The knee, leg, ankle, and foot (B) Flashcards
Describe the arrangement of muscles in the sole of the foot.
There are 4 layers of muscles
Describe the arrangement of muscles in the dorsum of the foot.
There are 2 muscles
Which nerve supplies extensor digitorum brevis?
Deep peroneal nerve
Which nerves supply the majority of intrinsic foot muscles?
The tibial nerve via the medial and lateral plantar nerves
Which muscles are found in layer 1 of the sole?
Abductor hallucis
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digitorum brevis
Which muscles are found in layer 2 of the sole?
Quadratus plantae
Which muscles are found in layer 3 of the sole?
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis
Which muscles are found in layer 4 of the sole?
plantar interossei
Dorsal interossei
Which tendon are the lumbricals and quadratus plantae attached to?
Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
What are the two muscles on the dorsal surface of the foot?
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
What are the boundaries of the popliteal fossa?
Superior lateral – biceps femoris Superior medial – semimembranosus Inferior – medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius Floor – femur Roof – skin and fascia
What are the contents of the popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery and vein
Common peroneal nerve and tibial nerve
Short saphenous vein
Popliteal lymph nodes
Where does the short saphenous vein drain?
Into the popliteal vein
What does the sural nerve come off?
Name a use of this nerve
It is formed from a branch of the tibial nerve (medial cutaneous sural nerve) and a smaller branch of the common peroneal nerve (sural communicating branch)
Can be used in nerve repair
What type of joint is the knee?
Synovial hinge joint
What part of the femur does the patella articulate with?
Intercondylar region of the femur
What are the two articulations between the femur and the tibia?
Medial and lateral femorotibial articulations
Which sides of the intercondylar fossa do the cruciate ligaments attach to?
Anterior cruciate – lateral
Posterior cruciate – medial
What is the main difference between the medial and lateral menisci?
The medial collateral ligament is attached to the medial meniscus
The lateral meniscus is separate to the lateral collateral ligament
Name the bursae that are found around the knee.
Pre-patellar bursa
Popliteal bursa
What is the main difference between the proximal tibiofibular joint and the distal tibiofibular joint?
Proximal tibiofibular – synovial joint
Distal tibiofibular – fibrous joint
NOTE: they both move slightly during dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot
Which ligaments are most commonly damaged in the ankle?
Most commonly damaged by over-inversion Lateral ligaments: Anterior talofibular Posterior talofibular Calcaneofibular
Name a broad ligament on the medial side of the ankle that is rarely damaged.
Deltoid Ligament
aka tibiocalcaneal ligament. This is rarely damaged probably because its quite tough
What larger joint is the talo-calcaneonavicular joint a part of?
Transverse tarsal joint (aka mid-tarsal joint)
What are the three arches of the foot?
Lateral longitudinal arch
Medial longitudinal arch
Transverse arch
What structures help maintain these arches?
Ligaments and long tendons
Which vessel do the circumflex femoral arteries come from?
Profunda femoris
What is the popliteal trifurcation?
Division of the popliteal artery into the:
Anterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial artery
Peroneal artery
What are the two main arteries of the foot and which parts of the foot do they supply?
Dorsalis pedis (from ATA) – dorsal part of the foot and digits Posterior tibial artery – sole of the foot (via the medial and lateral plantar arteries)
NB tibial nerve splits into medial and lateral plantar nerves too
What does the anterior tibial artery have to go through to access the anterior compartment?
Interosseous membrane
What is the arch shaped artery on the dorsum of the foot?
Arcuate artery
Which small arteries supply the digits?
Dorsal and plantar digital arteries
What are the main superficial veins draining the foot and leg?
Long saphenous vein (from the medial end of the dorsal venous arch, going the medial malleolus and along the medial side of the leg and thigh and drains into the femoral vein)
Short saphenous vein (from the lateral end of the dorsal venous arch, going behind the lateral malleolus)
Where does the great saphenous vein drain?
It passes along the medial side of the leg and it drains into the femoral vein at the saphenofemoral junction
Where does the short saphenous vein drain?
It drains into the popliteal vein
State the motor nerve supply for: Hip Flexors Hip Extensors Knee Extensors Knee Flexors Ankle Dorsiflexors Ankle Plantarflexors
Hip Flexors: L23 Hip Extensors: L45 Knee Extensors: L34 Knee Flexors: L5S1 Ankle Dorsiflexors: L45 Ankle Plantarflexors: S12
What is a good way of remembering some of the sensory segmental supply?
L3 to the knee
L4 to the floor
L5 to the great toe
S1 to the lateral side and sole of the foot
What does the tibial nerve divide into is it passes behind the medial malleolus?
Medial and lateral plantar nerves
The tibial nerve supplies all intrinsic foot muscles except one. Name this muscle.
Extensor digitorum brevis
What is the sural nerve made up of?
A branch of the tibial nerve (medial sural cutaneous nerve) and a smaller branch of the common peroneal nerve (sural communicating branch)
NOTE: it can be used in nerve repair