Lateral Plate Mesoderm and Endoderm Flashcards
what develops on either side of the intermediate mesoderm?
the lateral plate mesoderm
the lateral plate mesoderm ultimately forms
- the heart
- blood & lymphatic vessels
- elements of blood
- digestive system
- respiratory system
what is the 1st functional organ and system to develop in the embryo
the heart
cardiogenic mesoderm is aka
presumptive heart cells
the cardiogenic mesoderm is the first to develop in the
primitive streak
during the heart formation various inducers stimulate formation of….while inhibitors prevent the abnormal location or formation of….
- specific cell types
- development of heart cells
what is known as a collection of stem cells that specifically forms heart related structures?
the cardiogenic mesoderm
the cardiogenic mesoderm is specified to form
- endocardial endothelial cells -> cushion cells -> AV channels
- atrial myocytes
- ventricular myocytes -> purkinjie fibers
what is one of the 1st genes to get introduced in precardiac cells
GATA 4 helps to produce
cadherin helps to fuse the 2 heart rudiment halves into
1 tube by the 3rd week of gestation
initially the human heart is a
2 chambered tube w/ 1 atrium + 1 ventricle
the 2 halves of the heart tube are formed from the
medial aspects of the lateral plate mesoderm as they move closer together
when does the pulsation of the cardiac cells begin?
as the 2 halves of the tube fuse together
pulsation of the heart is dependent on the presence of the
sodium/calcium exchange pump
looping occurs at the
5th week of gestation in humans
how do transcription factors form the normal adult prototypical shape of the heart
by curving, bending, & reorienting
where are the atria and ventricles located prior to looping?
atria: lower/ distal end of tube
ventricles: upper proximal end of tube
abnormal looping may lead to
congenital heart defects
endocardial cushion cells form from the
the endocardial cushion cells begin to shape the
atrioventricular channels
where the tricuspid and mitral valves form