Imperialism Flashcards
David Livingstone
What was Livingstone’s occupation?
He was a British missionary.
David Livingstone
Who went on search to find Livingstone when he was assumed to have disappeared?
Henry Stanley
Effects on Africa
Why was Africa sought after?
It had valuable resources.
Effects on Africa
What gave reasoning to European countries to Imperialize Africa?
Social Darwanism; They wanted to “civilize” the people.
Henry Morton Stanley
Who sent Stanley to find Livingstone?
King Leopold II
Henry Morton Stanley
What occupation did he act as to find Livingstone?
Cecil Rhodes
What was Rhode’s occupation?
He was the prime minister of South Africa.
Cecil Rhodes
What was the name of Rhode’s mining company at South Africa?
De Beers (produced diamonds)
Cecil Rhodes
What did he dream of towards establisment in Africa?
Building a railway that extends from Cairo, Egypt to Cape Town, South Africa.
What is opium and what was its affect on China?
It is an addictive drug. It destroyed the Chinese nation (instability).
What did the British exchange its opium for from China?
What is the name of the ruler?
Why didn’t the country modernize itself?
It isolates itself from the rest of the world.
Who does Fillmore send to go to Japan in order for it to become trading partners with America?
Matthew Perry
Which country introduces industrialization to the Japanese?
United States
Which country is first to come to India?
The Portugese
Which country decides that India should establish a spice trade with them?
Great Britain
Which country (Great Britain or India) profits more from trade?
Great Britain
What was the main reason tension heightened between the British and Indian (who worked as farmers) traders?
Cash Crops were grown instead (like cotton).
What supplies did India have?
Tea, indigo, coffee, and cotton
What does the British refer India as?
“The Jewel in the Crown”
Who were the Boers?
They were sustanance farmers (the Dutch).
Where did the Boers first settled?
Cape Town, South Africa
Where did the Boers second settled and what did they find there?
Transvaal; diamonds and gold
What was the name of their migration when the British forced the Boers out of Cape Town?
The Great Trek (1835-1843)
The Suez Canal
Who created the Suez Canal (and borrows from what country to pay)?
Lesseps; Egypt
The Suez Canal
Which country decides to loan money?
Great Britain
The Suez Canal
In order for there to be know government, what did the British do to the Suez Canal?
They invade and take over the land
Rudyard Kipling
What famous poem did he write explaining the hardships of European countries?
The White Man’s Burden
Rudyard Kipling
What did the White Man’s Burden symbolize?
It explains that the European’s reasoning for Imperializing Africa was to bring civilization.
Direct and Indirect Control
What is Direct Control?
Directly, placing rules on the Imperialized country, may cause more problems since it’s outsides.
Direct and Indirect Control
What is Indirect Control?
The role of spreading Imperialism is given to the governor or high power in the Imperialzed nation.
Who were the Sepoy’s?
They were Indian soldiers who served under British commanders.
What two religions were the Sepoy’s?
Hindu and Muslim
Why did they start to rebel against Grean Britain?
They were forced to have contact in the south with animal fat (pork and beef), which was against their religion.
Social Darwanism
Define Social Darwanism
Survival of the fittest- Those in society who are more culturally advanced in civilization will survive.
French Indochina
Which countries did the French Indochina emcompassed most of what?
Southeast Asian Countries
French Indochina
Which country tries to Imperialize this nation?
The French
French Indochina
What resources were found in French Indochina?
Tin, hepper, coal, cotton, and rice
Berlin Conference
Which countries were accpeted in the Berlin Conference?
Every European nation except for Africa
Berlin Conference
What was the reason of the Berlin Conference?
It was to decide and confirm the split of land in Africa between the European countries.
Berlin Conference
What were the 3 rules of the Berlin Conference?
- Land around the Congo rivers is owned by Belgium.
- Must notify other nations of occupying land.
- Any land you say is your’s must be occupied (by army or people).
Millard Fillmore sent ______________ to open a trade agreement with Japan.
Matthew Perry
Indochina was controlled by?
Britain fought with _________ three times over dispute of borders.
Japan’s try at catching up to the rest of the world became known as?
Meiji Restoration
Japan won agaisnt _________ for control for Manchuria.