The causes, course and extent of the October 1917 revolution (4) Flashcards
When did the events of the Bolsheviks revolution begin?
On the 25th October 1917.
Was Kerensky aware of the dangers posed by the Bolsheviks?
He was well aware yet he seemed powerless to do anything to stop their assault.
When did Kerensky act and what did he do?
He acted on 23rd October, it was to order the printers of the two Bolshevik newspapers (Pravda and Izvestia) to cease activities, to attempt to restrict the power of the Military Revolutionary Committee and to send troops to raise the bridges linking the working class area of Petrograd and the city center.
What prevented Kerensky from doing what he was about to do?
By troops loyal to the Bolsheviks who claimed that his actions were a betrayal of the Soviet.
What gave the Bolsheviks an excuse to act?
Kerensky’s move
What happened on the 24th October 1917?
Through the night of 24th-25th October, 5000 soldiers and sailors from Kronstadt moved into the city and Bolshevik red Guards began to take over key government buildings and positions in Petrograd.
On the 24th October 1917 what sorts of things did the Bolsheviks take over? (7)
1) telephone exchanges
2) post office
3) railway stations
4) news agency,
5) state bank
6) bridges
7) power stations.
What was Lenin doing while the Bolsheviks were establishing control and taking their positions?
He remained in hiding until the evening when he traveled to Smolny to take charge of the insurrection.
What happened on the 25th October?
Kerensky left Petrograd in an attempt to rally military support. Red Guard soldiers and sailors surrounded the Winter Palace which was threatened by artillery from the guns of the battleship Aurora.
When was the blank shot fired from the Aurora?
On the 25th October at 9:40pm
What did the blank shot from the Aurora signify?
The signal for the beginning of the Bolshevik attack, during which the Red Guard was easily able to penetrate the building. Only one shot hit the Palace and most went into the river.
What happened on the 26th of October?
The Congress greeted the announcement of the capture of the Winter palace and the arrest of the remaining members of the Provisional Government.
What was the day spent doing on the 26th October 1917?
“Mopping up operations” on the streets, at 9:00pm Lenin’s Decree on Peace, to end the war, was adopted unanimously.
What happened on the 27th October?
At 2:00am Lenin’s Decree on Land was agreed and the Bolshevik faction put forward their proposals for the re-organisation of the government, these were opposed by the Mensheviks and SR’s.
What created to run the government on 27th October?
A “Soviet of People’s Commissars” known as the Sovnarkom.
What made up the Sovnarkom?
Included only Bolsheviks because the left-wing SR’s refused to join.
What was Lenin elected as and when?
Lenin was elected as the chairman of the Soviet of people’s Commissar and on the 27th October 1917.
How many people did Trotsky claim to be actively involved and what percentage of workers and soldiers in the city?
25,000 to 30,000 “at most” thus around 5% of all workers and soldiers in the city.
How many people were in the square in front of the Winter Palace on the evening of 25th October?
10,000 to 15,000 but many would have been bystanders and not actually involved.
How many were recorded to have died during the 3 days of takeover?
No more than 5 deaths.
Why was there not many deaths during the Bolshevik takeover?
The Provisional Government had hardly any military resources left with which to combat the assault.
Did the takeover affect Petrograd?
It remained unaffected; trams and taxis ran as normal and restaurants, theatres and cinemas remained open.