The Great War Quiz Slides 1-26 Flashcards
Which countries consist of the “Allied Powers?”
British Empire (1914-1918), France (1914-1918), Italy (1914-1918), Russia (1914-1917), and United States (1917-1918)
Which countries consisted of the “Central Powers?”
Austria-Hungary (1914-1918), Germany (1914-1918), and the Ottoman Empire/Turkey (1914-1918)
What is the greatest change between the Great War (World War I) to the past wars?
It moved from traditional to industrialized fighting (cause of the Industrial Revolution).
Which group of alliance did Italy used to be part of, and which alliance did Italy switch to in 1917? Why
Italy was a member of the “Central Powers” because of Germany. By 1914, Italy switches to “Allied Powers” after being promised land (Austria’s land).
Which countries entered the war to defend Belgium’s neutrality?
United Kingdom and Great Britain
Whose influence caused France’s longing for war?
Napoleon Bonaparte (empire)
Which country did France wanted to take revenge on?
Germany (Franco-Prussian War)
What was the Russian economy based on and define?
Serfdom: very few wealthy people, many poor people.
What was the main problem of Russia?
It struggled to industrialize, it was behind other nations
What does Germany lead in? What holds it back from this?
Germany leads in Industrialism, but barely produces enough resources.
Who unifies the German states?
Otto von Bismarck unifies the German states
What did Bismarck want to accomplish?
He wanted treaties and ties with other nations
Who dismisses Bismarck and what does this cause?
Kaiser Wilhelm II dismisses Bismarck since he is pro-war. He allows for treaties to elapse and destroy.
What style of constitution did the Ottomon Empire show?
1908: Western style constitution
Why does the Ottoman Empire slowly breaks down?
Nations are breaken apart from Empire, since granted freedom
Who does the Ottoman Empire look to for help?
What reason does Germany have for helping the Ottoman Empire?
The Ottoman Empire gives Germany resources, will be another ally, and gives them access to sea-ports to ship goods (important)
Which dynasty ruled over the Austria-Hungary’s?
The Hapsburg Dynasty- an old and dying kingdom
Why did the Austria-Hungary’s have trouble keeping land?
There were many ethnicities. For example, Serbia. Tension grew between both ethnic groups.
What did Serbia want?
Serbia wanted to become an independent nation.
What caused most reasons to go to war and why?
Industrialism; most countries weren’t updated with Industrialism
What did Pre-War Europe consist of?
Outdated social practices and military tactics, Alliances, Industrialization, Aristrocracies, Calls for social reform, and Government Responses
What was Balkan?
It was a region in South Europe
What the reason for the Balkans not being united?
There were different ethnicities, and each nation wanted to be independent
What was the Balkan Powder Keg?
It was a gun powder
What other country were the Balkan’s similar too?
What did Industrialization do to nations?
It changed all aspects of life; Armies swifter, stronger, more mobile, deadlier; new military technologies; important in starting World War I; created competition; causes imbalance
What was the social unrest?
Enlightenment ideals infiltrated populace; people lost faith in divine right (no respect); people questioned the government; communists and socialists called for reforms; monarchs looked for ways to unite their countries; nationalism
Who was the heir to Austria-Hungary?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Why did Archduke Ferdidnand go to Bosnia?
He wanted to end abuse of Serbians located in Bosnia. He expected to deliver message of peace-talk to governor for peace
Where in Bosnia does Archduke Ferdinand visits?
He visits Sarajevo, Bosnia
Which group disliked the gorernment of Austria-Hungary?
The Black Hand
Who carries out Archduke Ferdinand and his wife’s murder and why?
Gavrilo Princip; to show their dislike for the government
Why does the Emperor use his nephew’s assassination as an excuse to punish Serbia?
He wanted to punish Serbia for Slavic nationalism
What did Franz Joseph’s Ultimatum to Serbia consist of?
- wants Serbia to suppress all Anti-Austrian propaganda.
- dissolve any nationals or terrorist group.
- he wants “Austrian” represenatives to investigate the assassination (insulting).
What would happen to Serbia if they do not accept the Ultimatum?
Austria will go to war with Serbia, so they look to Russia for help
How were Kaiser Wilhelm II, Queen Victoria, and Tsar Nicholas II all connected?
They were 1st cousins
What did he call the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?
The assassination was an institution of monarchy/government (changed way of life), Serbia-peasants.
What did Kaiser Wilhelm II state with what will happen to a country without monarchy?
Without monarcy, nations will fall.
Why was Tsar Nicholas II an important historical figure?
He was the last Tsar of Russia; halfway through the war, he is overthrown and killed
What did Tsar Nicholas II oppose and supports?
He opposed monarchy and supports ethnicity
What does Tsar Nicholas II do with Wilhelm II and the Slavics?
He supports Slavic cultural ties over Wilhelm/family ties/monarchy
What did Tsar Nicholas II do with his army?
He mobilized the army to support Serbia. In response, Wilhelm II mobilizes his army of Germany in response.
What is a diplomacy?
peaceful agreement
What does Pre-war mobilization plans hinder?
When did the Austrian’s declare war on Serbia?
July 20, 1914, a month after the Archduke’s assassination
What as the battle strategy after Germany declares war on Russia?
Germany- offensive. Russia- defensive
Why does France come into war?
France had an alliance to support Russia
Which nation supports Germany?
The Ottoman Empire
Why doesn’t Italy help support Germany?
Germany was on the offensive side (will only help if Germany is on defensive)
What was the Germany’s Schlieffen Plan?
The German’s will attack France, defeat them, and then attack Russia with the entire army. They will try to avoid a two-front war essential. The toughest part was moving the army to Russia.
What WILL the German’s do with France?
They will send troops through Belgium secretly (causing raids). This however, violates Belgium’s neutrality.
Why does the Schlieffen Plan fail?
Great Britain declares war on Germany for invading Belgium and sides with France.
What was a result of the Sclieffen Plan failing for Germany?
The German’s can only send half of the army to Russia.