The Inguinal Region and Hernias Flashcards
What is a hernia?
A protrusion of the parietal peritoneum through the abdominal walls, roof of the abdomen or the floor of the pelvis.
Name the 6 types of hernia.
Umbilical (through umbilicus) Paraumbilical (near umbilicus) Epigastric Spigelion (at linea semilunaris) Lumbar (through lumbar fascia) Inguinal (direct, indirect, femoral)
What is the external/superficial inguinal ring?
Weak spot to allow spermatic cord to pass through. Through which testes descend down through during development.
In females: round ligaments of the uterus and ilioinguinal nerves pass through this ring.
Where inguinal hernias can occur
What is the inguinal ligament?
Lower wall of the external oblique aponeurotictendon.
Attaches at the pubic tubercle.
Through where do femoral hernias occur?
Femoral canal
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canals?
Anterior - aponeurosis of external oblique
Floor - inguinal ligament
Roof - internal oblique
Posterior - transversalis fascia
Name the 3 fascial coverings of the spermatic cord and their origins.
External spermatic fascia - derived from external oblique
Cremasteric muscle and fascia - derived from internal oblique muscle
Interal spermatic fascia - derived from transversalis fascia
What is the function of the gubernaculum?
Guide the descent of the testes.
Forms the round ligament of the uterus in females.
What is the tunica vaginalis?
Peritoneal fluid sac in the scrotum.
What is the inguinal triangle (Hasselbach’s Triangle)?
A potential weak area on the anterior abdominal wall.
What are the borders of the inguinal triangle?
Medial - linea semilunaris (lateral border of the rectus abdominus)
Lateral - inferior epigastric artery
Inferior - inguinal ligament