The habit mechanic Part - 7 Flashcards
This is a state in which we never become too down in the dumps.
dumps = vertederos
Let’s merge the iceberg concept with our house
merge = fusionar
for every important area of your life - like a housing estate of igloos
estate = propiedad
your confidence will not crumble when it is challenged
crumble = desmoronar, desmenuzar
you have deemed to be most important
deemed = considerado
After she sustained the injury to her right foot
sustained = sufrió
to provide a place where like-minded people can speak support from each other without being judged
like-minded = ideas afines
we are neither useless nor faultlessly excellent at anything we do
faultlessly = impecablemente
At the perfect end, your igloo is flawless
flawless = impecable
Draw on her persistence
draw on = aprovechar
We all experience events that dent and damage our confidence
dent = abollan, abolladura
This is the stress response process I outlined in Chapter 22
outlined = descrito
to reframe and defuse any challengue I have experienced
defuse = desactivar
Warren Buffett is regarded as one of the world’s most successful investor
regarded = mirado
King George VI’s stutter and his relationship with his speech therapist
stutter = tartamudear
One of the central focuses of the film is the King’s coronation at Westminster Abbay
abbey = abadía
Logue also played the part of the Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop = arzobisto
a young player who had been touted as the future of English rubgy
touted = promocionada
the team suffered a series of heavy defeats and the media debbed it “The tour from hell”
dubbed it = lo apodó
Wilkinson began by placing the ball down and teeing it up
teeing it up = golpeándola, poniéndolo en marcha
Then he cupped his hands together
cupped = juntó, ahuecada
This is because all gol kickers have to tee up the ball, then pace backward, and finally kick the ball
pace backward = marchar atrás (caminar hacia atrás)
Tee up = levantar
What makes Jonny Wilkinson’s routine stand out is that he not only understood the physical elements
stand out = destacarse
I am bound to make a mistake
bound = obligado