The establishment of the Dual authority: the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet (2) Flashcards
What did the Grand Duke Mikhail do?
He claimed political authority to assemble a “Provisional Government”.
Who was the Provisional Government under?
Prince Lvov
Who was Prince Lvov?
A wealthy aristocrat and zemstvo leader.
What did the Provisional Governments members represent?
A cross-section of the influential elites and comprised those who had formerly favoured constitutional monarchy liberals, moderate socialsts and Kadets.
What was the Provisional Government there for?
It would be temporary and that elections would take place as soon as possible for a new Constituent Assembly.
Where did the Provisional Government set it’s self up?
In the Duma chamber the right wing of the Tauride Palace in Petrograd.
What did the Majority of the workers, soldiers and peasants think of the Provisional Government?
That it was a self-appointed committee of the wealthy, tainted by their previous associations with tsardom.
Who did the workers, soldiers and peasants prefer over the Provisional Government?
The Petrograd Soviet
Where did the Petrograd Soviet set it’s self up?
In the left wing of the Tauride Palace.
Who were the Petrograd Soviet made up of?
Radical socialist intellectuals, Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries but also a small number of Bolsheviks.
How many of the 42 committee members were workers themselves?
What did the Petrograd Soviet lack?
The Confidence needed to assume direct control
What happened due to some delicate negotiations by Kerensky?
An agreement for the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet to work together was reached.
Who was Kerensky apart of?
Both the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet.
Due to the agreement between the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet what did this lay the foundations for?
The “Dual authority”
What was the Dual authority?
Whereby Russia was governed by an alliance of the Provisional Government and Soviet.
What did the Soviet make no attempt to do?
To demand for land redistribution or the nationalism of industry.
What promises did the Soviet accept from the Provisional Government? (5)
1) A general amnesty for political prisoners
2) Civil liberties
3) The abolition of legal disabilities based on class, religion and nationality
4) Freedom to organise trade unions and to strike
5) The election of a Constituent Assembly
What did the Provisional Government state in April?
“the power of the state should be based, not on violence but on the consent of free citizens to the power they themselves created”.
What did this new government bring to Russia?
Gave freedom of religion and the press, abolished the death penalty, replaced the tsarist police force with a “people’s militia” and dismissed Provincial Governors, giving their work to the elected zemstva.
What did the Provisional Government try to do with army deserters and in towns
Tried to discipline army deserters and restore order in towns and countryside
What did the Soviets encourage the peasants and workers to do?
To defy authority and assert their “rights”.
What was the Provisional Governments opinion on war?
It should lead to an all-out effort to “win” in the war.
What was the Soviets opinion on war?
The war should be ended as quickly as possible “without annexation” of territory by the Germans.
What was Milyukov’s announcement in April 1917?
That the government would continue fighting until a “just peace” had been won.
What did Milyukov’s announcement lead to?
It led to Milyukov and Guchkov to resign under popular pressure led by the Petrograd Soviet in May.
Who replaced Milyukov and Guchkov?
By socialists from the Soviet- Viktor Chernov became Minister of Agriculture, Aleksandr Kerensky became Minister of War and two further Mensheviks were added to the cabinet.
When was Lvov replaced as Chairman?
In July 1917
What did the population feel about war in Russia?
The war was deeply unpopular among the population however the Provisional Government felt bound by their alliance with Britain and France and relied on French loans for survival.