The Habit mechanic Part - 3 Flashcards
My aim was to demystify what helped young athletes fulfill their potencial, and what stopped them.
demystify = desmitificar
I worked in professional sports including soccer, rugby, cricket, golf, tennis, and track and field
track and field = atletismo
Alongside my applied work, university lecturing, and imagery research.
Alongside = junto a
Instead of simply knowing what they should be thinking under pressure, Pre-shot made it easier for them to practice these thoughts in real time.
Pre-shot = disparo previo
As part of this work, it funds fellowship to give schools in its network access to specialist support.
funs fellowships = financian becas
It was to create a practical, accesible language that conveyed complex science that made people’s lives easier.
conveyed = transmitiera
One of London’s oldest independent schools, with a longstanding association with the Leathersellers’ Company
longstanding = antiguo
This research set me on the path to seeking out the secret science that we can all use to make out lives easier.
seeking out = buscar
The latter is more likely to leave you with a hamstring strain than a personal best.
hamstring strain = distensión isquiotibial
At this point in my career, I found it astonishing that the vast majority of training and coaching people used.
astonishing = asombroso
Beware of people who tell you that “new science” does not have much to tell us about being our best.
Beware = cuidado
Your brain is a threat detection machine.
Threat = amenaza
The overarching organizational principle that motivates human behavior seems to be to minimize threat and maximize reward
overarching = general
The well-worn, established management technique of “give them a positive, then give them a negative, then give them another positive”
well-worn = trillado
Most of our thoughts and actions are mindless.
mindless = inconscientes, no tienen sentido