The liver as an organ - physiologic anatomy and metabolic functions Flashcards
liver - physiological anatomy 1
upper right quadrant beneath diaphragm
liver - physiological anatomy 2
liver consists of x4 lobes
- lobus dextra
- lobus sinister
- lobus caudata
- lobus quadrata
liver - physiological anatomy 3
each lobe divided into smaller structures called lobules
lobules are divided into hepatocytes arranged hexagonally
liver - physiological anatomy 4
dual blood supply:
- a. hepatica propria = oxygenated blood from aorta to liver
- vena porta = deoxygenated blood from GI tract to spleen
- common bile duct = hepatic duct + cystic duct / contain bile produced by liver/ stored by gall bladder
liver - physiological anatomy 5
receives bloodflow from a. hepatica propria + vena porta
contain kupffer cells + endothelial cells
liver - physiological anatomy 6
formation of bile
- hepatocytes -> bile canaliculli -> common bile duct -> duodenum
- bile emulsifies fats into smaller globules into smaller globules to make a larger ROR of lipase
liver - carbohydrate 1
glycneogenesis = glucose to be converted into glucogen
liver - carbohydrate 2
glycogen-olysis = glycogen broken down into glucose
liver - carbohydrate 3
gluconeogenesis = production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources
liver - lipid 1
lipo-genesis = production of triacylglyceride from carbohydrates/ proteins
liver - lipid 2
lipo-lysis = hydrolysis of triglycerides into diglyceride + fatty acids
liver - lipid 3
cholesterol synthesis = needed for phospholipid bilayer
liver - lipid 4
bile synthesis = produced from cholesterol
liver - protein 1
protein metabolism
deamination = removal of amine group from amino acids to be converted into urea for excretion
liver - protein 2
protein synthesis
hepatocytes synthesise most plasma proteins such as albumin for colloid osmotic pressure