The History Of Psychology Flashcards
Temporal contiguity
Associating events and ideas that occur close in time with each other
Mind - body dualists thought the body might be mechanical but the mind and soul are spiritual
Rene Descartes
French philosopher who thought the body was basically and machine but the mind only interacts with the body through the pineal gland
17th century philosopher who laid much of the philosophical foundation for modern science of psyc, monist, more correct at the time
Believed the mind and body were different aspects of the same phenomenon
Believed that people learn linking or association sensations with each other
Law of association
Emphasize contiguity and other principles that were thought to help people form associations between thoughts memories and experiences
Maintained that knowledge comes to us by the way of sense
Locke and Hume
British empiricists that laid much of the philosophical foundation for modern psychology
19th century movement which states that a trained expert could learn about the psychological characteristics of a person by feeling the bumps on his or her head
Localization of the brain function
The notion that brain function is important for psychological processes emphasized because they stressed that particular brain areas performed specific mental functions
Phineas Gage
19th century brain damage victim
William Wundt and William James
Established 1st Psyc lab in 1879 wrote influential psyc textbooks
Ivan povlou
Reflexes later discovered basic mechanisms of learning (conditions dogs with a Bell)