The Genetic Core of Development Flashcards
what 2 different groups had differing opinions on what was responsible for differentiation of cell types and development of the embryo?
geneticist group & embryologist
define polyspermic fertilization
when more than one egg fertilizes the egg cytoplasm
polyspermic fertilization results in
- excess genetic material
- abnormal blastomere formation
- embryonic anomalies
eggs w/ the original nucleus removed failed to
develop embryos
what was the embryological theory?
differentiation of cell types was dictated through biochemical changes in the cytoplasm
explain somatic nuclear transfer
enucleated eggs transfected w/ donor nucleus
somatic nuclear transfer is AKA
somatic nuclear transfer lead to the development of a
normal ‘totipotent’ embryo
define totipotent
genome capable of directing development of all cell types
the success of embryo development is dependent upon the _______ of the transfer
transfer at what stage led to the complete differentiation of cell types
early blastula stage
transfer at later stages of the blastula led to…why?
loss of potency
- cells were already committed prior to transfer
what did the British group clone sheep from
a somatic cell nucleus of an adult donor
explain the process that lead to the birth of Dolly
- diploid nuclei inserted by electroporation into oocytes
- fertilized eggs are transferred into recipient
Dolly was identical in ___________ but NOT ___________.