The Foot - Dorsal Flashcards
How many tarsals
how many metatarsals
How many phalanges
14 (1st toe only has 2)
Sesamoid bones
Medial and lateral in tendons of flexor hallucis and brevis muscle
Hind foot
Calcaneus and talus
Mid foot
cuboid, navicular, cuneiforms
Fore foot
Phalanges and metatarsals
Ball of foot
Sesamoid of 1st met and head of 2nd
Dorsal surface of foot - skin us usually
thin and loose
Deep fascia on dorsal surface of foot
Continues with crural fascia and fascia of plantar surface of foot
Dorsal surface - Thickening of deep fascia forms
Inferior extensor retinaculum
- stem
- superomedial limb
- inferomedial limb
Dorsal surface Cutaneous nerves
- Saphenous Nerve
- Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Deep peroneal nerve
Saphenous nerve
medial side of foot as far as the 1st metatarsal
Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve
continuation of sural nerve into the foot
Superficial peroneal nerve
medial and ntermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves
supply middle part of dorsum of the foot
Deep peroneal nerve
supplies the skin btw 1st and 2nd toes
Tendons and muscles in dorsal foot
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Extensor hallucis longus
- Extensor digitorum brevis
- Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum longus
One tendon for each of lateral four toes
Dorsal expansions over the toes
Extensor hallicus longus
to the 1st toe
Extensor digitorum brevis
Only intrinsic muscle of dorsum of foot
Extends toes 2 -4
Extensor hallucis brevis
Goes to 1st toe
Part of extensor digitorum brevis
Arteries dorsum of foot
Dorsalis pedis
Direct branvhes off dorsalis pedis in dorsal aspect
Lateral and medial tarsal
Deep plantar artery
First dorsal metatarsal artery
Branches from arcuate ligament
3 dorsal metatarsal arteries
Each dorsal metatarsal gives rise to
Two dorsal digital arteries
First dorsal digital is a branch of the
1st dorsal metatarsal
10th dorsal digital is branch of
4th dorsal metatarsal
what connects dorsal metatarsal arteries with deep plantar arch
perforating arteries
Deep plantar artery
One of the terminal branches of dorsalis pedis
Goes to plantar side and joins with deep plantar arch of lateral plantar artery
First dorsal metatarsal artery
terminal branch of dorsalis pedis
gives rise to three dorsal digital arteries
- Dorsalis venous arch
- Medial and lateral dorsal digital veins
- Medial and lateral marginal veins
- Great saphenous
- Small saphenous
Dorsal venous arch gives off the
dorsal metatarsal veins
dorsal digital veins
Medial dorsal vein
1st toe
Lateral dorsal vein
5th toe