to ventialtion?
- central and peripheral chemoreceptors detect ⬇️ pH
- apneustic centre signals ventral and dorsal respiratory groups
- respiratory rate increases
- CO2 is expired
What is generally step 3 when analysing arterial blood gas (ABG)?
- investigate the anion gap
What are anions and cations?
- anions have negative charge = HCO3-, Cl- - cations have positive charge = K+, NA+
Are all cations and anions counted in the body?
- no - more non counted anions than cations - this is why we study the anion gap
What is the anion gap?
- difference between cations and anions
- specifically the anions that are not included in the formula
What is the anion gap formula?
- (K+ add Na+) - (HCO3- subtract Cl-) (generally K+ not included)
- Na+ - HCO3- add Cl- = 137 - (104+24) - 9mEq/L
- 9mEq/L is the anion gap (normal = 3-11mEq/L
- the anion gap is all the unmeasured anions in plasma
What is the normal range for the anion gap?
- 3-11 mEq/L
- blood must be neutral
- measuring anion gap tells us what is causing metabolic acidosis
Why should the anion gap be 0?
- because all anions have a charge
- BUT blood is neutral, so cations and anions must balance
What are the 2 types of anion gap?
1 - high anion gap
= high = levels of unmeasured anions (hyperalbuminaemia)
2 - normal anion gap
= normal = diarrhoea (HCO3- is lost, but Cl- is retained so gap is normal)
Why do we need to measure the anion gap, and identify if gap is normal or high?
- helps identify cause of metabolic acidosis
- if normal = could be loss of HCO3- or Cl- the normal anions
- if high = unmeasured anions are high (hyperalbuminaemia)
What are some common causes of a high anion gap?
- hyperalbuminaemia (high albumin)
- hyperphosphataemia (high phosphate)
- can cause alkalosis
What happens to anions when there is a normal anion gap present?
- ⬇️ in HCO3-
- ⬆️ Cl- retained in kidneys to balance anion gap formula
What are some common causes of a normal anion gap?
- diarrhoea
- renal tubular acidosis
What is the key for normal and high anion gap when trying to diagnose a patient?
- ⬆️ anion gap = ⬆️ organic acids
- normal anion gap = ⬇️ HCO3-
What is generally used as step 5 when interpreting arterial blood gas (ABG)?
- determine compensatory mechanisms
How is respiratory compensatory determined?
- ⬇️ pH = ⬆️ ventialtion = ⬇️ CO2
- ⬇️ CO2 = ⬇️ H2CO3 = ⬆️ pH
How fast can respiratory compensation occur?
- within the first hour
How is metabolic compensatory determined?
- use pH
- HCO3- levels
- anion gap
When would metabolic compensatory be initiated?
- respiratory acidosis - kidneys retain HCO3- and excrete H+ - pH ⬆️
What are some common causes of respiratory acidosis?
- asthma - respiratory depression (opioids) - COPD
What are some common causes of metabolic acidosis, which is essentially a reduction in the HCO3-?
- Sepsis (tissue hypoxia)
- Lactic acidosis (build up of acids)
- Ketoacidosis (keto acids build up)
- Severe diarrhea (anions lost in stool)
- Renal tubular acidosis
What are some common causes of respiratory alkalinosis?
- severe vomiting
- cushings disease
- diuretics
What are some common causes of metabolic alkalinosis?
- altitude sickness
- hyperventilation
- hepatic failure
- anxiety CNS trauma/disease
What is narcosis?
- excessive CO2 and nitrogen (N)
What does narcosis generally cause?
- hypercapnia (⬆️ CO2)
What does a pulmonary embolism do to oxygenation and CO2 levels?
- hypercapnia (⬆️ CO2) - hypoxaemia (⬇️ O2 partial pressure in blood)
What is central sleep apnea?
- respiratory drive is insufficient - unable to subconsciously breathe
What does central sleep apnea do to CO2 levels?
- hypercapnia (⬆️ CO2)