Organization Of The Brain Flashcards
Three major parts one the brain
Forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
Part of the forebrain
Divided into the telencephalon and the diencephalon
Part of the midbrain
Contain the tectum and tegmentum, inferior colliculus is a relay area that conveys information related to hearing, superior colliculus receives information related to vision
Nucleus in the tegmentum called the substantia nigra is very important for motor control
Part of the hind brain
Consists of the metencephalon and the myelencephalon,
closets to the spinal cord
Medulla oblongata
Part of the hindbrain
Adjacent to the spinal cord
Connected to the spinal cord and is important for life sustaining functions, plays a role in sensation and movement
Life support, breathing
Control of digestion
Sensory and motor functions
Part of the hindbrain
Pons and the cerebellum
contains the pons and is important for sensory and motor function, cerebellum important for motor integration and coordination and learning
Sensory and motor function
Connections to the cerebellum
consists of the basal ganglia, and limbic system
basal ganglia
consists of the caudate, globus pallidus, and the putamen
motor control and in integrating sensory function with the motor function
putamen and caudate
the substantia nigra innervates the caudate and the putamen and the neurons that originate in the substantia nigra and terminate in caudate and putamen as dopamine (DA)
A neurotransmitter which when depleted causes Parkinson’s disease- a movement disorder
L-DOPA is the leading treatment and is converted into dopamine
Limbic system
consists of the septum, amygdala, and the hippocampus
associated with emotion
associated with memory, learning, damage of the hippocampus can result in Alzheimer’s disease
contains the hypothalamus and the thalamus
several nuclei involved in motivation and homeostatic body functions, eating thirst, sex, regulation of body temperature and regulation of endocrine system
contains sensory nuclei which are the points of origin for the thalamic projections that map onto the neocortex
has many convolutions or folds; Outer fold- gyrus (hill)
Inner fold- sulcus (valley)
holds the primary vision cortex, primary somatosensory area, visual association area, somatosenory association area
consists of the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, insula, and occipital lobe
bilateral-they are present in both the hemispheres of the brain
Wernicke’s area- language comprehension
Broca’s area - organizing muscles used for speaking
Left hemisphere is used for language function
frontal lobe
in the neocortex deals with motor function, primary motor cortex and supplementary motor cortex, has the prefrontal cortex involved in emotion and planning
parietal lobe
in the neocortex deals withprimary and secondary areas related to somatosensation (touch and related senses)
occipital lobe
in the neocortex, visual areas both primary and secondary visual cortex
temporal lobe
primary and secondary auditory cortex