The Habit mechanic Part - 8 Flashcards
The footage showed Wiliams engaged in a dispute on the court after she had just lost a point
footage = imágenes
In the voiceover, Williams explains how the dispute impacted her concentration levels
voiceover = narración, voz en off
Write a draft email about this report to my cliente
draft email = borrador de correo electrónio
Sustain and refocus your attention
sustain = sostener
A magnifying glass to see close
magnifying glass = lupa
Notice the big mismatch between the Xs and Os at this time of day
mismatch = desajuste
I felt drowsy after eating
drowsy = soñoliento
I grazed on snacks throughout the morning
grazed = consumí
I will show you how to supercharge your practice so that you can harness your learning superpower
harness = aprovechar
Thomas Edison’s willingness to work hard and acquire new insights from his mistakes
willingness = buena voluntad
an underground academic collective that constantly moved location to evade Russian officials
underground = clandestino
and at other times I sank into despair
despair = desesperación
her first paper was published to worldwide acclaim
acclaim = aclamar
Prizes has been described as repetiteve, tedious, and drudgery
tedious = tedioso
drudgery = trabajo pesado
One of the hallmarks of Marie Curie’s professional life was the way she docummented everyting in journals and notebooks
hallmarks = sellos distintivas
All three athletes were undoubtadly putting a lot of effort into their trainig
undoubtedly = indudablemente
If you are feeling fearful, angry, or guilty, it is very difficult to pay attention
fearful = temeroso
the spotlight from your torch of concentration quite tightly onto these written words
onto = dentro
It is highly likely I have just overloaded your working memory
highly likely = muy probable
Your working memory is similar to a leaky bucket
leaky = fuga
the plot of your favorite film
plot = trama, conspirar
Selecting the former will probably hinder your learning
hinder = impedir
The ninth factor is the volume and quality of your prior learning
prior = previo
And if you cannot add an subtract, it is difficult to do long division
subtract = restar