The habit mechanic Part - 5 Flashcards
this traditional approach to changing our habits is overreliant on Will Power
overreliant = demasiado dependiente
You use Will Power to regulate your emotions and resist the temptation of entering the old routine of checking the phone
entering = entrar
Rewards encourage behavior and penalties discourage it
discourage = desanimar
These simple behaviors are increasingly agitated and exploited in the Learning War
agitated = agitado
we would not have achieved this milestone
milestone = hito
If you were sleep deprived and took a driving lesson
deprived = privado
instead of trying to make a single massive leap of progress
leap = saltar
A predestrian crossing will remind us to stop
pedestrian crossing = paso cebra
explaining the nuances of all of these is beyond the scope of this book
nuances = matices
scope = alcance
I don’t want to get a speeding fine
speeding fine = multa por exceso de velocidad
We are hardwired to find improving and achieving both rewarding and motivational
hardwired = cableado, programados
one positive reflection each day turns into a more positive outlook on life
outlook = perspectiva
I fill it in and stick it on my fridge at the begining of each week
stick it = pegarlo
give yourself a tick (or a cross if you fail)
tick = check
Aim to get as many consecutive ticks as possible, and create a tick streak
streak = racha
you can of course go much further ( think likes, points, badges, leaderboards, etc.)
leaderboards = tablas de clasificación
Scarcity (sale, happy hour, buy one-get-one-free offers)
scarcity = escasez
making a bet, scratch cards, playing the lottery
scratch = rascar
countdown timers to encourage you not to miss out on this fantastic offer
timers = temporizadores
this is because they are deliberately loaded with rewards and penalties, and are always very close by/strapped to you
strapped = atado
This feeds directly into the APE Brain’s subconscious concerns about how much other people like us
concerns = preocupaciones
So seeing the red dot can create a little stress response in your brain that compels you to take action
compels = obliga
Speedeer get fined and money goes into a pot
get fined = ser multado
the money paid in fines by those who broke the speed limit
fines = fines